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The Bride of the Lamb & The New Jerusalem part 2

Martin Reen's podcast

Release Date: 06/17/2024

The Bride of the Lamb & The New Jerusalem part 2 show art The Bride of the Lamb & The New Jerusalem part 2

Martin Reen's podcast

In this episode, we continue our study of the bride of the Lamb and the Holy City. The heavenly Jerusalem is a prophetic picture of the new creation. By studying this Holy City, we find many glorious new creation realities, that provides a lot of healing and restoration to us. We are the Bride of the Lamb & the City of God that have been called to steward His glory and bring healing to the nations! Click on this link to find my books: https://www.adlibris.com/se/sok?q=martin+re%C3%A9n

The Bride of the Lamb & The New Jerusalem part 1 show art The Bride of the Lamb & The New Jerusalem part 1

Martin Reen's podcast

We are the bride of the Lamb and in the book of Revelation we find that the bride is also a city. The heavenly Jerusalem provides a prophetic picture of the new creation. By studying this Holy City, we find many glorious new creation realities that provides a lot of healing and restoration to us. We are the Bride of the Lamb & the City of God that have been called to steward His glory and bring healing to the nations! Click on this link to find my books: https://www.adlibris.com/se/sok?q=martin+re%C3%A9n

The Burning Love of Jesus Christ show art The Burning Love of Jesus Christ

Martin Reen's podcast

The love of God is a fire that sets us ablaze with a holy passion. When we abide in His love, our hearts will be warm and tender, so that we can grow in Christlikeness. If we forget to abide in His love, our heart grows cold and we will be trapped in legalism. Jesus wants to baptize us in the fire of the Father's love everyday. Receiving that love is our main calling! Click on this link to find my books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Martin-Re%C3%A9n/author/B0B34JVCRP?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true...

The Character of the Lamb show art The Character of the Lamb

Martin Reen's podcast

The fruit of the Spirit & and the beatitudes reveals the character of the Lamb. When we abide in the love of the Father, the character of the Lamb is formed in us. In this  way, we extend the Kingdom, not only by the power of Christ but in the humility and self-giving love of Christ as well. As that happens, Jesus will shine forth through our lives, so that the world can see Christ through us. Click on this link to find my books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Martin-Re%C3%A9n/author/B0B34JVCRP?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true...

The Grace & Meekness of the Lamb show art The Grace & Meekness of the Lamb

Martin Reen's podcast

Jesus is the Lamb of God, who shepherds us in meekness and grace. His character looks like the fruit of the Spirit. He creates a culture where the weak, broken and wounded are healed and restored again. In comparison, religious and worldly power is all about dominating and oppressing people into obedience. The beast in the book of Revelation is a prophetic picture of this. But when we're rooted and grounded in the love of Christ, Jesus will shine forth in every area of our lives, and many people will be healed and set free. Click on this link to find my books: ...

The Humility & Selfgiving Love of the Lamb show art The Humility & Selfgiving Love of the Lamb

Martin Reen's podcast

Jesus is the Lamb of God. He has been given all power and authority in the universe, but He rules in grace and humility. Jesus is the Lamb that shepherds His people, and He leads us into the heart of the Father, where we are healed, restored & comformed into the image of the Lamb. Click on this link to find my books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Martin-Re%C3%A9n/author/B0B34JVCRP?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true https://www.adlibris.com/se/sok?q=martin+re%C3%A9n

The Good Shepherd Heals From the Wounds of Religion show art The Good Shepherd Heals From the Wounds of Religion

Martin Reen's podcast

Jesus is our good and faithful Shepherd, who heals us from every wound of religion. Being shepherded by religious spirits and doctrines of legalism damages our hearts. It oppresses and damages the Bride. But our Father delivers us from religious yokes and burdens. He restores our souls and provides true rest for our hearts! Click on this link to find my books: https://www.adlibris.com/se/sok?q=martin+re%C3%A9n

The Faithful Love of Jesus Christ show art The Faithful Love of Jesus Christ

Martin Reen's podcast

Our heavenly Father elected and called us, purely based on His goodness and grace. Because of this, He will never give up on us. Jesus is our faithful bridegroom and friend, who remains faithful to us, even when we fail or mess up. In this episode, we look at these wonderful truths, by pulling some powerful revelations from the book of Hosea. Click on this link to find my books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Martin-Re%C3%A9n/author/B0B34JVCRP?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

Pursued & Hunted Down By The Goodness Of God show art Pursued & Hunted Down By The Goodness Of God

Martin Reen's podcast

God is good. Jesus is the good Shepherd and our Father is the best Father in the universe. He surrounds us with His goodness and He wants us to enjoy the full benefits of living in the New Covenant. God is good all the time and heaven is open over us all the time. Let´s enjoy the full benefits of every blessing that Jesus poured out over us through the cross! Click on this link to find my books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Martin-Re%C3%A9n/author/B0B34JVCRP?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

Pursued & Hunted Down By The Love Of The Father show art Pursued & Hunted Down By The Love Of The Father

Martin Reen's podcast

The Father has always been pursuing us with His love. He surrounds us and lavishes us with His lovingkindness. As we surrender to His love, we will be set free from shame and rejection. We are restored into our identity and destiny as we learn to abide in the love of the Father! Click on this link to find my books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Martin-Re%C3%A9n/author/B0B34JVCRP?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

More Episodes

In this episode, we continue our study of the bride of the Lamb and the Holy City. The heavenly Jerusalem is a prophetic picture of the new creation. By studying this Holy City, we find many glorious new creation realities, that provides a lot of healing and restoration to us. We are the Bride of the Lamb & the City of God that have been called to steward His glory and bring healing to the nations!

Click on this link to find my books:

