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280. Our Midwest Adventures and 5 Faster Ways To Wealth

Level Up Babe

Release Date: 08/28/2023

290. 2 Things Getting In the Way of Connecting with Your Spouse show art 290. 2 Things Getting In the Way of Connecting with Your Spouse

Level Up Babe

Hey there! Before we dive into today's podcast, let me give you a sneak peek into my chaotic life as a mom wrangling kids for dinner and soccer practice. But hey, this won't be a long episode. I'm thrilled to share that come January, I'm launching a new course, and if you're on the email list, you'll be the first to know, with some exclusive offers coming your way. Today, I'm delving into a topic close to my heart—relationships. I've been thinking about two major hurdles we often face: firstly, not seeing people from the heart, reacting instead of understanding; and secondly, the reluctance...

289. 10 Things To Heal Your Marriage Now show art 289. 10 Things To Heal Your Marriage Now

Level Up Babe

In this podcast episode, I share the transformative journey of healing my marriage, marked by infidelity, addiction, and a pursuit of thriving. Outlining ten crucial steps, I stress the significance of seeking external support, individual and collective growth, honest communication about needs, and facing the fear of divorce. Personal accounts include breaking harmful patterns, releasing resentment, and transforming body language. The narrative concludes with the power of seeing one's partner with fresh eyes. I invite listeners to explore additional resources, including the full marriage story...

288. 7 Steps to Resolving Conflict In Your Marriage show art 288. 7 Steps to Resolving Conflict In Your Marriage

Level Up Babe

Hey there, it's Joy Harrington, and I'm thrilled to have you on the show today. We're tackling a topic close to many hearts – the connection between resentment and libido. On my Instagram, I often dive into how these two aspects, especially for women, are intertwined. Resentment can be a significant barrier to emotional and physical intimacy, often rooted in communication breakdowns. Today, let's focus on practical communication strategies to break down those barriers. From practicing active listening to choosing the right time and place, these steps can make a real difference. Remember,...

287. 2 Things You are Doing That Are Making You Feel Alone In Marriage show art 287. 2 Things You are Doing That Are Making You Feel Alone In Marriage

Level Up Babe

In this podcast episode, I open up about the pervasive issue of feeling alone within marriages and share my journey in flipping this narrative. Drawing from recent coaching experiences and personal reflections, I explore the common thread of women feeling overwhelmed by the belief that everything is solely their responsibility. I delve into the root causes, pinpointing childhood influences and the impact of societal expectations, particularly the pitfalls of control and perfectionism. Sharing a poignant personal story about a pivotal moment in my own marriage, I stress the significance of...

286. When Doubt and Fear Hit and You feel like a CRAZY person, DO THIS instead. show art 286. When Doubt and Fear Hit and You feel like a CRAZY person, DO THIS instead.

Level Up Babe

In this episode, I, Joy Harrington, find myself driving to an appointment, lost in thought about that inner narrative we all grapple with – that voice telling us we're messing things up, that we're not good enough, that we've made a mistake. I've realized that this critical voice often emerges when I take a chance on something new, something I truly want, and that's a sign I need to confront deep-seated beliefs holding me back. It's an uncomfortable battle within, where I've learned that retreating or backtracking only keeps me in the same old loop. The key, I've discovered, is to lean into...

285. Getting what you NEED in relationship show art 285. Getting what you NEED in relationship

Level Up Babe

In this episode, I delve into the crucial topic of asking for what you need in your marriage. I begin by sharing a personal story of someone seeking advice on feeling unheard and unfulfilled in their relationship. It's a common struggle, and I stress the importance of open communication to avoid resentment and unhappiness. I highlight the link between self-alignment and personal responsibility, underlining that we have the power to change our circumstances by being true to our desires. Making wise decisions, facing fears, and taking control of our lives are key themes discussed. I also...

284. 5 Things to Flip Resentment in your Marriage TODAY show art 284. 5 Things to Flip Resentment in your Marriage TODAY

Level Up Babe

In this episode, I dive into what I've discovered as the primary cause of divorce in today's marriages – resentment. I explain how resentment accumulates as stored negative emotions within our bodies over time, often stemming from unaddressed issues or suppressed feelings. As a result, it can lead to communication breakdown, unresolved conflicts, emotional disconnection, and a lack of forgiveness. These factors impact intimacy, trust, and equality within relationships. I offer five actionable steps to tackle resentment head-on, including identifying, owning, and processing it both physically...

