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In This Place - 1 Corinthians 10 | June 20, 2024

One Single Story

Release Date: 06/20/2024

God's Assessment - 2 Timothy 2 | September 27, 2024 show art God's Assessment - 2 Timothy 2 | September 27, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week:Challenges of Godly Leadership Today's Lesson: Seeking God's Approval On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Wendy Korbusieski discuss the following questions: What do you think it looks like for God to assess a leader? Does this make leadership more desirable to you, or less? Do you read this scripture and get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach? The reading for the day is 2 Timothy 2.

Leadership at Home - 2 Timothy 1 | September 26, 2024 show art Leadership at Home - 2 Timothy 1 | September 26, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week:Challenges of Godly Leadership Today's Lesson: Timothy's First Leaders On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Wendy Korbusieski discuss the following questions: How would it influence our parenting if we viewed it from the perspective of leadership? Are parents also leaders? What are some things that would be necessary to create the right environment for conversion in your home? What are some things that would be necessary to move your family from conversion to development in the faith? Have you been influenced by the former generation in...

Christian Life - 1 Timothy 6 | September 25, 2024 show art Christian Life - 1 Timothy 6 | September 25, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week:Challenges of Godly Leadership Today's Lesson: Leaders Live Like the Opposite On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Wendy Korbusieski discuss the following questions: Holiness before God is a contrast to the world. How difficult does that make the Christian life? When Paul tells Timothy that he is a man of God and then encourages him to run/pursue, he is in essence saying that Timothy should become what he already is in Christ. How does that principle apply in your life? What are some things you've had to run from? What are some things you...

Appoint Leaders - 1 Timothy 5 | September 24, 2024 show art Appoint Leaders - 1 Timothy 5 | September 24, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week:Challenges of Godly Leadership Today's Lesson: Duties of Godly Leadership On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Wendy Korbusieski discuss the following questions: How do we see Christian leadership compromising in the area of teaching the Word? Where do we see leadership improving in teaching the Word? What is the general impression that you get of the personal life of Christian leadership in the Church? Why do you think it is important to stress the focus of Christian leaders on Godly priorities? The reading for the day is 1 Timothy 4.

Christian Leadership - 1 Timothy 4 | September 23, 2024 show art Christian Leadership - 1 Timothy 4 | September 23, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week:Challenges of Godly Leadership Today's Lesson: Duties of Godly Leadership On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Wendy Korbusieski discuss the following questions: How do we see Christian leadership compromising in the area of teaching the Word? Where do we see leadership improving in teaching the Word? What is the general impression that you get of the personal life of Christian leadership in the Church? Why do you think it is important to stress the focus of Christian leaders on Godly priorities? The reading for the day is 1 Timothy 4.

Ministry - Exodus 28 | September 20, 2024 show art Ministry - Exodus 28 | September 20, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: Lessons from the Tabernacle - How We Have Communion with God Through Christ Today's Lesson: Dressed for Ministry On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Chris Rexroad discuss the following questions: Do you think of yourself as a “minister”? How does your life and work for the Lord carry the burden of people? Do you see people as jewels, close to your heart? What does it mean for God to equip His people with a protection of holiness? Why is it important that we have righteousness underneath all of our ministry work? The reading for the...

Beast of Sin - Exodus 27 | September, 19, 2024 show art Beast of Sin - Exodus 27 | September, 19, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: Lessons from the Tabernacle - How We Have Communion with God Through Christ Today's Lesson: The Brass Altar and the Courtyard On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Chris Rexroad discuss the following questions: Do you think that the picture of sin has a beast with horns is appropriate? How has sin been like a wild beast in your life? How has Jesus conquered the beast of sin for you? The reading for the day is Exodus 27.

The Veil is Torn - Exodus 26 | September 18, 2024 show art The Veil is Torn - Exodus 26 | September 18, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: Lessons from the Tabernacle - How We Have Communion with God Through Christ Today's Lesson: The Curtains of the Tabernacle On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Chris Rexroad discuss the following questions: What does it mean to you to think about the veil of the Tabernacle being torn on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion? There is an interesting contrast between the details of the Old Covenant Tabernacle and the details of the crucifixion of Jesus and the New Covenant. In the Old Covenant, the construction of the Tabernacle indicated that God...

Jesus in the Tabernacle - Exodus 25 | September 17, 2024 show art Jesus in the Tabernacle - Exodus 25 | September 17, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: Lessons from the Tabernacle - How We Have Communion with God Through Christ Today's Lesson: The Ark, the Table of the Bread, and the Lampstand On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Chris Rexroad discuss the following questions: Why do you think it is important that we recognize how the Tabernacle and each piece of furniture points towards Jesus? How do you see Jesus in the Ark of the Covenant? How do you see Jesus in the Table of the Bread of the Presence? How do you see Jesus in the lampstand? The reading for the day is Exodus 25.

Dwell with God - Exodus 24 | September 16, 2024 show art Dwell with God - Exodus 24 | September 16, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: Lessons from the Tabernacle - How We Have Communion with God Through Christ Today's Lesson: From Covenant to Communion On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Chris Rexroad discuss the following questions: It is incredible to think that God would want to dwell with people. How do you think this distinguishes Christianity from other religions? Are you consciously aware that God is dwelling with you on a daily basis? Does the average church service indicate that God's presence is dwelling among His people? The reading for the day is Exodus 24.

More Episodes

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sharon Schwartz discuss the following questions:

If Jesus was sitting beside me, would I watch this movie?

If God gave me an opportunity to witness to someone while I am here in this particular place, would my being here hinder my witness?

The reading for the day is 1 Corinthians 10.