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Podcast #66: Jack Johnson - Manchester, TN - 6/14/08

The Live Music Podcast

Release Date: 06/12/2010

Podcast #69: The Black Keys - Dover, Delaware - 7/22/12 show art Podcast #69: The Black Keys - Dover, Delaware - 7/22/12

The Live Music Podcast

You know it has been a long since you've done a podcast when you have to go back to your own site to find out the next episode number.  This is episode 69 of the Live Music Podcast....

One Million Downloads! show art One Million Downloads!

The Live Music Podcast

Thanks for helping this podcast reach a major milestone!

Podcast #68: Michael Jackson Tribute - Kansas City, MO - 4/15/11 show art Podcast #68: Michael Jackson Tribute - Kansas City, MO - 4/15/11

The Live Music Podcast

Welcome back, don’t call it a comeback, to the live music podcast episode 68.  It has been quite some time since the last show and without going into too many details it was a break that was needed but it is good to be back.  After such a long time is was going to take a very special concert to get me going again and I think that is what I have in store for you on this show. The music I will be featuring is the first tribute concert to be featured on the livemusicpodcast and it will be a tough one to follow up on for any others.  I heard about a Michael Jackson tribute...

Podcast #67: The White Stripes - Manchester, TN - 6/17/07 show art Podcast #67: The White Stripes - Manchester, TN - 6/17/07

The Live Music Podcast

I am very pleased to announce the Live Music Podcast Facebook page has surpassed the 100 mark.  Thanks to everyone for joining up and helping me reach this goal!  I am now one step closer to having more fans than the pickle.I’ve been wanting to feature a White Stripes concert for some time but especially after I watched their recent concert documentary Under Great White Northern Lights.  If you have yet to see this I very highly recommend it.  The film follows Jack and Meg White on their tour across Canada, making a stop at every single province and territory. ...

Podcast #66: Jack Johnson - Manchester, TN - 6/14/08 show art Podcast #66: Jack Johnson - Manchester, TN - 6/14/08

The Live Music Podcast

First off the Live Music Podcast Facebook fan count has increased its number to 96 and is incredibly close to my goal of 100 so thank you and welcome to the new fans.  With any luck by the next podcast it’ll be over that magic 100 number.  With the timing of this episode it was pretty apparent to me that it was time to bring back an old favorite to the podcast.  Most of you are probably aware that Bonnaroo happens around this time of year and also that Jack Johnson has a new release recently out called ‘To The Sea’.  I thought it would be very fitting to...

Featured Videos #13: OK Go - Acoustic Webcast - 5/24/10 show art Featured Videos #13: OK Go - Acoustic Webcast - 5/24/10

The Live Music Podcast

I hadn't heard acoustic versions of any of OK Go's songs until seeing this, very cool.  I do miss the laser guitars a little bit though.

Featured Videos #12: Barenaked Ladies - Talk to the Hand Live in Michigan show art Featured Videos #12: Barenaked Ladies - Talk to the Hand Live in Michigan

The Live Music Podcast

Here's a quick follow up video to the last podcast.  Enjoy!

Podcast #65: Barenaked Ladies - Holmdel, NJ - 7/31/98 show art Podcast #65: Barenaked Ladies - Holmdel, NJ - 7/31/98

The Live Music Podcast

Real quick I want to bring attention to the Live Music Podcast Facebook Fan page where the total number of fans is now up to 92.  First off thanks to everyone already there, but I think it would be great to get that number over 100.  If you haven't joined or know someone that you think might please let them know.  To do this click the Like button on the Facebook gadget.The featured artist for this edition of the Live Music Podcast is my favorite Canadian alternative-rock group of all time, the Barenaked Ladies.  There are some bands where the live show is basically a...

Album Pick #9: Backyard Tire Fire - Good to Be (only $5!) show art Album Pick #9: Backyard Tire Fire - Good to Be (only $5!)

The Live Music Podcast

Right now you can download the latest album from for only $5 on .  That's a very high rock to cash ratio.  

Featured Stream #23: The Dead Weather Perform Their New Album Live (today)! show art Featured Stream #23: The Dead Weather Perform Their New Album Live (today)!

The Live Music Podcast

I wish I could have gotten this posted earlier but better late than never.  Today at 5PM CST The Dead Weather will be performing their new album Sea of Cowards, streamed live via their MySpace page.  Should be interesting to say the least.  Also Sea of Cowards will be officially released on May 11th so mark that date on your calendars!Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!...

More Episodes

First off the Live Music Podcast Facebook fan count has increased its number to 96 and is incredibly close to my goal of 100 so thank you and welcome to the new fans.  With any luck by the next podcast it’ll be over that magic 100 number. 

With the timing of this episode it was pretty apparent to me that it was time to bring back an old favorite to the podcast.  Most of you are probably aware that Bonnaroo happens around this time of year and also that Jack Johnson has a new release recently out called ‘To The Sea’.  I thought it would be very fitting to feature his 2008 Bonnaroo recording which t features a tremendous set with amazing sound quality and even a guest appearance by Eddie Vedder.  Not sure what more one could ask for, hope you enjoy it!

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Jack Johnson - Manchester, TN - 6/14/08

Song Listing
1) All At Once
2) Better Together
3) Hope
4) Taylor
5) Flake
6) Sleep Through The Static
7) Staple It Together
8) Monsoon
9) Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
10) Constellations
11) Breakdown
12) Same Girl
13) Mother and Child Reunion >
14) Inaudible Melodies
15) If I Had Eyes

Animal Liberation Orchestra - Isla Vista, CA - 4/24/04

Bonus Song Listing
1) Isla Vista Song
2) Girl, I Wanna Lay You Down
3) Valentine's Day
4) Easy Like Sunday Morning

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!

To The Sea   En Concert   Sleep Through The Static   More...
Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes   More from Itunes...


Check out tour dates for the Jack Johnson here