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Why I Started My Mission-Driven Business

Mission Driven Business

Release Date: 05/25/2021

Re-Releasing Episode 52: An Expert's Guide To Understanding The 1120-S Tax Form show art Re-Releasing Episode 52: An Expert's Guide To Understanding The 1120-S Tax Form

Mission Driven Business

It’s tax season crunch time, so we are resharing a timely episode debunking the 1120-S tax return. In this episode, Brian will walk you through the S-Corporation income tax return to help you better understand what you’re filing and hopefully catch mistakes before it’s too late. He provides a section-by-section analysis of Form 1120-S and highlights key areas that business owners and tax professionals make mistakes. Episode Highlights Part 1: Heading, Income, Deductions, Tax and Payments Most of this information is drawn from your business’s Profit and Loss Statement. Here’s a...

The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 90: Your 6-Step Checklist To Close The Books On 2024 show art The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 90: Your 6-Step Checklist To Close The Books On 2024

Mission Driven Business

Ready to end the year with a gift to your future self? In this special episode, Brian guides you through a six-step process to close out 2024 and set yourself up for success in 2025. You’ll tidy your finances, get a jump start on thinking about taxes, evaluate your business performance, and set strategic goals.  Your Year-End Business Review Checklist Step 1: Close Out Your Financials Closing out your financials may sound dry, but it’s imperative to get right. Review your books -- Review your profit and loss for the year for any discrepancies, outstanding invoices, or payments that...

The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 89: Building Systems For Change with Davey Shlasko show art The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 89: Building Systems For Change with Davey Shlasko

Mission Driven Business

Brian Thompson chats with Davey Shlasko, founder and CEO of Think Again Training and Consulting, a company that helps align business actions and values. With more than 20 years of experience in adult learning and organizational development, Davey specializes in driving systematic change with a focus on equity and inclusion. Davey shares practical tools for aligning internal practices with external values, discusses strategies for fostering accountability and transparency, and offers hope for navigating uncertainty in today’s climate. Episode Highlights Mission-driven businesses put purpose...

The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 88: Reclaiming Your Time with Conrad Ruiz show art The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 88: Reclaiming Your Time with Conrad Ruiz

Mission Driven Business

Brian Thompson chats with Conrad Ruiz, the founder and CEO of Well Aware, a company dedicated to helping business owners reclaim their time. With a background in biomedical engineering and consulting, Conrad blends technical insight with an entrepreneurial spirit to help business owners simplify complex operations and master time management. He shares his personal journey into entrepreneurship, which started with a medical crisis, and offers practical advice on creating efficient systems and finding balance in business. Episode Highlights Mission-driven businesses start with why. For Conrad, a...

The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 87: Creating Purposeful Marketing with Lauren Tilden show art The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 87: Creating Purposeful Marketing with Lauren Tilden

Mission Driven Business

Brian Thompson chats with Lauren Tilden, host of the Making Good podcast and a marketing coach dedicated to helping creative small business owners who want to get out of their own way and start making an impact. After 8 years in corporate marketing, Lauren left her corporate career and began her winding journey to owning and supporting small businesses. She offers insights into defining one’s ideal customer, creating goal-oriented marketing plans, and staying consistent with your message. Episode Highlights Mission-driven businesses are motivated by more than money. Growing up, Lauren felt...

The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 86: Building Your Ideal Business with Adam Oh show art The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 86: Building Your Ideal Business with Adam Oh

Mission Driven Business

Brian Thompson chats with Adam Oh, founder of Adam Aligned, a business focused on helping people heal from emotional hardship, find direction, and realize their full potential. On the episode, Adam shares his journey from music artist and social media influencer to self-help entrepreneur. He emphasizes the importance of research and trial and error. He also discusses the significance of overcoming limiting beliefs and provides some actional tools to identify and address them. Episode Highlights Mission-driven businesses operate with core values. Adam defined a mission-driven business as one...

The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 85: Nursing Your Instagram Profile To Wealth with Jumer Adalin show art The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 85: Nursing Your Instagram Profile To Wealth with Jumer Adalin

Mission Driven Business

Brian Thompson chats with nurse-turned-entrepreneur, Jumer Adalin. As a social media expert, Jumer helps fellow nurse entrepreneurs grow their businesses through social media to create both impact and income. On the episode, Jumer shares his journey from ICU nurse to social media superstar. He also offers valuable tips for Instagram marketing and creating content to grow and nurture your own online audience. Episode Highlights Mission-driven businesses focus on solving problems. As a nurse-by-trade, Jumer likens a mission-driven business to a healthcare team whose common goal is to bring about...

The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 84: Improving Financial Security for the LGBTQ+ Community with Debt Free Guys David and John Auten-Schneider show art The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 84: Improving Financial Security for the LGBTQ+ Community with Debt Free Guys David and John Auten-Schneider

Mission Driven Business

Brian Thompson chats with Queer Money podcast hosts and Debt Free Guys founders David and John Auten-Schneider. David and John have more than a decade of experience helping the queer community thrive financially through their podcast, website, and emails. On the episode, they discuss the importance of being intentional with how you choose to grow and engage with your audience. They also open up about some setbacks they’ve experienced as entrepreneurs and tips they’ve learned in their decade-long entrepreneurial journey. Episode Highlights Mission-driven businesses have a purpose beyond...

