#37: Trustworthy Data, the ABM/Inbound Debate, and Why You Should Push Your Product Team w/ Zak Pines
Marketing Milestones Podcast: Real Stories from Rising Stars in B2B Marketing
Release Date: 11/14/2017
Marketing Milestones Podcast: Real Stories from Rising Stars in B2B Marketing
Some say ABM is old; some say it’s new. Our guest today, Mark Ogne, Founder of the , can say he’s been around since ABM’s contemporary origins. Listen in as he shares his three perspectives on ABM As a marketing practitioner. As a marketing leader. As a researcher studying the practice.
info_outline # 43 The Challenges of Marketing a Product in a New Category w/ Patrick RogersMarketing Milestones Podcast: Real Stories from Rising Stars in B2B Marketing
There are huge rewards if you can identify a problem in the market and solve it with a new category of technology. Studies have shown that companies who are successful in pioneering these categories end up owning the majority of the market cap associated with that category. But if you enter an established category, you’re fighting for your share and doing your best to show that your features are better than the next company’s. In this episode we interview Patrick Rogers, VP Marketing and Product Management at , about creating a new category, why you don’t have as many barriers to entry,...
info_outline #42: How Gainsight is Using Events to Spread the Word About Customer Success Management w/ Anthony KennadaMarketing Milestones Podcast: Real Stories from Rising Stars in B2B Marketing
, the CMO at , is hoping to see a Chief Customer Officer on every executive team in the nation. Anthony’s team members are experts at crafting industry events that promote engagement and provide valuable resources for customers long after the showroom floors have closed. In this episode of The Marketing Milestones Podcast, Paul and Anthony discuss the specifics of Customer Success Management, getting executives to buy into the concept, and how Gainsight came to create highly efficient and effective industry events.
info_outline #41: All About Blockchain Marketing w/ Viewstream's Joshua ShaneMarketing Milestones Podcast: Real Stories from Rising Stars in B2B Marketing
It’s an exciting time in marketing. A big reason for that excitement is blockchain marketing. Few people are experts on blockchain technology, but it seems that everyone is scrambling to get there. In this episode we interview Joshua Shane, Managing Director and VP of Strategy at . Joshua says blockchain today reminds him of “The Internet” back in the ‘90s: it’s at the beginning of its maturity, everyone can see the verticals they can apply it to, and they’re looking to understand best practices as fast as possible.
info_outline #40: Why the SDR Function Deserves Your Full Attention w/ Adam New-WatersonMarketing Milestones Podcast: Real Stories from Rising Stars in B2B Marketing
Technology is exploding around us. There are thousands upon thousands of technologies to choose from. Adam New-Waterson, Vice President of Demand Generation at , is well-versed in new technology. He’s learned to assess the needs of his business and seek out a technology that solves it. He’s got the process down to a science. In this episode, Adam shares how he chooses technology before moving on to discuss the critical role of SDRs—and why overlooking it is a major mistake.
info_outline #39: Implementing the Demand Unit Waterfall for ABM w/ Mollie BodensteinerMarketing Milestones Podcast: Real Stories from Rising Stars in B2B Marketing
Mollie Bodensteiner, Vice President of Marketing at , was one of the first people to take on the challenge of implementing the Demand Unit Waterfall. The Waterfall aligned well to FunnelWise’s ABM strategy, so Mollie went all in. She started doing research, and there wasn’t a lot out there about how to build it within your Salesforce and marketing automation platforms. That’s when she dove in and tried to identify what it meant for FunnelWise. Listen in as she shares her experiences implementing the Waterfall for her company.
info_outline #38 How Philips is Succeeding in 17 Different Markets Through the Art of Listening to Local Feedback w/ Antonio EspinozaMarketing Milestones Podcast: Real Stories from Rising Stars in B2B Marketing
Our guest today is , Global Head of Digital and Marketing Communications at . Once known for their televisions and light bulbs, Philips has made the full transition to focusing on healthcare products. Being 126 years old, Philips can often run into problems reacting slowly to market changes, but Antonio is looking to usher in a new era of pro-active solutions. This interview covers how Antonio has begun to right the ship in his department through researching which marketing metrics to focus on, establishing a regular cadence of communication with his teams, and listening to local voices...
info_outline #37: Trustworthy Data, the ABM/Inbound Debate, and Why You Should Push Your Product Team w/ Zak PinesMarketing Milestones Podcast: Real Stories from Rising Stars in B2B Marketing
Our guest today is Zak Pines, Vice President of Marketing at and author of the “” blog. Zak explains that when sales and marketing have confidence in the data in front of them, a lot of good things happen—included the end of wasted meetings. He also covers why you should use your own product and push your product team as well as his take on the balance between outbound ABM and inbound efforts.
info_outline #36 The 4 “I” Traits of a Great New Marketing Hire w/ Shail KhiyaraMarketing Milestones Podcast: Real Stories from Rising Stars in B2B Marketing
Marketing has moved from being in a broadcasting mode to being more in a listening mode. It’s about getting the customer stories out into the marketing place—which starts with effective listening. To effectively listen, you need great marketers, and great marketers take risks. In this episode Shail Khiyara, Chief Customer Officer at , shares the four I’s of essential traits he looks for in new hires and talks about some of the amazing things Blue Prism is up to in the robotic process automation space.
info_outline #35: How to Win Over Prospects Using a Personalization Platform w/ Andy ZimmermanMarketing Milestones Podcast: Real Stories from Rising Stars in B2B Marketing
Personalization is such a huge piece of marketing, especially the account-based variety. It gives you a leg-up with your prospects. We’re swimming in data. More and more marketing has become data-driven. The challenge is, what do we do with it all? In this episode Andy Zimmerman, Chief Marketing Officer at explains that we need to rely more on systems to help with personalization. You don’t want to totally turn over marketing to machines, but you absolutely need to take advantage of the systems out there.
info_outlineOur guest today is Zak Pines, Vice President of Marketing at Bedrock Data and author of the “Stories from a Moneyball Marketer” blog.
Zak explains that when sales and marketing have confidence in the data in front of them, a lot of good things happen—included the end of wasted meetings.
He also covers why you should use your own product and push your product team as well as his take on the balance between outbound ABM and inbound efforts.