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Sin, One “Whisper” Away - Psalm 36:1-4 | July 1, 2024

One Single Story

Release Date: 07/01/2024

Freedom in God - Psalm 37:1-11 | July 3, 2024 show art Freedom in God - Psalm 37:1-11 | July 3, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: God can keep the believer! Today's Lesson: God keeps the believer from explosive anger. On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Dylan Wilkin discuss the following questions: Why do some people become angry when they feel like life is unfair? What kind of freedom could come when we realize we are not responsible for things we cannot change or for people that we cannot change? What kind of freedom could come if we accept that God is ultimately in total control? The reading for the day is Psalm 37:1-11 .

"God is Great, God is Good” - Psalm 36:5-12 | July 2, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: God can keep the believer! Today's Lesson: God is huge and God is hugely involved with my life. On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Dylan Wilkin discuss the following questions: Why is it so hard for people who believe in God to also believe God is involved with their life and loves them deeply? Many of us have heard the opening words of a children's prayer which is often prayed as a prayer of thanksgiving before a meal: "God is great, God is good.” Which of those two principles is easier to believe? Why? The reading for the day is...

Sin, One “Whisper” Away - Psalm 36:1-4 | July 1, 2024 show art Sin, One “Whisper” Away - Psalm 36:1-4 | July 1, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: God can keep the believer! Today's Lesson: “The dangerous whisper of my heart. Do you ever feel like you are one "whisper" of the heart away from becoming just as bad as those whom we typically think of as being “wicked”? Is it healthy for a Christian to be consistently aware of their potential for great sin? Do you think that, given the right set of circumstances, you could commit any sin you have ever heard about any other person committing? (Hot button examples: killing, torture, abuse, embezzlement, racism, drug addiction, drug dealing, street gang...

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One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: Can I trust God in my everyday life? Today's Lesson: “It’s too late and I’m too old!” On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sheryl Daughety discuss the following questions: Have you ever faced a circumstance when you felt like it was too late for something good to happen, and yet something good did happen? Is anything too hard for God? Even though the correct answer is no, what are some things that are holding you back from believing that a promise from God can yet come to pass? The reading for the day is Genesis 18.

Presence of God - Genesis 17 | June 27, 2024 show art Presence of God - Genesis 17 | June 27, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: Can I trust God in my everyday life? Today's Lesson: “Living Everyday Life Before God” On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sheryl Daughety discuss the following questions: What everyday activity would be different if we did it as if we were before the presence of God? St. Teresa of Avila is attributed with saying, “Know that even when you are in the kitchen, our Lord moves amidst the pots and pans.” Do you believe this is the case? The reading for the day is Genesis 17.

God's Promises - Genesis 16 | June 26, 2024 show art God's Promises - Genesis 16 | June 26, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: Can I trust God in my everyday life? Today's Lesson: “Can God Work through all this Drama?” On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sheryl Daughety discuss the following questions: What message do we get about God's character from a story that mixes God's promise with such drama between flawed humans? Has there ever been a time when you have had drama, or emotional conflict with another person, eventually you saw where God used that situation in a unique way? Where is God during extreme relationship issues? (E.g. Love triangles?...

Believing God - Genesis 15 | June 25, 2024 show art Believing God - Genesis 15 | June 25, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: Can I trust God in my everyday life? Today's Lesson: “Do I Believe in God, or do I Just Want His Stuff?” On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sheryl Daughety discuss the following questions: How do you know if you are believing in God, rather than believing God simply because of the things he has promised you? Can you give an example of a time when you thought you were believing God, but your true motives were revealed when you encountered a difficult problem? The reading for the day is Genesis 15.

God of All - Genesis 14 | June 24, 2024 show art God of All - Genesis 14 | June 24, 2024

One Single Story

General Theme for the Week: Can I trust God in my everyday life? Today's Lesson: “The God of Creation, and the God of the Nations is the God of my Personal Life!” On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sheryl Daughety discuss the following questions: What does this mean for us? Are the mundane ordinary things of every day life are connected to God's overall plan in salvation history? How does it change the way that we live, love, and work if we view our daily lives as part of God’s overall plan for humanity? The reading for the day is Genesis 14.

Social Context - 1 Corinthians 11 | June 21, 2024 show art Social Context - 1 Corinthians 11 | June 21, 2024

One Single Story

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sharon Schwartz discuss the following questions: What are some ways that this passage might be applied if it were misinterpreted outside of its social context? There is so much social pressure on American Christians in this generation. How much influence should social context have on our daily decisions? The subject of this passage is not modesty of dress, but how our dress choices can and do communicate to others about Christ. What do our fashion choices say to others about Christ? The reading for the day is 1 Corinthians 11.

In This Place - 1 Corinthians 10 | June 20, 2024 show art In This Place - 1 Corinthians 10 | June 20, 2024

One Single Story

On this edition of One Single Story, Pastors Stephen Mizell and Sharon Schwartz discuss the following questions: If Jesus was sitting beside me, would I watch this movie? If God gave me an opportunity to witness to someone while I am here in this particular place, would my being here hinder my witness? The reading for the day is 1 Corinthians 10.

More Episodes

General Theme for the Week: God can keep the believer!

Today's Lesson: “The dangerous whisper of my heart.

Do you ever feel like you are one "whisper" of the heart away from becoming just as bad as those whom we typically think of as being “wicked”?

Is it healthy for a Christian to be consistently aware of their potential for great sin?

Do you think that, given the right set of circumstances, you could commit any sin you have ever heard about any other person committing? (Hot button examples: killing, torture, abuse, embezzlement, racism, drug addiction, drug dealing, street gang violence etc.)

The reading for the day is Psalm 36:1-4.