The Unspeakable - #empathyforgrief - Break the Silent Struggle With Grief and Loss
#empathyforgrief - Break the Silent Struggle With Grief Podcast
Release Date: 04/29/2020
#empathyforgrief - Break the Silent Struggle With Grief Podcast
Let's finish Part 2 of "I Am Closed" episode 18 #empathyforgrief - Break the Silent Struggle With Grief and Loss podcast with former Michigan Wolverine Touchdown Billy Taylor. Currently, a successful businessman and radio host. He wrote "Get Back Up, the Billy Taylor Story and through his non-profit business, he helps others get back up when they fall down.
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We all fall down. But how do we get up? When do we get up? This "I Am Closed" episode of #empathyforgriefandloss explores how the sign on so many of our favorite storefronts could be the title of our life without #empathy for ourselves and others. Join me and my guest, Touchdown Billy Taylor who has some experience in being on the top, falling down, and getting back up. Not just on the football field but in real life.
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The #empathyforgrief podcast #17 continues with Part 2 of Portal To Another World! And that world and the portal is right here on planet earth. It is available, ready, and waiting for you to tap into it. Why the green filter on the cover image? Because this time, my Guest, MC Medina and I go from green to ripe about grief, loss, and Oneness in the Age of Aquarius. He says to call him...all his contact information is included.
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#empathyforgrief and loss podcast goes live on Facebook with Episode #16 - Portal To Another World. Host Debra Hester interviews the Digital Priest, MC Medina.
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Do you know what helps your body to stabilize and recover when you are struggling with grief and loss? If you don't, I encourage you as a grief and loss survivor to thriver, listen, learn, and use these tips when grief gets more than emotional. Figure out what you need to do when grief gets physical.
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Do you have thoughts about grief and loss that you have not shared? Is it time to ask yourself if you need to break the silence around these thoughts or wait? The "unspeakables" are these thoughts. Take a few minutes to listen to how I manage the unspeakables so you can reflect on yours. Join me on this #empathyforgrief journey as we explore the silent side of grief.
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Loss is loss and grief is a part of moving forward. With COVID-19, those who have lost a lifestyle instead of a loved one may be new to the grief journey. We encourage you to not despair and have #empathyforgrief. Take this time to listen how we make small choices and experience how big blessings grow for you and others.
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Grief and loss are universal. Loss of a loved one or the loss of a lifestyle creates emotions that must be shared, heard, and recognized. I've been on this grief journey, and now with COVID-19 layered on...I'm Goin' Thru. I see more people who might need to break the silent struggle with grief and loss, so join me. Listen and explore #empathyforgrief as a way to show yourself and others more empathy than sympathy.
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That moment is forever imprinted in our minds. What starts as a shock of a lifetime becomes a way to understand and share emotions. I've had several of those moments in my life. The Kobe Bryant accident recently reminded me of how "that moment" can change us forever.
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Are you a morning person or a night person? This may be an odd question if you or someone you know is grieving the death of a loved one. It occurred to me and I invite you to listen to how and why I made the transition during my grief journey.
info_outlineThe Unspeakable
Welcome to Mother's Backyard Buzz and #empathyforgrief episode #14, where I want to focus on "The Unspeakable." Each topic is all about "breaking the silent struggle" around grief.
My podcasts are based on my personal grief journey and reflections from my book: My Backyard Garden - A Memoir of How Love Conquers Grief. I share current insights into this life-changing journey called grief and loss. Thanks for joining me, Debra Hester, as the author and your host of #empathyforgrief podcast.
The Mystery of the Unspoken Word
Do words evoke a feeling inside of you, especially when they are spoken? They do for me. They have a rhythm like music. There is something mysterious around the word "Unspeakable." Maybe because we so quickly speak and talk about many topics. Do you feel we have the right to say whatever we feel and think? You know, freedom of speech is drilled into our culture and is the First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution.
