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Think for a second | Job Slave or Family Financial Freedom? | David Eyiangho

NTSL is Coaching Podcast

Release Date: 09/12/2024

Desert Fisherman, Almond Catfish on a mission, Survival strategies | David Eyiang show art Desert Fisherman, Almond Catfish on a mission, Survival strategies | David Eyiang

NTSL is Coaching Podcast

Welcome to today’s podcast. Let’s talk about the secret to beating any challenge … in your family, business, relationships… if you want to make money or build a thriving family, you must have attention span, so pay attention to me in the next few minutes and listen to me to the end. You may have to listen to it again. Description:  Desert Fisherman, Almond Catfish on a mission, hallmark of uncommon problem solvers, Survival strategies… What does a desert fisherman, almond catfish and problem solver have in common? Discover how you can use this secret to beat any challenge that...

Teach this to your kids, howto ensure your wealth and legacy outlive you, why the Sun is rising on Africa | David Eyiangho show art Teach this to your kids, howto ensure your wealth and legacy outlive you, why the Sun is rising on Africa | David Eyiangho

NTSL is Coaching Podcast

In life Only Performance with excellence matters! Pls don’t go chasing after mirages, focus on your competence, and the world shall hear from you in a good way! This is NTSL Discovery zone is the zone where we remind you of the essential things of a good life and the wisdom to deal with everyday challenges…. and this is zone with no lie. Description:  Teach this to your kids, howto ensure your wealth and legacy outlive you, Why the Sun is rising on Africa Some of the hardest-working guys I know stay stuck in the land of stagnation, sometimes for life. All because they're not using...

Examine Problems For Hidden Wisdom, How the world really works show art Examine Problems For Hidden Wisdom, How the world really works

NTSL is Coaching Podcast

In a perfect world, all 365 days of every year would be positive and productive.  But in reality, there will always be one bad day among your hundreds of good days. I will my share 3 core secrets on how to become a good finisher. NTSL Discovery zone is the zone where we remind you of the essential things of a good life…. and no lie. Description:  Examine Problems For Hidden Wisdom and How the world really works. Discover why you should not give up without a fight.  I will share with you 3 of my core secrets on how to become a good finisher. Only a good finisher gets the gold...

Happiest place to be, Speaking Truth to Issues, No lie, Character Matters  | David Eyiangho show art Happiest place to be, Speaking Truth to Issues, No lie, Character Matters | David Eyiangho

NTSL is Coaching Podcast

Today I want to help you identify the happiest place to be in the world right now.  Description:  Happiest place to be…  There are 5 things you need to have working for you in sync for you to live in this magical wonderland called… Good Life without sorrows. This is how you can be you without limits. It’s worth fighting for! Things about your father you never knew but should...   ----------------------------------------------- FOLLOW US ON ★ Website →   ★ Timeless eNote Galore →    ★ Webinar Marathon →    ★ HappyWarriors Inner...

The cure is hated more than the contagious disease, How to prepare newborn for great future | David Eyiangho show art The cure is hated more than the contagious disease, How to prepare newborn for great future | David Eyiangho

NTSL is Coaching Podcast

In 2020, in a frighteningly short three months, people learned to distance and wear masks. Why can’t we learn how to become better human beings? This podcast tells you how to give a Great start to ANY NewBorn. Description:  The cure is hated more than the contagious virus What do you think is causing the increasing disparity between the rich and poor?  Are rich people rich because they force poor people to be poor or are wealth and poverty largely the result of the choices people make? This podcast answers these two very pertinent questions!  Discover the true fix to the...

Surround yourself with Destiny Shapers, the law of 33%, NTSL character builder | by David Eyiangho show art Surround yourself with Destiny Shapers, the law of 33%, NTSL character builder | by David Eyiangho

NTSL is Coaching Podcast

Everything in the universe revolves around laws. Know the laws and consciously use them, and you will become smarter, bolder and wealthier….That’s the savage truth that schools and colleges will never teach you. But I have the good news for you! Description:  The law of 33%. Surround yourself with these people… and you will have a good life without sorrows. This is the law that 3% of the people in the world, that control 97%  of the wealth of the world, live by. Discover why? Things about your father you never knew but should... Learn how to deal with seductive false ideas...

Planning the Foundation for Future Generation | David Eyiangho show art Planning the Foundation for Future Generation | David Eyiangho

NTSL is Coaching Podcast

Planning the Foundation for Future Generation - It all starts from the mother’s womb. Discover why in this podcast. No matter how busy you are pls don’t fail to listen to this podcast! Description:  Planning the Foundation for Future Generation If you're rich, should you pass on generational wealth to your children? Many people are afraid if they leave money for their kids, it'll kill their ambition for the future... Well, there is a solution that is over 3000 years old. You will discover it in this podcast. Things about your father you never knew but should... Learn how to deal with...

Finally Our Wonderful World Has A Vaccine For Peace | David Eyiangho show art Finally Our Wonderful World Has A Vaccine For Peace | David Eyiangho

NTSL is Coaching Podcast

Wow! Finally Our Wonderful World now Has A Vaccine For Peace. But there is still only one nation on earth that is immune to this virus. You will discover why in this podcast? Description:  Wow! We finally have a Safe and Reliable Vaccine for Peace in the world. Discover why protracted geopolitical tensions and wars are anti-peace strategy. The Good news is that there is now only one nation on earth that is immune to this virus. It’s time to implement the vaccine across the world! Things about your father you never knew but should... Learn how to deal with seductive false ideas from...

Howto Kiss Poverty Goodbye | David Eyiangho show art Howto Kiss Poverty Goodbye | David Eyiangho

NTSL is Coaching Podcast

Poverty is a Spirit that eat everything in one generation and leaves nothing for the next generation to start up with. Discover how to destroy that spirit in this podcast. Description: Howto Kiss Poverty Goodbye… 5 things you can start doing now! There is simply no alternative to true performance in life. You will always lose what you mismanage…. This include your marriage, your fitness, your business, your job… If you don’t develop, instead of becoming a beautiful garden you will soon become a bush. Things about your father you never knew but should... Request for 1-ON-1 chat with...

Think for a second | Job Slave or Family Financial Freedom? | David Eyiangho show art Think for a second | Job Slave or Family Financial Freedom? | David Eyiangho

NTSL is Coaching Podcast

Think for a second: Do you want Job Slave life or True Family Financial Freedom? This question is not as simple as you may think! How do you make a wiser, smarter and most cost-effective choice?  This podcast will give you a guide on how to approach this critical question! Description: Think for a second | Job Slave or Family Financial Freedom?  Remember, family is the beginning, the middle and the end of life… Things about your father you never knew but should... Request for 1-ON-1 chat with David from   ________________________ FOLLOW US ON: ★ Website:   ★ Webinar...

More Episodes

Think for a second: Do you want Job Slave life or True Family Financial Freedom? This question is not as simple as you may think! How do you make a wiser, smarter and most cost-effective choice?  This podcast will give you a guide on how to approach this critical question!

Description: Think for a second | Job Slave or Family Financial Freedom? 
Remember, family is the beginning, the middle and the end of life…

Things about your father you never knew but should... Request for 1-ON-1 chat with David from https://ntsl.com/private/ 

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AND If I had a time machine, here’s what I would tell my 13 year old self... https://ntsl.com/life/


NTSL.com Wisdom Mining Center Podcast for Family and Finance.