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Ep5: Sam Beeson "Read the Book of Mormon every day. It transforms people. It changes them."

Making a Missionary | Prepare for your LDS Mission | Learn from future and returned missionaries and church educators | Get inspired

Release Date: 02/20/2017

Ep5: Sam Beeson Ep5: Sam Beeson "Read the Book of Mormon every day. It transforms people. It changes them."

Making a Missionary | Prepare for your LDS Mission | Learn from future and returned missionaries and church educators | Get inspired

Success is a process, and Sam understands that.  It is our personal uniqueness that contributes to the work in a very special way.  As missionaries, we have a responsibility to be ourselves.  Sam has always had a passion for personal conversion.  He always knew he wanted to be a missionary.  And, as a young teenager, obedience to the Lord's desire for him to serve a mission was part of his character.   Sam served in the Scotland, Edinburgh Mission with courage and a sense of humor.  He touched many lives and was involved in the conversion of...

Ep4: Eliza Johnson Ep4: Eliza Johnson "One word... humility. That's it."

Making a Missionary | Prepare for your LDS Mission | Learn from future and returned missionaries and church educators | Get inspired

Eliza Johnson served in the Minnesota, Minneapolis mission from  May 2013 to November 2014 and currently lives in Orem, Utah.  What a wonderful missionary Eliza must have been.  Her devout testimony and resolve to share it indeed made her service to the people in her mission a successful one.  In this episode you'll see that personal conversion is key to assisting the conversion to others.  But, as Eliza puts it, perhaps the most important aspects that make up a great missionary are reliance on the Spirit of God and humility.   [caption id="attachment_454"...

Ep3: Kevin Clayson Ep3: Kevin Clayson "Did you attempt to leave that individual better off and blessed?"

Making a Missionary | Prepare for your LDS Mission | Learn from future and returned missionaries and church educators | Get inspired

It's not about the skills or the baptisms.  Being a successful missionary is about love and gratitude.  Kevin literally wrote the book on gratitude.  Check it out on .  As an author on the subject, he has learned how to be grateful in every situation, not just when life is good.  But, he has learned that love overcomes all difficulties that come with serving a mission.   Kevin served in Berlin, Germany where his experiences helped shape his magnetic, positive attitude.  He traces every single good thing in his life back to his decision to serve a...

Ep2: Matthew Johnson Ep2: Matthew Johnson "...having the ability to have the Holy Ghost with you all the time."

Making a Missionary | Prepare for your LDS Mission | Learn from future and returned missionaries and church educators | Get inspired

What's the most important trait that contributes to being a successful missionary?  According to Matthew, it is "having the ability to have the Holy Ghost with you all the time."  After all, you're doing the Lord's work.  So, having the Spirit with you is critical to being where he wants you to be.  I agree. Matthew served in the Indonesia Jakarta Mission where he discovered some very important attributes of success.  Through his experiences before and during his mission, he solidified his commitment to the Lord.  Even since returning home in 2014 he has been...

Ep1: Kyle Van Genderen Ep1: Kyle Van Genderen "Be Yourself. God Called YOU."

Making a Missionary | Prepare for your LDS Mission | Learn from future and returned missionaries and church educators | Get inspired

One of the biggest struggles of being a missionary is finding your groove.  Kyle Van Genderen (conveniently named Elder Van) learned early why it's important to be the missionary God wants you to be-- YOU.  Kyle is from Meridian, Idaho and currently lives just north of there in Star.  He is an English M.A. and husband and father of 2 (soon to be 3).  He is working on his PhD teaching English Literature and Speech to high school students at an alternative school.  As a teenager, Kyle had a life altering experience that taught him how to rely on the spirit.  He...

Ep0: Introduction show art Ep0: Introduction

Making a Missionary | Prepare for your LDS Mission | Learn from future and returned missionaries and church educators | Get inspired

Here we go!  'Making a Missionary' is finally out there.  This, my first episode is a brief introduction of what this podcast is all about.  If you are a future missionary, returned missionary or just looking for some inspiration and motivation to help you stay strong and live your values, this podcast is for you. My aim is to connect you with some of the Lord's most valiant servants who have dedicated their lives to living the gospel and relying on their faith in Jesus Christ.  They will inspire, motivate and uplift you as you listen to them share their experiences and...

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Success is a process, and Sam understands that.  It is our personal uniqueness that contributes to the work in a very special way.  As missionaries, we have a responsibility to be ourselves.  Sam has always had a passion for personal conversion.  He always knew he wanted to be a missionary.  And, as a young teenager, obedience to the Lord's desire for him to serve a mission was part of his character.   Sam served in the Scotland, Edinburgh Mission with courage and a sense of humor.  He touched many lives and was involved in the conversion of many of God's children.  As a bishop, he has a unique take on what it takes to become a successful missionary.  Enjoy this episode, and keep listening through the end for a little treat. Thank you. [caption id="attachment_515" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Just a little bagpipe serenade out front of the chapel.[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_514" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Robbie Burns Day on the mish. This is the annual celebratory tribute to the life, works and spirit of the great Scottish poet, Robert Burns.[/caption]       [caption id="attachment_512" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Eilean Donan Castle from the movie Highlander.[/caption]