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It all starts in your mind

In Pursuit of the Better You

Release Date: 10/12/2021

If you could wave a magic wand - what would your life be like? show art If you could wave a magic wand - what would your life be like?

In Pursuit of the Better You

If you could wave a magic wand - what would your life be like? What a question! What are your big dreams and where are you now in terms of making those dreams come true? We have this one life and it's our own responsibility to make sure we make the most of it, because one thing is for sure, Prince Charming isn't riding in to save us! How often are you checking in on your dreams and making sure you're on the right track? Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:  

How is 'workaholism' impacting your life? show art How is 'workaholism' impacting your life?

In Pursuit of the Better You

Are you feeling the stresses and strains of working a lot - burnout perhaps? Workaholism is what it's been called in other media.  Workaholism is making headlines at the moment in the same way as alcoholism and/or drug abuse would impact lives.  Referencing The Guardian article that we talk about in the podcast https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/15/how-workaholism-can-leave-lifelong-scars-burnout?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:

How to be visible and still be authentically you show art How to be visible and still be authentically you

In Pursuit of the Better You

How are you positioning yourself in the workplace to be seen - perhaps for promotion purposes - or to be 'seen' in your role? Do you feel that, to do this, you need to mask the 'real you' and exploit other behaviours that don't come naturally? For example, if you're an introvert, do you feel you need to show up with more extrovert behaviours? In this episode, we're discussing how you can be visible, but still be authentically you - or not feeling like you're showing off.  Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:          

The human iceberg and how we can chip away at it. show art The human iceberg and how we can chip away at it.

In Pursuit of the Better You

We can only meet you as far as we have met ourselves! Meaning:  When we're working with clients in coaching, we can go deep, if we've explored these deep areas with ourselves beforehand - so that we understand what it means to know ourselves in a deep and profound way.  The iceberg is the metaphor - we have those behaviours and traits that sit above the water line and this is what people see - what we know and see about ourselves too. Below the water line is unconscious behaviours and traits that we may not see - and others may only see glimpses of. But if we know what's there, we...

Do you feel confident to give feedback in the workplace? show art Do you feel confident to give feedback in the workplace?

In Pursuit of the Better You

Do you feel confident to give feedback to others? This can help to reduce difficult conversations - however, many people don't feel comfortable having these conversations or even know how to give feedback well.  Giving positive feedback is often more easy - but what about the not-so-positive? Ideally, feedback should be given when it's required - don't wait for annual reviews! Consider what would happen if you don't give the feedback because you're not confident to have the conversation! Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:

Sod the restrictions - dream big and go again! show art Sod the restrictions - dream big and go again!

In Pursuit of the Better You

Are you dreaming big? When we dream big, we might wonder - is it all a delusion of grandeur? I wonder what would happen if all entrepreneurs thought this way. But they don't. When met with failure, Richard Branson would say 'dream bigger - and go again!' When we're dreaming bigger, how are we thinking about our self worth? How do we plan and strategise to meet our dreams and aspirations? What can help us? Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:

You're not a manager, so what you say doesn't matter! 😱 show art You're not a manager, so what you say doesn't matter! 😱

In Pursuit of the Better You

This episode explores a common theme in leadership coaching for Becki and Fay - "I'm not a manager, so what I say doesn't matter!" Is this something that's true for you? Do you feel that your voice doesn't matter in a room? That your views aren't valid? As we explore this, we wonder if it's a cultural issue - or, what's in a title? This impacts people in terms of their frustrations, development, innovation, building relationships, and fostering leadership... Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:  

Are you thinking for yourself? show art Are you thinking for yourself?

In Pursuit of the Better You

Today it's Fay's turn to have a rant! Do you follow Gurus on social media and take them at their every word? People set themselves up as 'experts' and we follow them - but then I see people losing the ability to think for themselves around the 'experts' subject. Asking questions like 'is this allowed?' Critical thinking and making decisions is our responsibility. If you really want to look for something, there will be evidence for something, everywhere - for and against. This is great because it means we don't have to take things at face value - we can read more into the subject, query what...

Are people biases standing in your way? show art Are people biases standing in your way?

In Pursuit of the Better You

Do you find yourself saying that people never listen to you? Or they never take you seriously? Or you have some other thought about someone that you take with you - maybe they often wind you up, etc.  Here's something to consider: if we only base the things we think about people from their past behaviours - they're never going to grow in the present. We can all change - and if people never allow you to show who you are now - then they will only ever know a previous version of you.  Human nature means we have perceptions of people, hold grudges, have bad experiences, etc. Still, we...

We can't do all the things all the time! show art We can't do all the things all the time!

In Pursuit of the Better You

Can you do everything? This year, so far, (2024), Fay has been making a jigsaw of her diary to get 'on top' of everything.  Subconsciously, she has seen messages from 'everywhere' saying 'you can't do everything'! What happens as a result of taking everything on board - where does this leave us as people? Before we know it, all our spare hours can be taken up with things we need to do - so we end up with no space to just 'be'. We can get into a habit of feeling that we must always be 'doing, doing, doing'.  But, here's the thing - just 'being' is enough! Just with yourself without...

More Episodes

In this episode, we look at:

 - what mindset is and how it impacts, both positively and negatively, what we want to achieve

- why it's useful to understand what you're thinking

- why mindset is a choice

- playing the game of life


Fay & Rebekah

Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production.