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ep. 80 - Painfree Orgasmic Birth

Orgasmic Birth

Release Date: 12/06/2023

Unwinding Birth with Laura Hanstad show art Unwinding Birth with Laura Hanstad

Orgasmic Birth

Ep 103 Description:  “It's helpful to make sure that you're considering what you really want, and then stack the cards in your favor.” —Laura Hanstad A woman’s birth experience is one of the most powerful and transformational events of her life. Yet for many, it does not go as envisioned due to a lack of knowledge or support.  This week, Debra sits with Laura Hanstad to discuss the power women have over their birth choices to achieve the empowered birth they want. Laura discovered the power of choosing the right support team after an initial discouraging birth experience. She...

The Potent Birthing Body with Christine Mason show art The Potent Birthing Body with Christine Mason

Orgasmic Birth

Ep 102 Description:  “Your body belongs to you. Your body isn't for someone else's pleasure. It's not an ornament.” —Christine Mason The female body undergoes profound changes during pregnancy and childbirth. As the womb expands to nurture new life, the body's shape and functions are transformed. However, societal attitudes have not always celebrated these transformations, with pregnant and postpartum women facing criticism and shame regarding their changing forms. In recent years, there has been a growing movement to reclaim the potent beauty and power of the birthing body. By...

Why Pleasure Matters with Dr. Nan Wise show art Why Pleasure Matters with Dr. Nan Wise

Orgasmic Birth

Ep 101 Description:  “If we can learn to tolerate our feelings of emotional pain, grief, loss, sadness, and anxiety, we open up the possibility of being able to feel more pleasure. And it starts with the body.” —Dr. Nan Wise Pleasure is a fundamental part of the human experience that enhances well-being and quality of life. The ability to experience joy and satisfaction promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and strengthens our relationships and connections with others. Yet modern lifestyles often leave little time for leisure, play, and mindfulness of sensations in our own...

Similarities Between Preparing for an Orgasmic Birth and Sex with Debra Pascali-Bonaro show art Similarities Between Preparing for an Orgasmic Birth and Sex with Debra Pascali-Bonaro

Orgasmic Birth

Ep 100 Description:  “Birth and sex are transformative, intimate, and deserving of safe private spaces that honor the essence of the experience.” —Debra Pascali-Bonaro   We welcome you to EPISODE 100!!    Our podcast has hit its pleasure peak as it reached its century mark all thanks to you, our dear listeners.    And what better way to celebrate this milestone than to reclaim birth as a natural and pleasurable experience with a heartwarming and insightful message from your host, Debra herself!  Societal conventions have long inhibited an open...

It’s a Business Doing Pleasure! with Alexandra Fine show art It’s a Business Doing Pleasure! with Alexandra Fine

Orgasmic Birth

Ep 99 Description:  “Pleasure was a part of what it meant to feel good in life. Sexual identities are important that these things are worth investing and understanding.” —Alexandra Fine While male sexuality is frequently encouraged or normalized in mainstream culture, female sexuality and pleasure are often negative and stigmatizing. As a result, women face barriers in openly discussing their bodies and experiences with sexuality. This leads to women's health being politicized and their access to information and tools related to pleasure being restricted. However, perspectives are...

VBAC Facts: Demystifying Common Misconceptions with Decades of Evidence with Jen Kamel show art VBAC Facts: Demystifying Common Misconceptions with Decades of Evidence with Jen Kamel

Orgasmic Birth

Ep 98 Description:  “Once you have the facts, once you have confidence in your information, you have confidence in your decision. You don't need to justify that to anyone. It's not your job to educate the world unless you decide it is.” —Jen Kamel VBAC— Vaginal Birth After Cesarean is a common yet controversial choice that many birthing people face. While the evidence has long supported VBAC as a safe option for most, widespread myths and misinformation continue to obscure the facts.  In this episode, leading VBAC advocate Jen Kamel sets out to separate myth from reality once...

Preparing for a Positive Cesarean Birth with Nicole Heidbreder and Amir Niroumand show art Preparing for a Positive Cesarean Birth with Nicole Heidbreder and Amir Niroumand

Orgasmic Birth

Ep 97 Description:  “If that's something that I could encourage other pregnant people to do, is to try to have that clarity about their wants and their needs and their desires, and then to verbalize from a place of clarity to their provider. That inner state of clarity is very important in the conversation.” —Nicole Heidbreder “My job was to not try to fix things and be more of a listener.”  —Amir Niroumand While vaginal birth is often seen as the ideal, for many birthing experts a medically-necessary cesarean section is the safest option. However, the sterility and...

Tips for a Gentle Cesarean Birth with Debra Pascali-Bonaro show art Tips for a Gentle Cesarean Birth with Debra Pascali-Bonaro

Orgasmic Birth

Ep 96 Description:  “Preparing ahead is important as birth trauma often happens when the unexpected happens, and your voice and choice are not heard or honored.” —Debra Pascali-Bonaro While many expectant parents envision an ideal birth experience, it's important to prepare for the possibility that things may not unfold as planned. Complications can arise that require medical intervention for the health and safety of the mother and baby. A caring provider will discuss all options to find the best solution. Having discussed preferences for interventions like cesarean birth ahead of...

