Meeting the Unknown: Compassion as a Response to Trauma
NORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Release Date: 11/04/2024
NORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Healing Energies, Songs and Insights from Norma and her guides Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor Atamira. The current Spiritual energies help us to do more than just awaken to our Souls journey. We can also tag those issues in our life where we may not be able to hear our guides and angels clearly. Areas of our life where we may be shutting ourselves off from hearing the prompting of the Soul, because in the past it's been so painful. That is what is up for us and what we are addressing, through politics, and this meditation, right now. Part of what's happening externally in the...
info_outlineNORMA GENTILE sound shaman
It's not just politics.... This is a time of potential healing around what is most noticeably not harmonious and healthy. American politics has taken center stage. We are challenged to remember that when we dislike and avoid something externally it is often because something within us is awoken. Something that is uncomfortable, and is ready to be seen, understood, and changed. Anger, fear and aggression are the audible and energetic components of what Drumpf (original family name) exudes. In the past month I am noting that the lower level guides that have worked through him have completely...
info_outlineNORMA GENTILE sound shaman
purely for fun....feel free to use for your outgoing voicemail
info_outlineNORMA GENTILE sound shaman
New beliefs, habits, and behaviors that we started in this last year or even within the last few months may not serve us anymore. The way we were creating reality, as well as the path and the goals of that reality, have changed. New options are available and for most of us, our Souls have decided that we want to investigate and pursue those new options. What worked in the past isn't going to work now, because our Soul doesn't want to be on the same path. The goals that we had for ourselves are gone. We have different goals now. The Soul wants to experience something different. This means that...
info_outlineNORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Releasing what Wounds and Loving what Remains. GASLIGHTING AS PSYCHIC MANIPULATION Healing Songs and Clearing Meditations INCLUDES: Creating Sacred Space with Nature Invoking Your Unique Connection to Archangel Michael Spoken Insights from Archangel MichaelWhy (sometimes) We Can’t Heal Ourselves Are You Micro-Managing Healing Energies? Our Soul may Create Pain to Direct our Choices Your Intuitive Compass has 3 Locations: 6TH Chakra and Throat Heart Navel Songs and Meditations to Release...
info_outlineNORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Insights from Archangel Michael, Blessings from Mary, and four new healing songs from Atamira, Norma’s Hathor guide. SECTIONS: Creating Sacred Space Welcoming those Nature Spirits vibrating at their level of unconditional love. Identifying and Releasing Old Emotions Held in Your Low Body Our personal energetic emotional packets attract energies to attach like Velcro to us You Can Help Energies Go HomeAll that is happening in the world is actually of service to each person. How We Pray MattersWhat is the next step for the patterns that are playing out in our world right...
info_outlineNORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Create Ease, not Effort Resting into Healing A deeply restful healing meditation from Archangel Michael and Mary, speaking through Norma Gentile. Let yourself lie down, close your eyes, and come to rest into those natural processes that surround and support you. Energies may assist to release pain and discomfort in the legs and lower body. The soft tender tissue behind the knees, the spherical chakras at the ankles and the chakras on the bottom of the feet are included in this healing meditation. Opening the lower portion of the body allows congested stuck energies to flow more easily...
info_outlineNORMA GENTILE sound shaman
A Time of Reflection (insights and songs from Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor Atamira)
info_outlineNORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Insights and Healing Meditation sound shaman Download Now Follow Norma on Norma's music is available at iTunes Amazon CDBaby to Norma's Newsletter Explore Norma's Online Classes Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides. Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well. COMING 2020 and how to let it happen more ...
info_outlineNORMA GENTILE sound shaman
- Creating Sacred Space (how and why)
info_outlineIt's not just politics....
This is a time of potential healing around what is most noticeably not harmonious and healthy. American politics has taken center stage. We are challenged to remember that when we dislike and avoid something externally it is often because something within us is awoken. Something that is uncomfortable, and is ready to be seen, understood, and changed.
Anger, fear and aggression are the audible and energetic components of what Drumpf (original family name) exudes. In the past month I am noting that the lower level guides that have worked through him have completely engulfed him These low level guides are now, sometimes, coating the violent words with a sweet artificial energy of conditional love.
I believe that most of us grew up in families where love was very conditional: 'I love you as long as you...' And bits of the learned behaviors, beliefs and habits that we adopted in order to live within our family might still remain in our unconsciousness. The low level guides around Drumpf offer an opportunity to recognize and shift inside of ourselves what we are seeing in the outer world.
Underneath the audible words of anger, fear and aggression, people are also hearing the psychic energies of the low level guides (functioning as a single Being) resonating with their upbringing and wounds. Drumpf promises, on a psychic level, to love them as long as they join him in wallowing in emotions that are not really theirs. The pool of anger, fear and hatred belongs to the Being encompassing Drumpf. It may actually have been attached to the family for a few generations, going back through the male lineage, which is why I use the family name.
Almost always calling attention to manipulative energetic beings on a psychic level will bring them into easier view of others. Sometimes even eliciting odd public behavior. Once seen by both psychics and those people who are sensitive to energies, the Being's energetic presence disperses and their power over people fades.
The Being of consciousness that Drumpf is channeling is ancient. It may actually be a collection of consciousnesses. Ultimately we are not here to fight against them, but to compassionately witness them. We will learn more about ourselves, and, if possible, offer the opportunity to move on. All Beings of consciousness have an evolutionary journey, and possess an inner knowing of where their true home is.
We cannot silence what this Being (collection of low level guides) are bringing up out of human consciousness. We must understand why such emotions and beliefs about the 'other' still exist. But, perhaps, we can help.