Ep 43: Healing Relationships with Compassionate Communication
Ep 43: Healing Relationships with Compassionate Communication
I consider myself a life-long learner, so it means a lot when I say that Compassionate Communication or Nonviolent Communication (NVC) has been one of the single most important practices I’ve learned. As my teacher, Steve Torma, puts it, Compassionate Communication isn’t just a tool for communication but a shift in consciousness. I’ve referred Compassionate Communication to clients of mine because it becomes a game-changer for ANY conversation or relationship. And today, we have the pleasure of hearing Steve Torma share more about Compassionate Communication and how it can benefit you and your relationships. We discuss: What Compassionate Communication or NVC is and some of its many benefits What violence looks like in conversations (it’s not just physical!) How the “Dominator Culture” we’re socialized in shows up in our self-talk and relationships Why men will likely grieve differently from women The patterns/imbalances that may become prevalent in relationships between men and women How Compassionate Communication can help create inner peace, as well as bring empathy and healing to relationships Steve Torma’s Bio: Steve (he/him) was born and raised on a family farm in Ashtabula, Ohio, and is a 25-year member of Earthaven Ecovillage. His ancestors are Hungarian and French Canadian. Steve co-founded an intentional community in Ohio in 1980, where he lived until joining Earthaven Ecovillage in 1996. At Earthaven, he co-founded a thriving neighborhood, was president for three years, and has taught Nonviolent Communication for twelve years. In addition to his passion for community, Steve co-managed a natural foods co-op for 10 years, ran his own traveling bookstore business for over 20 years, and now teaches Nonviolent Communication and other relationship and community building skills through The REAL Center, which he co-founded in 2009. As a lifelong peace, justice, and ecology educator and activist with over 40 years of community living, Steve has sought to integrate personal and social transformation in his own life, in the communities where he lives, and in the larger society. His passion for integral living and thinking has led him to study and experiment with a wide range of spiritualities, psychological systems, and social theories as they relate to creating a more just and sustainable world. Steve has taught Nonviolent Communication for a variety of intentional communities, organizations, and regional gatherings, including Celo Community, The Mountain Retreat Center, Firefly Gathering, Southeast Permaculture Gathering, Organic Growers School, Kinnection Campout, LovEvolution Gathering, Compassion Camp, and many others. Steve’s Website: Seve’s Email: The Resources We Reference: Book: The Chalice & The Blade by Riane Eisler: Books: Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenburg (and related books through PuddleDancer Press): The Mankind Project: NVC Asheville: Earthaven Ecovillage: — If you’re curious as to what support might look like for you on your journey, here are some next steps to explore: 1. Get on the Birth Warrior Mailing List to receive inspiration and resources for your emotional healing. You’ll also be the first to learn about upcoming workshops and Healing Circles. AND you get two bonus gifts lovingly created by me when you sign up! 2. Schedule a Free Consultation Call to get clarity on what next steps can help with your healing and pregnancy journey. This entire journey can be so tough, and you do not have to feel overwhelmed, defeated, or alone. You’ve been through enough, warrior! And you are so much stronger with the right support! Book a complimentary call via this link: 3. Book an Emotional Release Session to identify where emotions are being stored in the body and to release them using gentle techniques that are a part of your body's blueprint. Sessions are a paced, meditative experience, with the results being quite profound. You can receive support with any emotions you’re struggling with, including, releasing fears and anxiety, releasing grief, creating a more loving connection with the body, increasing forgiveness and self-forgiveness, etc. Learn more or book your session here: LEARN MORE ABOUT ME >> Learn more about who I am and why I love to do this work at SAY HELLO >> On Instagram: >> Via Email: