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Loner In Space - Chapter 19 -As If That Isn't Bad Enough

Loner In Space

Release Date: 09/12/2009

Loner In Space - Chapter 23 - Other Books show art Loner In Space - Chapter 23 - Other Books

Loner In Space

If you enjoyed this book, there are others available from the same author. Check out: "The Gateway" - the story of two boys who accidentally fall through some sort of gateway that takes them.... well listen to the book and you'll find out just where they go and what happens to them.Then there is the TSOT trilogy:"The Sphere of Time", "The Sphere of Travel"; and "The Sphere of Transition"You can download the first two books for free from podiobooks.comComing soon to Podiobooks...."Regenis 4 Chronicles" - the story of two young lads who discover a very dangerous secret, but there's no one...

Loner In Space - Chapter 22 Friends Stick Together show art Loner In Space - Chapter 22 Friends Stick Together

Loner In Space

 It seems to be happening, the hand over of the alien to his own people, but it is a tense time, on slip up and it could end up in a battle, that neither side really want now. What can Paul do to make things happen?  Just what can an eleven year old do that all these adults around him can't?

Loner In Space - Chapter 21 - Making Arrangements show art Loner In Space - Chapter 21 - Making Arrangements

Loner In Space

We have a plan, but will the officials of earth agree to it and come to that, will the aliens co-operate?  In this chapter there are a lot of discussions, but will anyone agree to anything?Music Outrospecive by Proxymo available from musicalley.com.The Adventure continues.... Just make sure you stick with The Loner in Space.SciFiStories.co.uk   and    podiobooks.com

Loner In Space - Chapter 20 - Care show art Loner In Space - Chapter 20 - Care

Loner In Space

So OK Paul is safe, but what about the alien?  He's alive, but is he well?  Paul struggles to get answers to his questions about the alien.  Then comes the problem, of how to get him back to his own people.Music Outrospecive by Proxymo available from musicalley.com.The Adventure continues.... Just make sure you stick with The Loner in Space.SciFiStories.co.uk   and    podiobooks.com

Loner In Space - Chapter 19 -As If That Isn't Bad Enough show art Loner In Space - Chapter 19 -As If That Isn't Bad Enough

Loner In Space

 One of the aliens is dead and it affects Paul considerably, the alien he has brought with him to see if he can help, turns from being an enemy to being quite suppportive of Paul.  But crashing towards the earth as they are, they have little time for feelings, the alien has found a way to sort of control the craft, but will it be enough control to be able to land safely?  Do they both survive? Am I glad I got another helping of popcorn I think I'm going to need it! ...

Loner In Space - Chapter 18 - What Can A Mere Boy Do show art Loner In Space - Chapter 18 - What Can A Mere Boy Do

Loner In Space

The startling truth of the situation has left Paul with an almost impossible task ahead of him, how can he stop the aliens from carrying out their plans.  Now that he has found out that there is more than one craft, there is still only one earth boy.What does he do to outwit the aliens?

Loner In Space - Chapter 17 - Home But At What Cost show art Loner In Space - Chapter 17 - Home But At What Cost

Loner In Space

Paul makes a broadcast to the people of earth, in the hope that they will allow the alien craft to safely return Paul home.The aliens have a little plan of their own though.  When Paul finds out what they are up to is it too late to stop them and in any case how can one mere eleven year old stop a craft full of aliens?

Loner In Space - Chapter 16 - Understanding show art Loner In Space - Chapter 16 - Understanding

Loner In Space

There is one big problem... how are the aliens and Paul going to understand each other?In this chapter, Paul finds a way to communicate.The aliens now seem to want to help Paul get better and return to his own planet.A plan is made and the journey starts, but will the alien craft be shot down when it reaches the earth?

Loner In Space - Chapter 15 - Harm show art Loner In Space - Chapter 15 - Harm

Loner In Space

 Paul has managed to find a craft and it is empty, but by the time he has checked it all out, he's so tired that he has fallen asleep.He is discovered by the aliens and taken to the building.  What are they planning to do with Paul?  Will he come to any harm?

Loner In Space - Chapter 14 - Challenges show art Loner In Space - Chapter 14 - Challenges

Loner In Space

Paul is still suffering, his breathing is painful and laboured. He feels really out of condition, a hill like that, he'd leap up it at home, but here?    Paul makes it to another building, but the guard has a good view of all approaches.  Paul needs somehow to get through or round the building, but how?   Music Outrospecive by Proxymo available from musicalley.com.The Adventure continues.... Just make sure you stick with The Loner in Space.www.SciFiStories.co.uk   and    podiobooks.com 

More Episodes

 One of the aliens is dead and it affects Paul considerably, the alien he has brought with him to see if he can help, turns from being an enemy to being quite suppportive of Paul.  But crashing towards the earth as they are, they have little time for feelings, the alien has found a way to sort of control the craft, but will it be enough control to be able to land safely?  Do they both survive? Am I glad I got another helping of popcorn I think I'm going to need it!

Music Outrospecive by Proxymo available from musicalley.com.
The Adventure continues.... Just make sure you stick with The Loner in Space.

SciFiStories.co.uk   and    podiobooks.com