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Threatening Culture and the Church - Psalm 12 | April 30, 2024

One Single Story

Release Date: 04/30/2024

Depression - Job 29 | May 31, 2024 show art Depression - Job 29 | May 31, 2024

One Single Story

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Chris Rexroad discuss the following questions: What does it mean to you to know that Job, who is upheld in scripture as a great example of faith, struggled with depression? When people are fighting, discouragement and depression, they often look back to the past, have an unhealthy focus on themselves rather than other others, and a sense of hopelessness about the future. How does a believer deal with discouragement and depression differently than unbelievers? The reading for the day is Job 29.

Wisdom - Job 28 | May 30, 2024 show art Wisdom - Job 28 | May 30, 2024

One Single Story

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Chris Rexroad discuss the following questions: What does “wisdom” really mean in our modern day? It seems like it is more than just have smarts, or being a sharp-minded person. Do you think people really value wisdom, as Job defined it? Multiple places in Wisdom Literature (Psalm, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Lamentations, and Job) state that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” How does fearing God produce wisdom?  What does it look like in our modern world when a person is pursuing after...

Times of Trouble - Job 27 | May 29, 2024 show art Times of Trouble - Job 27 | May 29, 2024

One Single Story

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Chris Rexroad discuss the following questions: How do believers and unbelievers differ in their view of trouble or terror? How does our faith sustain us in times of trouble? The reading for the day is Job 27.

Natural Disasters - Job 26 | May 28, 2024 show art Natural Disasters - Job 26 | May 28, 2024

One Single Story

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Chris Rexroad discuss the following questions: Sometimes when tragedy strikes, like in the example of severe weather conditions which take out one home but leave another standing, it is often easier to cope with these events by believing they are random. How does it change how a believer copes if he sees both the destruction and the preservation of tragedies as actions of God? Does God control over nature give you comfort, or cause you concern? The reading for the day is Job 26.

God's Greatness - Job 25 | May 27, 2024 show art God's Greatness - Job 25 | May 27, 2024

One Single Story

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Chris Rexroad discuss the following questions: How does the fact that God is great, powerful, and sovereign lead us to conclude that he is also more holy and pure than man? When you think of God’s greatness, does it make you afraid (i.e. “fear the Lord”)? The reading for the day is Job 25.

Resist Sin - Romans 7 | May 24, 2024 show art Resist Sin - Romans 7 | May 24, 2024

One Single Story

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sharon Schwartz discuss the following questions: Have you ever heard verses 14 - 23 used as an explanation that no one can resist sin? What does that mean for people who believe that approach? How does knowing that we are free to obey God through Jesus Christ, because we have been joined with him in his death and resurrection (Romans 6:1-11), make a difference in our daily lives? Does this mean that we do not struggle against sin? The reading for the day is Romans 7.

Representative - Romans 6 | May 23, 2024 show art Representative - Romans 6 | May 23, 2024

One Single Story

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sharon Schwartz discuss the following questions: How does viewing Jesus as our representative, rather than our substitute, change our understanding of Jesus’ death for us? Why can’t God just choose to forgive man without needing the death of Jesus to pay for sin? If sin is against God, wouldn’t it be enough for God to simply declare, “I forgive you” and be done with it? The reading for the day is Romans 6.

Fair - Romans 5 | May 22, 2024 show art Fair - Romans 5 | May 22, 2024

One Single Story

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sharon Schwartz discuss the question, "Do you think it is fair that God placed every person under the curse of sin for something that only one man, Adam, did?" The reading for the day is Romans 5.

Ask Us Anything: Episode 10 show art Ask Us Anything: Episode 10

One Single Story

On this episode of Ask Us Anything, Pastor Alyssa Bream asks Pastor Stephen Mizell the following questions: Why is Pentecost described as the birthday of the church? What would the church be like if the Holy Spirit did not exist? Why was speaking in other languages chosen as the symbol for the Holy Spirit in the Bible? Were they literal tongues of fire? Or were they hot? Is speaking in tongues for today? It is something that anyone can do or is it only available for certain people? If you have a question that you would like to be considered for an upcoming podcast, you can send us an email at...

"Good People" - Romans 4 | May 21. 2024

One Single Story

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sharon Schwartz discuss the following questions: What are some responses people outside the church might give if you were to ask them to provide evidence from their daily lives that they are “good people”, worthy of going to heaven? Theological discussion: How could Abraham be saved by believing on the promise that God would give him a son? This is a far cry from the Gospel message we must believe: Jesus loved us and died for our sins. Does this mean Abraham went to heaven without hearing the Gospel of Jesus? Are there people...

More Episodes

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Chris Rexroad discuss some propaganda or smooth talk that is threatening culture and the church today. The reading for the day is Psalm 12.