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Ep 46: Support Birth Healing & Liberation

Preparing For Pregnancy After Loss

Release Date: 06/18/2023

Ep 52: How Somatic Therapy Can Support Your Healing show art Ep 52: How Somatic Therapy Can Support Your Healing

Preparing For Pregnancy After Loss

In today's episode, I get to share more about one of my favorite healing practices with you: Somatic Therapy (also known as Embodiment Healing). I walk through...  What Somatic Therapy is My introduction to Somatic Therapy and the impact it's had on me The difference between Talk Therapy & Somatic Therapy What happens in a Somatic Therapy session Wisdom held in our DNA and wisdom from Higher Power that can be accessed through the body If you enjoy today's episode, please share the love with someone who might find it useful as well.    ----- More About Me: I am a...

Ep 51: No Version of Motherhood is Perfect show art Ep 51: No Version of Motherhood is Perfect

Preparing For Pregnancy After Loss

Today’s episode is about permission and grace. If you’re a mom/parent to angel babies, I encourage you to really give yourself the permission to do whatever supports your energy around this time. I also share how I respond when I’m asked if I’m a mother.  And if you’re currently parenting or caretaking kiddos who are physically here, I shed light on the lie that we need to strive to be perfect mothers or parents. Perfection doesn’t exist. It doesn’t. Being able to surrender to the messiness, the madness, the beauty, the creativity, the unpredictability…of life and...

Ep 50: Being Gentle With Yourself show art Ep 50: Being Gentle With Yourself

Preparing For Pregnancy After Loss

Today’s episode is a prayer, an invitation to soften, to be gentle with yourself.  There’s sometimes the belief–even if unconscious–that softening might transform someone into becoming weak or diminish their ability to be resilient. I’ve observed and experienced the opposite: that it’s ignoring the body’s invitation to soften that eventually leads to shut down and disconnection. The softening, the exhale…creates the opening.  I invite you to receive today’s invitation if it resonates.   ----- More About Me: I’m a Resilience Coach, Embodiment Healing Guide,...

Ep 49: The Imperfect Healing Journey show art Ep 49: The Imperfect Healing Journey

Preparing For Pregnancy After Loss

I used to think that my healing journey needed to look a certain way and have a definite outcome. That eventually--no matter how long it took--I needed to rise out of the ashes like a phoenix then tell the world about it.  Sitting with the realness of my unpredictable, and sometimes messy healing journey has taught me that there is no model for what healing should look like. You are an original. Your journey will be a unique one. And by releasing the expectations around who you ought to become and by when that needs to happen, perhaps that creates room for some unexpected, imperfect...

Ep 48: Suffering In Silence show art Ep 48: Suffering In Silence

Preparing For Pregnancy After Loss

Feeling as though you're suffering in silence is perhaps one of the most common experiences after going through a loss. Silence and solitude might be exactly what you need in the earlier stages of your healing journey. And at some point, the silence or isolation may no longer support your healing.    In this episode, I share: When silence and solitude are in service of our healing and  When silence and solitude can lead to our decline Some simple tips for bringing "movement" and release to your body and being\ And here are the Grief playlists I referenced: ----- More...

Ep 47: The Dangers of the Spiritual Bypass show art Ep 47: The Dangers of the Spiritual Bypass

Preparing For Pregnancy After Loss

The "Spiritual Bypass" is often intended to be a reminder that we're spiritual beings having a human experience. It can also be used to dismiss or diminish our very real human experiences, which leads to us holding on to hurt instead of processing and releasing it.    In this episode, I share: How the Spiritual Bypass showed up in my experience  How it can be harmful if it's showing up in yours  Why healing also needs to occur through the body And exploring a sense of purpose after a loss  ----- More About Me: I’m a Resilience Coach, Embodiment Healing Guide, Angel...

Ep 46: Support Birth Healing & Liberation show art Ep 46: Support Birth Healing & Liberation

Preparing For Pregnancy After Loss

Today’s guest is Nicole JeanBaptiste, whom we met in Ep 20 of the podcast on “Honoring the Black Birthing Experience”. Nicole is a full spectrum Birth and Postpartum Doula, Oral Historian, and Social Justice Advocate working towards the liberation of Black and Brown birthing people and Birthworkers.   In this episode, we shift our attention to the healers and caretakers of the birthing world: Birthworkers.   We explore what it means to move towards birthing justice and liberation through tending to the needs and care of Black and Brown Birthworkers. We also discuss an...

Ep 45: Are You Waiting for Your Comeback? show art Ep 45: Are You Waiting for Your Comeback?

Preparing For Pregnancy After Loss

Hi Beloved - Have you been waiting for your comeback? To "uplevel" your life or quickly have another baby to  show that your life after loss is better than before? I share the imbalances in our culture that are at the root of this, how it showed up in my own experience after loss, and why inner healing is necessary.  If this resonates with you, be sure to share it with someone else who might need to hear it.  And Here Are Some Resources / Next Steps That Can Support Your Journey: Learn more about healing inside The Rebirth Community:  Book a complimentary Clarity Call...

Ep 44: My 2022 Healing & Rebirth Journey show art Ep 44: My 2022 Healing & Rebirth Journey

Preparing For Pregnancy After Loss

I’m baaack! In this episode, I share the deep journey of release, healing, and rebirth that 2022 brought me on. It was nothing I expected and everything I needed! That journey also created clarity and spaciousness for the rebirth of our online community. Check out the episode to learn more!   Support For Your Journey: Learn more about this beautiful community offering here: Book a complimentary Clarity Call here: Send me any questions or reflections you have: Join my mailing list and receive a free guided meditation: And let’s connect on IG if we haven’t already!:  ...

Ep 43: Healing Relationships with Compassionate Communication show art Ep 43: Healing Relationships with Compassionate Communication

Preparing For Pregnancy After Loss

I consider myself a life-long learner, so it means a lot when I say that Compassionate Communication or Nonviolent Communication (NVC) has been one of the single most important practices I’ve learned. As my teacher, Steve Torma, puts it, Compassionate Communication isn’t just a tool for communication but a shift in consciousness.    I’ve referred Compassionate Communication to clients of mine because it becomes a game-changer for ANY conversation or relationship. And today, we have the pleasure of hearing Steve Torma share more about Compassionate Communication and how it can...

More Episodes

Today’s guest is Nicole JeanBaptiste, whom we met in Ep 20 of the podcast on “Honoring the Black Birthing Experience”. Nicole is a full spectrum Birth and Postpartum Doula, Oral Historian, and Social Justice Advocate working towards the liberation of Black and Brown birthing people and Birthworkers.


In this episode, we shift our attention to the healers and caretakers of the birthing world: Birthworkers.


We explore what it means to move towards birthing justice and liberation through tending to the needs and care of Black and Brown Birthworkers. We also discuss an upcoming retreat Nicole will be co-hosting that supports Black and Brown Birthworkers in their own healing and restoration.


Follow the links below to learn more about Nicole, her work, and to support Birthworkers who’d like to attend the retreat:



More About Me:

I’m a Resilience Coach, Embodiment Healing Guide, Angel Mama, and Birth Doula. I support women and femmes who’ve gone through womb-related loss in their emotional healing, pregnancy, and giving birth to a more powerful, compassionate, authentic version of themself. Healing is the greatest gift one could give to themself or their family. And it’s an honor and privilege for me to be a form of support on that journey.


Ways That I Can Support You on Your Birthing / Rebirth Journey:


With Love,
