newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast's podcast
Podcast describing the most common mistakes NYPD Police Officer applicants make and how to avoid them. NYPD disqualification appeals attorney Kevin Sheerin describes methods to avoid common mistakes in the application and medical and physical and psychological evalutation process.
info_outline Disqualification Appeal tip of the week November 21, 2024newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast's podcast
info_outline Should you appeal an NYPD Psychological Disqualification?newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast's podcast
Should you appeal an NYPD Psychological Disqualification After the initial frustration and disappointment and heartbreak of receiving a disqualification certainly after spending 15 or 20 hours processing at the NYPD Candidate Assessment Division candidate’s first question is: Should I appeal? This podcast discusses some of the answers to that question. Certainly it will not get any worse if you appeal because you arer currently disqualified. Your appeal could get reversed and NYPD disqualifications are getting reverse with increased frequency at second interviews at Lekrak City...
info_outline NYPD Disqualification Appeals process. Call 516 248 0040 for a free consultationnewyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast's podcast
If you receive an NYPD NOPD for psychological disqualification listen to the process and the steps necessary to appeal and get the disqualification reversed. Law Office of Kevin P. Sheerin has been representing disqualified candidates for 17 years. Lately disqualified candidates have an increased chance of success due to second interviews granted by NYPD. To succeed at a second interview it is best to prepare in person with a seasoned attorney familiar with this process. Call 516 248 3494 if you have any questions or would like to schedule a free consultation.
info_outline NYPD NOPD or NOD avoid Police Officer application dismissalnewyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast's podcast
If you fail to check your email for a NYPD NOPD psychological disqualification or an NYPD NOD psychological disqualification your will lose your chance to appeal and would have to take the written exam again.
info_outline Episode 8 - What Can you do when you get a NYPD Disqualification?newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast's podcast
NYPD NOPD Get the facts before you act.
info_outline Episode 1newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast's podcast
This is the introductory episode of the New York Civil Service Law Attorney Podcast. It includes background, some biographical information and topics to be covered in future episodes.
info_outline NYPD Disqualification 2nd Psych Interviewnewyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast's podcast
info_outline Resignation from Civil Service job in New York Statenewyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast's podcast
Discussion of Resignation issues in New York State civil service jobs.
info_outline NYPD Disqualification process explainednewyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast's podcast
NYPD Disqualification process explained
info_outlineThis is the introductory episode of the New York Civil Service Law Attorney Podcast. It includes background, some biographical information and topics to be covered in future episodes.