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Is it too easy to put things down to luck?

In Pursuit of the Better You

Release Date: 10/09/2023

The rider, the elephant and the path. A concept to help you think about change. show art The rider, the elephant and the path. A concept to help you think about change.

In Pursuit of the Better You

The rider, the elephant and the path! A concept to help you think about change.  If we want to make some change, our brain has to get involved. Our emotional side of the brain is more powerful than the rational side of the brain. The rider is the rational side of the brain - riding the elephant, the emotional side of the brain. The path is the clear direction for the elephant to follow, with the rider on its back.  Here's the link to watch the short video on YouTube Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:    

People will never forget how you make them feel. show art People will never forget how you make them feel.

In Pursuit of the Better You

People can forget what you do and what you say - but they'll never forget how you make them feel. Feelings stick with us - our emotions are strong. How do the people you're surrounded by make you feel? We're responsible for how we feel - other people don't create those responses in our emotions - that's our response. And then we realise we have agency on changing our minds - we have control over how we feel.  People can try to make you feel a certain way - but how you feel ultimately, is on you. This can be empowering but also quite a confronting concept.  Contact Fay - Rebekah - ...

Are you using your 'top skills'? show art Are you using your 'top skills'?

In Pursuit of the Better You

What are your top skills?  And are you putting yourself in situations where you can use them? Are you considering them when your in situations that push you out of your comfort zone - i.e. how they might be able to help you? Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:

If you could wave a magic wand - what would your life be like? show art If you could wave a magic wand - what would your life be like?

In Pursuit of the Better You

If you could wave a magic wand - what would your life be like? What a question! What are your big dreams and where are you now in terms of making those dreams come true? We have this one life and it's our own responsibility to make sure we make the most of it, because one thing is for sure, Prince Charming isn't riding in to save us! How often are you checking in on your dreams and making sure you're on the right track? Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:  

How is 'workaholism' impacting your life? show art How is 'workaholism' impacting your life?

In Pursuit of the Better You

Are you feeling the stresses and strains of working a lot - burnout perhaps? Workaholism is what it's been called in other media.  Workaholism is making headlines at the moment in the same way as alcoholism and/or drug abuse would impact lives.  Referencing The Guardian article that we talk about in the podcast https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/15/how-workaholism-can-leave-lifelong-scars-burnout?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:

How to be visible and still be authentically you show art How to be visible and still be authentically you

In Pursuit of the Better You

How are you positioning yourself in the workplace to be seen - perhaps for promotion purposes - or to be 'seen' in your role? Do you feel that, to do this, you need to mask the 'real you' and exploit other behaviours that don't come naturally? For example, if you're an introvert, do you feel you need to show up with more extrovert behaviours? In this episode, we're discussing how you can be visible, but still be authentically you - or not feeling like you're showing off.  Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:          

The human iceberg and how we can chip away at it. show art The human iceberg and how we can chip away at it.

In Pursuit of the Better You

We can only meet you as far as we have met ourselves! Meaning:  When we're working with clients in coaching, we can go deep, if we've explored these deep areas with ourselves beforehand - so that we understand what it means to know ourselves in a deep and profound way.  The iceberg is the metaphor - we have those behaviours and traits that sit above the water line and this is what people see - what we know and see about ourselves too. Below the water line is unconscious behaviours and traits that we may not see - and others may only see glimpses of. But if we know what's there, we...

Do you feel confident to give feedback in the workplace? show art Do you feel confident to give feedback in the workplace?

In Pursuit of the Better You

Do you feel confident to give feedback to others? This can help to reduce difficult conversations - however, many people don't feel comfortable having these conversations or even know how to give feedback well.  Giving positive feedback is often more easy - but what about the not-so-positive? Ideally, feedback should be given when it's required - don't wait for annual reviews! Consider what would happen if you don't give the feedback because you're not confident to have the conversation! Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:

Sod the restrictions - dream big and go again! show art Sod the restrictions - dream big and go again!

In Pursuit of the Better You

Are you dreaming big? When we dream big, we might wonder - is it all a delusion of grandeur? I wonder what would happen if all entrepreneurs thought this way. But they don't. When met with failure, Richard Branson would say 'dream bigger - and go again!' When we're dreaming bigger, how are we thinking about our self worth? How do we plan and strategise to meet our dreams and aspirations? What can help us? Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:

You're not a manager, so what you say doesn't matter! 😱 show art You're not a manager, so what you say doesn't matter! 😱

In Pursuit of the Better You

This episode explores a common theme in leadership coaching for Becki and Fay - "I'm not a manager, so what I say doesn't matter!" Is this something that's true for you? Do you feel that your voice doesn't matter in a room? That your views aren't valid? As we explore this, we wonder if it's a cultural issue - or, what's in a title? This impacts people in terms of their frustrations, development, innovation, building relationships, and fostering leadership... Contact Fay - Rebekah - Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production:  

More Episodes

Today, we're talking about taking a different view of 'luck'.

Is it really 'luck'?

If not luck - then what is it? 

We're talking about the choices we make as individuals. Sometimes when we observe others, we might think they're lucky if they have things that we don't. 

But is it really luck, or a different lens, or choices that others make that we don't even think to make?


Fay - https://www.fayblakey.com 

Rebekah - https://www.quest4est.co.uk

Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production: https://www.wahhoo.co.uk