283. 7 Steps To Create Freedom From Resentment NOW show art 283. 7 Steps To Create Freedom From Resentment NOW

Level Up Babe

In this episode, I'm excited to share a transformative seven-step forgiveness process that has had a profound impact on my life and relationships. I learned this powerful method from my coach, who inherited it from her coach, and it's been a game-changer. This process helps you release resentment by addressing the stories and lenses that shape your perceptions. I'll guide you through each step, from listing your complaints as personal stories to identifying the lenses through which you view them. We'll explore empathy, the recognition of unspoken agreements, and the importance of focusing on...

282. My husband became my safe place when....diving into this viral reel and giving you THE HOW to help you switch this in your marriage. show art 282. My husband became my safe place when....diving into this viral reel and giving you THE HOW to help you switch this in your marriage.

Level Up Babe

In this podcast episode, I reflect on the pivotal moments when I realized my husband had become my safe place and share insights on fostering a strong, intimate relationship. I discuss the importance of shifting perspective, separating facts from interpretations, and the power of empathy through the seven-step forgiveness process. I emphasize the need to avoid diving into logistics upon a partner's return home, advocating for creating genuine connections instead. I delve into releasing resentment through emotional processing and physical practices, acknowledging the role of body language in...

281. Are you tired of results you don't love? It's time for the next level you to DIRECT your life show art 281. Are you tired of results you don't love? It's time for the next level you to DIRECT your life

Level Up Babe

In this episode, I delve into the significance of being the director of my own life rather than constantly outsourcing vital decisions. I illustrate this idea with relatable examples, like my visits to the nail salon, where I often grapple with whether to speak up or accept results I don't like.   I discuss the adverse effects of continuous outsourcing, such as feeling lost and building up resentment. I stress the value of having a clear vision for different aspects of my life and making swift decisions while trusting my instincts. Additionally, I emphasize the importance of...

More Episodes

Today, I'm thrilled to share powerful lessons I gained during a remarkable two-week adventure in Indiana. My time with successful friends revealed fresh perspectives on building wealth. From their open-mindedness, embracing others' expertise, and fostering positivity, to their genuine kindness and accountability, I discovered five unconventional keys to success. These insights remind us that wealth isn't just about finances; it's a mindset and approach that shapes our reality. As you listen to this episode, remember that true wealth emerges from who you become and how you engage with the world. By incorporating these unconventional principles into your journey, you'll witness transformation in both your internal and external realities. Stay tuned for more enriching discussions on this podcast! 


“You have to be in order to scale to a certain degree. You cannot just be you doing everything. You'll burn yourself out, you won't be able to go as far when you're the person having to come up with all of the answers.”


  • Successful individuals exhibit a remarkable willingness to consider new ideas, suggestions, and even dissenting viewpoints

  • These individuals understand the value of seeking expertise beyond their own 

  • The power of positivity shines through in their daily lives

  • Expressing gratitude not only builds strong relationships but also contributes to their success

  • Instead of blaming external factors, they take ownership of their actions and decisions


Link for the resentment trap: https://www.levelupbabe.com/thelevelupclub



Connect with me:
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Website: level-up-babe.mykajabi.com
Instagram: @joyharrington.ig / @levelupbabe.ig
Facebook: Joy Harrington
TikTok: @joyharrington01
YouTube: Joy Harrington - LEVEL UP Babe



Lisa Bilyeu on women’s empowerment: 

“Cheer for your girls like you got pom-poms at a pep rally.” - Lisa Bilyeu 

Lisa Bilyeu on women helping women: 

“Choose your life’s board members like you’re building a Fortune 500 company.” - Lisa Bilyeu 

Lisa Bilyeu on being a boss: 

“Be brave. Fearless. Be badass at 15 years old. Be badass at 80 years old.” - Lisa Bilyeu

Lisa Bilyeu on personal development: 

“If you’re still looking for that one person who will change your life, take a look in the mirror.” - Lisa Bileyu

Glennon Doyle on women’s empowerment: 

“People who need help sometimes look a lot like people who don’t need help.” - Glennon Doyle

Glennon Doyle on being yourself: 

“Every girl must decide whether to be true to herself or true to the world.” - Glennon Doyle

Glennon Doyle on personal development: 

“What if pain - like love - is just a place brave people visit?” - Glennon Doyle

Glennon Doyle on being yourself: 

“I have met myself and I am going to care for her fiercely.” - Glennon Doyle

Mel Robbins on personal development: 

“You need to hear this loud and clear: No one is coming. It is up to you.” - Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins on being yourself: 

“There will always be someone who can't see your worth. Don't let it be you.” - Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins on being a boss: 

“You have been assigned this mountain so that you can show others it can be moved.” - Mel Robbins

Rupi Kaur on being yourself: 

“Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself.” - Rupi Kaur

Rupi Kaur on being a boss: 

“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you” - Rupi Kaur

Rupi Kaur on women’s empowerment:

“If you were born with the weakness to fall you were born with the strength to rise” - Rupi Kaur