We look at freedom of speech as a human right by law and practice. Despite rules, despite cultures, we as humans and individuals have been on this planet for some time. We still feel with all of our freedom of speech rights, with grief and loss, there are things we just can not say. Unspoken thoughts that really bother us. These are the "unspeakables." They are the thoughts that run through our minds. And when we are grieving from loss, we decide if they should come out of our mouth. When and if the unspeakables roll out of our mouth, these thoughts gain power, a reality that may go far beyond what we thought or meant.
Sharing Unspeakables About Grief
Unspeakables might seem to be an unlikely topic for someone like me who says, break the silent struggle with grief. But I ask you if and when you "break the silent struggle with grief," are you sharing some of your unspeakables around your loss? You see, unspeakables are not always right, and they are not necessarily bad. I believe they are driven by our emotions and our situation.
In my book, Chapter 1, " A Change of Planes," I explained it as my "unspeakable truth." The truth that my mother was in ICU was in my head and in my thoughts. It was a reality that I hadn't fully come to terms with. My mind had responded to some of the emotions around this truth. But when it came out of my mouth for the first time, I became unbearably emotional. The same thought, the same truth, had now been spoken by me.
As always loved one, I ask you to consider: Are you holding some thoughts, memories, or realities that you fear to verbalize? As I have in the past, I encourage you to take some time to reflect and consider your unspeakables. Determine if you should in the future address these unspeakables or let them stay where they are for now. I do warn you that when you speak them for the first time, expect some type of emotional response. It may be tears, pain, and anger, and it may be joy and laughter of relief. I believe it all depends upon where you are on your grief journey.
When I said my unspeakable truth to a complete stranger, I was fortunate that this airport security gate guard was present and compassionate towards me. I was grateful. As you reflect and determine what unspeakable truth you need to vocalize, please take pause. I encourage you to consider the place, the time, and the person and realize that it is your truth. Meaning, it is how you see the truth. You might want to find someone who is compassionate and explain to them what you are about to say and why so they are prepared and can understand what may come after it.
Lifestyle Loss with COVID-19
As we continue our COVID-19 quarantine, we are all trying to adjust to a loss of our lifestyle and stay positive. Staying positive is a process and sometimes a moving target. In my household, during quarantine, we have had positive and decisive moments. However, there have been moments when the unspeakable was also said. As a result, many emotions came out; but we didn't explode. I am so thankful that we didn't implode either. It's a tradeoff, I guess.
Our insides are as crucial as our outsides when it comes to well being. I know it is not easy to manage either of these sides, but it is well worth it. We must try to find a way to balance ourselves, forgive ourselves, forgive others, and move forward with love and understanding when the unspeakables emerge.
Reflecting and acting on the unspeakable is definitely a #empathyforgrief moment where I encourage you to show yourself and others more empathy than sympathy.
I want to thank you loved ones for listening to #empathyforgrief podcast episode #14 about "The Unspeakable." My podcasts are based on my book, My Backyard Garden - A Memoir of How Love Conquers Grief. My book is a quick read. It's meant to capture and share the reality of life after loss and inspire reflection and conversation for those of us who are on this grief journey or know of someone who is.
This is Debra Hester, your host, where I pledge to continue to break the silent struggle with grief and loss. Remember: move forward with more empathy, less sympathy. If you found the podcast helpful, it's available free on Mother's Backyard Buzz blog at
Video versions of #empathyforgrief are available on YouTube at Mother's Backyard Enterprise Channel. Please subscribe. The podcasts are available on some new podcast providers like TuneIn, Stitcher and Himalaya, in addition to Spotify, Apple, Google, and iHeart.
#empathyforgrief podcasts are on FM radio with Force 3 Radio Network. Force 3 Radio streams online at airing the podcast now at 3pm CST during their all inspirational music Sundays.
I invite you to find out more about my mission at Join me next week when we continue with Chapter 1 - "A Change of Planes" in my book, My Backyard Garden, A Memoir of How Love Conquers Grief. And the buzz will be about "Grief Gets Physical."
Peace & Blessings