400 - My story (how your life feels vs. how it looks)
Release Date: 06/09/2022
New Mindset, Who Dis?
In this episode I react to the statement "men either love you right away or never at all." I talk about the benefits of slow love and the expectations we have for ourselves and others. 'But First, Inner Peace' is available on Amazon! Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny https://instagram.com/case.kenny Text me! 312-584-4002
info_outlineNew Mindset, Who Dis?
In this episode I talk about the "Beautiful Mess Effect," vulnerability and why we tend to assume other people judge us in the same (negative) way we judge ourselves. 'But First, Inner Peace' is available on Amazon! Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny https://instagram.com/case.kenny Text me! 312-584-4002
info_outlineNew Mindset, Who Dis?
In this episode I talk about what it means to unlock a core memory. I talk about the key to gratitude and taking back control in your life. 'But First, Inner Peace' is available on Amazon! Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny https://instagram.com/case.kenny Text me! 312-584-4002
info_outlineNew Mindset, Who Dis?
In this episode I talk about what men want in a relationship... 'But First, Inner Peace' is available on Amazon! Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny https://instagram.com/case.kenny Text me! 312-584-4002
info_outlineNew Mindset, Who Dis?
In this episode I talk about "flexes" and the purpose of life as I see it. I talk about what you should be proud of in your life. 'But First, Inner Peace' is now available on Amazon! Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny https://instagram.com/case.kenny Text me! 312-584-4002
info_outlineNew Mindset, Who Dis?
In this episode I talk about not generalizing all people and all possible outcomes based on past experiences. I talk about how to take the lesson and move forward. 'But First, Inner Peace' is now available on Amazon! Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny https://instagram.com/case.kenny Text me! 312-584-4002
info_outlineNew Mindset, Who Dis?
In this episode I talk about "misogi" and how to make it a life long mindset. I talk about facing fear and moving forward... no matter what. 'But First, Inner Peace' is now available on Amazon! Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny https://instagram.com/case.kenny Text me! 312-584-4002
info_outlineNew Mindset, Who Dis?
In this episode I talk about how to know if you're dating soley with potential in mind OR if you're being honest about the current reality. I talk about the one exercise that can give you clarity. 'But First, Inner Peace' is now available on Amazon! Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny https://instagram.com/case.kenny Text me! 312-584-4002
info_outlineNew Mindset, Who Dis?
In this episode I talk about the power of radical acceptance. I talk about asking yourself: "is this something to be controlled or something to be accepted?" 'But First, Inner Peace' is now available on Amazon! Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny https://instagram.com/case.kenny Text me! 312-584-4002
info_outlineNew Mindset, Who Dis?
In this episode I talk about the dating advice we see online. I talk about how to differentiate someone else's expectations with your standards. 'But First, Inner Peace' is now available on Amazon! Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny https://instagram.com/case.kenny Text me! 312-584-4002
info_outlineIn this episode (episode 400!) I talk about how we got to this point and why my story can help you fall madly in love with YOURSELF.
Visit betterhelp.com/newmindset for 10% off your first month of therapy.
Get "The New Mindset Journal", "Single is your Superpower" and "UNBOTHERED" (https://newmindsetwhodis.com/)
Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny https://instagram.com/case.kenny
Text me! 312-584-4002