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The impact and economics of Alzheimer’s

Lessons in Lifespan Health

Release Date: 04/26/2021

Deprescribing and medication management for older adults show art Deprescribing and medication management for older adults

Lessons in Lifespan Health

Michelle Keller is an assistant professor of gerontology and the Leonard and Sophie Davis Early Career Chair in Minority Aging at the USC Leonard Davis School. She spoke to us about her research focused on improving patient-clinician communication, medication management, and the identification of dementia in minority older adults. Here are highlights from our conversation. On polypharmacy “When it comes to older adults and medications, it's important to understand that while medications can be incredibly beneficial for treating various conditions, they can also present really unique risks in...

Improving the health and well-being of family caregivers show art Improving the health and well-being of family caregivers

Lessons in Lifespan Health

Francesca Falzarano is an assistant professor of gerontology at the USC Leonard Davis School. Her research is inspired by her personal experience as a caregiver to her parents and explores how to improve the mental health and well-being of family caregivers, including through the use of technology. On young caregivers “I think right now it's estimated that five and a half million individuals are under the age of 18 are caring for a parent or some family member with chronic illness, mental health issues, dementia-related illnesses, and other age-related impairments. So, this is something...

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Lessons in Lifespan Health

Lauren Brown is an assistant professor at the USC Leonard Davis School. Her research uses publicly available data to uncover the unique difficulties Black Americans face in maintaining physical and psychological well-being as they age. Her lab both challenges the methods used to study older Black adults and strives to increase diversity in data science research with the goal of increasing the visibility of Black and Brown people via data and storytelling. Quotes from the episode On the role of racism in biomedical and statistical sciences and disease prediction If you think about the...

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Lessons in Lifespan Health

Patrick Corbin is an associate professor of practice at the USC Gloria Kaufman School and an internationally renowned dance artist whose career has spanned over 30 years and bridged the worlds of classical ballet, modern and contemporary dance. He recently spoke to us about his work, exploring the positive effects that dance can have on neurology. On movement and movement therapy Well, on a neurological level movement is cognition. Movement stimulates cognition.  So that's sort of the sciencey part. The other part is that dance is a multifaceted, multilingual way of movement, and...

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Lessons in Lifespan Health

Connie Cortes is an assistant professor of gerontology at the USC Leonard Davis School. Her work straddles the fields of neuroscience and exercise medicine, and she recently spoke to us about her research seeking to understand what is behind the beneficial effects of exercise on the brain with the goal of developing what she calls “exercise in a pill” therapies for cognitive decline associated with aging and neurodegenerative diseases.  On brain plasticity and brain aging Brain plasticity we define as the ability of the brain to adapt to new conditions. And this can be mean...

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Lessons in Lifespan Health

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Lessons in Lifespan Health

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Lessons in Lifespan Health

is a Distinguished Professor of gerontology, molecular and computational biology, and biochemistry and molecular medicine at USC. Over the course of his career, he has played a central role in defining the pathways and mechanisms by which the body is able to maintain balance under stress and in uncovering the role aging plays in disrupting this balancing act. He recently joined Professor George Shannon to discuss his research on how the body is able to maintain balance under stress and the implications it could have for preventing age-related disease and decline.   Quotes from this...

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Lessons in Lifespan Health

is the Mary Pickford Chair in Gerontology and director of the at the USC Leonard Davis School. She's also the co-director of the National Center on Elder Abuse, which is housed at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. She recently spoke to George Shannon about her research, including her work exploring ways to provide long-term care services and supports that allow older adults to be as independent as possible and the challenges and opportunities that technology provides in this area. Quotes from this episode On building on lessons learned during the pandemic “I think a lot of what we saw...

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Lessons in Lifespan Health

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Julie Zissimopoulos is an associate professor in the USC Price School of Public Policy and the co-director of the Aging and Cognition Program at the USC Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics, where she’s also a senior fellow and the director of two NIA-funded centers that support innovative social science research on dementia.

She recently spoke to us about her research using economic insights to better understand the impact of Alzheimer’s disease on individuals, families, caregivers, and society.

On the demographics of Alzheimer’s disease:

“People are living longer than ever. So, for example, today about 50 million Americans are aged 65 and older. It was about half that in 1950. And by 2050, US census projects about 20% of the population will be 65 and older. And age is one of the foremost risk factors for Alzheimer's and other dementias. So what does this mean for our future? Well, it means that without new treatments or innovations or ways to prevent or delay Alzheimer's and dementia, the number of persons living with this disease will be about 12 million by 2050.