The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 83: Braving Discomfort to Live Your Purpose with Channyn Lynne Parker show art The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 83: Braving Discomfort to Live Your Purpose with Channyn Lynne Parker

Mission Driven Business

Brian Thompson chats with human rights advocate and Brave Space Alliance CEO Channyn Lynne Parker. Channyn is a public speaker whose accolades include the inaugural Trans100 award, Henrietta Lacks award, and Equality Illinois Freedom Award. As CEO of Brave Space Alliance, Channyn shepherds the first Black-led, trans-led TLGBQ+ center on the south side of Chicago. On the episode, Channyn shares her journey to becoming the CEO of Brave Space Alliance and the significance of finding alignment in life. She also reveals why the nursery rhyme “Row, Row, Row  Your Boat” is deeper than you...

The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 82: Creating a Thriving Private Social Network with Shadé Akande show art The Mission Driven Business Podcast Episode 82: Creating a Thriving Private Social Network with Shadé Akande

Mission Driven Business

Brian Thompson chats with Shadé Akande, founder and CEO of ONE X LEAGUE, a private social league for Black and Afro-Latina women executives and founders. With more than 18 years of global HR experience at companies like Google and Walmart, Shadé shares her journey of creating a community during that pandemic that blossomed into ONE X LEAGUE. Tune in to hear how a series of brunches sparked the idea for a business all about building relationships and how the transformative power of feedback made ONE X LEAGUE the social network it is today. Episode Highlights  Mission-driven businesses...

More Episodes

In this very special episode, host Brian Thompson opens up like never before. He shares why he started his own mission-driven business, and some of his highs and lows he encountered in the process. You’ll also learn the difference between strategy and tactics, and why entrepreneurship isn’t necessarily more risky than being a W-2 employee. If you’ve wanted to know more about Brian and his own story, this episode, hosted by Latarsha Stewart, is for you.


Episode Highlights

Mission-driven businesses serve.

For Brian, mission-driven businesses have both a purpose motive and a profit motive. Brian wants clients and listeners to know that you don’t have to run a non-profit in order to run a business that does good and makes an impact.

“The underlying current of all this is that mission-driven businesses serve. And you can make money and make a good living by serving,” he said. “That's been my focus and why I try to meld these two together. Because you don't have to do one or the other. You can do both.”

Things happen at the right time.

Brian had been working at a tax law firm when everything in his personal and professional life shifted. The partners of the law firm split up; his long-term relationship ended; and marriage equality was making huge strides. Brian ended up using the uncertainty to forge the future he wanted. 

“So you have this moment in time to say — What do you actually want to do? What do you want to do with your life?” he said. “Having the support of my friends and my ex-husband and all that just came together at the right time.”

Find your niche.

During this time of uncertainty, Brian decided to start a financial planning firm focusing on LGBTQ couples. But he soon learned that his core audience was a target market and not a niche.

When looking at his client base, Brian realized his roster included a lot of business owners who were coming to him because of his background in tax law — and he enjoyed the complexity of meeting their needs. So he redefined his business focus as helping LGBT business owners who run mission-driven businesses.

At the same time, Brian is passionate about closing the racial wealth gap, which is 3:1 for people of color who are entrepreneurs versus 11:1 for non-business owners. He sees his niche and business as an opportunity to fulfill that motivation as well.

“You have to serve a specific amount of people, so you should make sure that those people are the people that you want to serve and the people that you want to hang out with and the people that you want to talk to,” Brian said. “It's a very significant mind shift that really freed me up and allowed me to really enjoy the process.”

Let go of perfectionism.

One of the hardest lessons Brian had to learn on his entrepreneurial journey was to let go of his perfectionism and live in the moment.

"I had to do it out of necessity because nothing was perfect. And nothing was exactly the way that I wanted,” Brian said. “I learned how to adjust and pivot and navigate. I had to be okay and get okay with things not being perfect, and things needing to just go.”

Now, Brian is used to constantly trying things out and learning from them. He resonates with the metaphor that running a business is like building an airplane while trying to fly it.

“You just don't either have enough time or energy or space to try to do everything perfectly,” he said. “Which is actually a huge relief for me to realize it actually doesn't need to be perfect, and things still happen, and things still go.”


Resources + Links




About Brian and the Mission Driven Business Podcast 

Brian Thompson, JD/CFP, is a tax attorney and certified financial planner who specializes in providing comprehensive financial planning to LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs who run mission-driven businesses. The Mission Driven Business podcast was born out of his passion for helping social entrepreneurs create businesses with purpose and profit.

On the podcast, Brian talks with diverse entrepreneurs and the people who support them. Listeners hear stories of experiences, strength, and hope and get practical advice to help them build businesses that might just change the world, too.