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117 Marxism, the Real Origins of "Woke," and the Christian Response

The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

Release Date: 10/14/2021

144 Discovering Mary in the Book of Revelation show art 144 Discovering Mary in the Book of Revelation

The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

🟡   🟢 🟠  Episode Description When one of your closest friends dedicates 20 years of his life to a project, it's going to come up from time to time in conversation. And when that project relates to something that you're passionate about too, then you know those conversations are going to be powerful. AND when that good friend just happens to be Curtis Mitch, Co-Editor of the new Ignatius Press Study Bible, and that conversation takes place on the Art of Catholic podcast... ...it makes for an episode you're definitely not going to want to miss!  In...

143 Introduction to Real Prayer - Lesson One show art 143 Introduction to Real Prayer - Lesson One

The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

Lesson One of a beautiful, crash course on everything you need to know to move into a deeper, more fulfilling life of prayer according to the saints. This incredible series from Matthew Leonard will stream FREE this Lent.  🟡 !  🟢 🔵 If you’ve ever struggled to pray or find it difficult to take your relationship with God to the next level, you’ve got to see this new series from Matthew Leonard and the Science of Sainthood! “Outstanding!!! Thank you!” "I was so skeptical...just thought here's another program to do. I am amazed at the things I have experienced in...

142 I Knew I Was Catholic When...A Conversation with Cameron Bertuzzi show art 142 I Knew I Was Catholic When...A Conversation with Cameron Bertuzzi

The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

🟡 SIGN UP for the totally FREE Lenten Series on Prayer: 🟠 SUPPORT Matthew Leonard's work to spread the Catholic faith: https://bit.ly/3VqCONa Watch the full interview with Cameron Bertuzzi here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTglQJoqWtc It's hard to believe, but more than 26 years have passed since I became Catholic. Even so, I still get asked on a fairly regular basis about my conversion story. And I totally get it. Everyone loves a conversion story. After all, it's inspiring to hear about all the little winks and nudges from God - not to mention all the momentous,...

141 The Husband & the Hermit: A Powerful Story of Saving Love show art 141 The Husband & the Hermit: A Powerful Story of Saving Love

The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

In this episode of the Art of Catholic, Matthew Leonard is joined by author Kevin Wells, who shares the powerful story of his wife Krista's battle with alcoholism, the impact it had on his spiritual life - and the incredible redemption God brought through the figure of a saintly priest. 🟡 Sign up for a totally FREE 2-week trial of the Science of Sainthood program: no credit card required, no cancellation, just sign up and watch! 🟢 Get Kevin's book, The Hermit: The Priest Who Saved a Soul, a Marriage, and a Family, here: 🔵 Watch my last interview with Kevin Wells, Priest &...

140 Nine Kids, Foreign Missions, & Peace in the Midst of Pain show art 140 Nine Kids, Foreign Missions, & Peace in the Midst of Pain

The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

Give it 3 minutes and you won't turn it off.  This is a truly powerful and moving story of a man, a woman, and bevy of children who live a life totally abandoned to God...even in the midst of gut-wrenching sorrow and suffering. If you can listen without being inspired in some way, you may need to check your pulse.  That's all I can say. Matthew 🔵 PLEASE consider donating to the Henderson family to enable them to continue their mission work: 🟡 Start your spiritual transformation right now! Sign up for a totally FREE 2-week trial of the Science of Sainthood program: no credit...

139 How to Know if Your Spiritual Life is Healthy show art 139 How to Know if Your Spiritual Life is Healthy

The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed on the EWTN show Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie about my discovery of the Catholic spiritual life a few years after I entered the Church. As a brand new Catholic, I didn't yet understand the incredible spiritual patrimony that was ours. But once I learned more about it...and began to practice it...that's when everything changed! And it was such a powerful conversation that I'm sharing it with you on the Art of Catholic podcast. You'll hear us talk about some of my story, as well as some spiritually crucial topics such as: • What a healthy interior...

138 Isolation, Weakness, & Shattering the Lies We Tell Ourselves show art 138 Isolation, Weakness, & Shattering the Lies We Tell Ourselves

The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

In today's Art of Catholic podcast, Matthew Leonard is joined by Catholic evangelist John Edwards, who shares stories and insights he's gained from guiding countless men to a deeper relationship with Christ. But don't think for a second this is an episode only for men. We hit topics that affect everyone like: Shattering the lies we tell ourselves Why isolation is the Devil's playground The most pressing problem haunting men (Listen up, ladies! You need to hear this.) The beautiful power of weakness Why community is absolutely essential for men & women  This is...

137 From Megachurch to MegaCatholic & the Beautiful Power of Retreat show art 137 From Megachurch to MegaCatholic & the Beautiful Power of Retreat

The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

Matthew Leonard is joined by Betsy Orr, Founder and President of The Retreat at Heritage, who shares her incredible conversion story and tells us all about how God led her to create this truly unique new retreat center focused on beauty and silence. 🔵 Check out The Retreat at Heritage & book a spot at Matthew's retreat- "The Divine Whisper: Deeper Prayer & the Silent Embrace of God" from September 13 - 15, 2024: 🟡 Grab Matthew's FREE guide to Catholic meditation, 8 Ways To Jumpstart Your Prayer Life: 🟠 SUPPORT this podcast and Matthew's work to spread the Catholic faith: ...

136 Priest & Beggar: The Jaw-Dropping Story of Venerable Fr. Aloysius Schwartz show art 136 Priest & Beggar: The Jaw-Dropping Story of Venerable Fr. Aloysius Schwartz

The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

Every now and then I come across someone or something in the Church that leaves me slack-jawed...in a good way. This is one of those times. If you've heard of Venerable Fr. Aloysius Schwartz, you know what I'm talking about. If not, prepare to have your mind blown. Matthew 🟡 Sign up for my TOTALLY FREE Lenten series on the Mass: 🔵 To learn more about the Sisters of Mary and make a difference visit https://www.worldvillages.org/poverty/ Grab a copy of Priest & Beggar: The Heroic Life of Venerable Aloysius Schwartz 🟢 Join Matthew on PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND in 2025: ...

135 The Dark Roots of Feminism & the War on Men show art 135 The Dark Roots of Feminism & the War on Men

The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

🟡 Science of Sainthood Website: 🔴 Sign up for my TOTALLY FREE Lenten series on the Mass:  🟢 Join Matthew on PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND in 2025:  🔵 SUPPORT Matthew's work to spread the Catholic faith:  After spending many months working very hard on a new liturgy series, I thought "Why not have a pleasant, light podcast to unwind a little?"  So I called my friend and Founder of Theology of Home, Dr. Carrie Gress, and said, "How about coming on the show and talking about your new book?" So much for unwinding. After all, her new book is titled The End of Woman:...

More Episodes

How in the world did we get here? How have things gone so far downhill, so fast? Organized violence. Churches burning. Society in chaos on multiple levels. What has happened?

Join Matthew Leonard and author Noelle Mering as they zero in on the "woke" movement – what it is, where it comes from, and what it wants.

But this isn’t about politics. It’s about spirituality. It’s about the human person. It’s about an attempted radical reshaping of who we are in and of ourselves that is fundamentally flawed and anti-Christian.

🟡  Experience 20 FREE Video Lessons of authentic Catholic spiritual formation in the SCIENCE OF SAINTHOOD! https://www.scienceofsainthood.com/