The risk of Alzheimer's is really a risk at older ages and it rises dramatically with age. So for individuals 65 to 79, about 7% of them will have dementia. But in your eighties, the risk of dementia is about 20% prevalence. And by 85 and older, if you live that long, about 40% of those persons will have Alzheimer's. It's also much higher for women than men. And that difference is not explained just by the longer lifespans of women compared to men. It's also about one and a half to two times higher for Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, and indigenous Americans compared to whites. And we know a little bit about what explains some of the differences by race. Some of its explained by education and prevalence of chronic conditions that are associated with higher risk of dementia, like hypertension and diabetes, but it does not explain it all.”

On cognitive assessments at wellness visits

“We collected data from a nationally representative sample of older Americans to understand better their use of annual wellness visit and the cognitive assessments. And what we found that was only about a quarter of them who received an annual visit also reported receiving a cognitive assessment. And this was higher for beneficiaries who were in Medicare Advantage-type plans versus those who were in the traditional Medicare plans. And this might have an important indication that these traditional benefit plans, the Medicare benefit plans, where there's direct service-related payment for a set of bundled services, like at the annual wellness visit, may not be a very efficient way to increase our cognitive assessments. We also, I think, have some opportunities to improve our policy around cognitive assessments. Right now there's no guidance about what constitutes a cognitive assessment or how it should be performed. So a clinician can use a structured tool, which we have many of, or they might just ask the beneficiary, the patient, if they're concerned about their memory. And so all of these factors may affect whether we are actually providing good early detection or not.”

On the costs of Alzheimer’s

“Along with the incredible health toll that Alzheimer's and dementia takes on a person and their families, it also takes an incredible, tremendous financial on the person who's living with dementia and their family. Alzheimer's disease leads to cognitive decline slowly destroying the brain functioning. It also leads for many to behavioral and psychiatric disorders and declines in ability to self-care, functional status. And all of this is extremely, extremely costly. So we estimated the costs for all the persons with Alzheimer's disease, other medical care costs in long-term care costs, and it's about $200 billion. But that's only a partial a portion of the costs. So as I mentioned persons with dementia need a lot of care and much of this care is provided by family members, unpaid care. And if you value the hours of family members caregiving, that's about a hundred billion dollars So we're talking about over $300 billion in costs of care for dementia. And this is more than the cost of cancer and heart disease combined .

There is a growing literature… looking at what are these impacts on the unpaid care provided by family members and other caregivers. And there's very consistent evidence that there is negative health effects, particularly on mental health. Caregiving for a person with dementia, particularly as the disease progresses from mild symptoms to severe is a very stressful type of caregiving. There's a very long arm of financial impacts. For spouses, wealth is consumed to pay for long-term care. So care in a facility such as a nursing home can cost anywhere between $50-100 thousand a year. And most families don't qualify for Medicare that reimburses for the cost of long-term care. And for adult children who are caregivers there's impacts on their work productivity, their ability to maintain work in the labor force on their income. We don't have, as a nation, national family leave policies to support and pay for time away from work for caring for older family members with dementia or other conditions.”

On the need for policy changes

“I think one important policy change is we need solutions to support family caregivers in the workplace, compensation programs. But this isn't going to be enough. Demographic trends suggest that family caregiving as the main source of care is likely not sustainable. People are having fewer children and they are more Americans with dementia. So we really need an insurance system to cover long-term care. The current system does not function well who, who take it up, tend to only be those at high risk with very high healthcare costs. So we need to be a little innovative here, maybe consider a voluntary auto enrollment in long-term care insurance with an opt-out much like what has worked well in the retirement savings market. Medicare could also help; we had a new benefit of Part D that covers drug expenditures and protects against very high out-of-pocket spending for those beneficiaries with high drug expenditures. This was very successful. Medicare could do something similar for long-term care, but it will be very costly. So we will need to figure out who will pay, how we will finance this and, and, and who is going to bear the costs of this. Will it be the younger generation through taxes on, say, health insurance premiums? If so, how are we going to make sure that they don't bear the full burden?”

On future research goals

“I'm very interested in continuing to try to understand how drugs for our chronic conditions are affecting our risk of Alzheimer's. Looking at anti-diabetics right now, and some of those drugs that are potentially increasing risk of Alzheimer's and dementia. I've been working on understanding and reducing barriers to early detection, how we might improve that and have some real impact there. And then there are many policy changes that are happening to Medicare, new benefits and Medicare advantage and these could all impact the care and quality of life for persons living with dementia. And it's important for us to understand what care systems best serve the needs of those individuals, protect against financial impacts for them and their families.”

On the importance of social science research

“…Social science has a lot to offer in terms of identifying opportunities to reduce risk, reduce disparities in risk and improve quality of life and care, and really reduce financial burden. And at the USC Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics and in collaboration with the school of gerontology, we have two NIH funded centers that support grant awards and mentorship opportunities for social science scholars who are interested in this area of research. Through efforts like this and growing this area of research, I think we can make immediate impact while we hopefully wait for clinical development of that drug that everyone is hoping for.”