It's Not Pain, It’s Power with Carina Devi Part 2 show art It's Not Pain, It’s Power with Carina Devi Part 2

Orgasmic Birth

Ep 95 Description:  “The moment I said this actually hurts, it felt incorrect. It felt like ‘pain’ was too shallow of a word. And then I realized what I'm feeling is power.” —Carina Devi   When pregnant with her second baby, Carina Devi embraced the joy of pregnancy rather than intensive preparation. Her labor brought intense yet transformative sensations.   In part two of "It's Not Pain, It's Power", Carina discusses how the wisdom and lessons from her orgasmic first birth experience empowered and strengthened her through subsequent challenges like divorce and single...

It's Not Pain, It’s Power with Carina Devi Part 1 show art It's Not Pain, It’s Power with Carina Devi Part 1

Orgasmic Birth

Ep 94 Description:  “The only way out is through… There's only one way for this to end, and it is by me saying yes, and pushing my baby out.” —Carina Devi Birth is a profound and transformative experience that has the power to deeply impact a woman's life. However, for too long, societal expectations have portrayed childbirth as something to simply endure, focusing on pain management rather than empowerment. Hence, it is crucial to reclaim birth as a natural and meaningful process through education and care. When supported to follow their inner wisdom, women experience birth as...

More Episodes

Today, we delve into the transformative journey of Marie Gaboriau, as she shares her profound experiences with childbirth and the impact it had on her perspective of the body, birth, and parenting. Marie challenges societal narratives around delivery, emphasizing the importance of redesigning how we perceive our bodies and the birthing process. From unexpected pregnancies to orgasmic births, Marie's story unfolds as a testament to the power of intuition, presence, and surrender in the birthing journey.

Our guest, Marie Gaboriau, is an embodiment specialist and Biodynamic Myofascial Integration (BMY) practitioner. With a background in osteopathy, Marie combines her expertise in anatomy with an intuitive approach to guide her clients toward physical and emotional alignment. Inspired by her birthing experiences, Marie has become a passionate advocate, empowering individuals to trust their bodies and embrace a more intuitive approach to childbirth and parenting.

In This Episode:

  • Marie's unplanned pregnancy sparked a journey of self-discovery, leading her to explore alternative perspectives on childbirth beyond conventional media portrayals

  • Marie challenges societal norms by reshaping perceptions of bodies, birth, and parenting, guiding others to trust their bodies and embrace the transformative journey of childbirth

  • Confidence and intuition in motherhood allow navigating early parenting with a sense of empowerment, disregarding external pressures and opinions

  • Letting go of expectations, trusting the body's innate wisdom, and cultivating a mindset of surrender facilitate a smoother birthing experience

  • Being present and adopting a positive mindset during childbirth, shifting focus from fear to a place of surrender helps experience pain differently and have moments of orgasmic release during birth

  • Incorporating embodiment practices, such as meditation and tuning into one's body, as crucial elements in birth preparation, focusing on inner sensations and feelings,  enhances connection with the birthing process

  • Marie’s intuitive approach enables her to connect with clients remotely, helping them release tension and achieve alignment during Biodynamic Myofascial Integration sessions

Key Takeaways:

  • The strength of surrender, releasing expectations, and letting the body guide the process result in tension release and transformative moments

  • Trusting one's intuition plays a significant role in parenting, making choices aligned with personal values, and resisting external pressures

  • Changing viewpoints and embracing the natural and intuitive elements of the birthing journey will disrupt existing narratives about childbirth

  • The integration of embodiment practices, even in online sessions, can be a powerful tool for releasing tension, achieving alignment, and preparing the body for childbirth

  • Shifting from a mindset of fear to one of surrender and presence can profoundly impact the experience of pain during childbirth

Key Quotes:


"Birth is designed to help us connect to that deep inner wisdom that sometimes our thinking mind and busyness block us from accessing."-  Marie Gaboriau


"The crucial point is to allow things to unfold, to release control. I'll focus on feeling and breathing—simply doing that and observing as it happens. It's akin to witnessing the process, where the body takes charge independently." - Marie Gaboriau

Connect with Marie Gaboriau!

Website:  https://mariegaboriau.com/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/marieorthobionomy

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/marie_gaboriau/




Connect with Debra!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orgasmicbirth/  

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrgasmicBirth  

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/OrgasmicBirth1   

Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@orgasmicbirth  

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/debra-pascali-bonaro-1093471/  


Visit https://www.orgasmicbirth.com/ for more information on how to Positively Prepare for birth and parenting


Check out Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret, the film creating buzz around the world! 


Orgasmic Birth Podcast: Pleasure in pregnancy, birth, and parenting. I believe pleasure is our birthright - from our sexuality, birth, parenting, and beyond, we can find pleasure when we create space for joy and intimacy in our lives. Join me to have deep conversations about breaking the taboos of Sexuality + Motherhood/Parenthood.


Listen to leading experts in sexuality, healing, and childbirth, as well as stories from new parents, doulas, doctors, midwives, and nurses. We will discuss how to positively prepare for childbirth and parenting by expanding love and intimacy in your life.