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243: Sleep Hacks for Getting Leaner and Living Longer

The Low Carb Hustle

Release Date: 05/13/2024

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More Episodes

Curious why your late-night Netflix marathon could be holding you back from your best performance? Dive into the fascinating connection between your bedtime routine and your overall health and fitness levels.


In this episode, I shared some insights on why sleep is underrated for health and fitness. I talked about how lack of sleep affects mental and physical health, with stats linking poor sleep to depression and accidents. I shared personal experiences and research, covering the effects of sleep on cognitive function, weight management, and learning.


It's important to keep a consistent sleep schedule, avoid late-night snacks and workouts, and create a sleep-friendly space. I highlight how caffeine and nicotine can mess with our sleep, suggesting we cut back on them.


Key takeaways:


  • Prioritizing consistent sleep patterns and optimizing our sleep environment can significantly improve our health and fitness outcomes. 

  • Limiting stimulants and using supplements can aid in achieving better sleep quality.

  • Try out supplements like Complete Restore by MDB Labs could be a game-changer for better sleep.




Host Nate Palmer The founder of The Million Dollar Body and Author of "The Million Dollar Body Method", Nate has been in the industry of coaching over 15 years and has worked with over 1000 clients personally.


  • Nate Palmer’s Website:

MDB Labs https://milliondollarbodylabs.com/