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The Power of Self-Discovery ft. Antoinette Leis show art The Power of Self-Discovery ft. Antoinette Leis

OptimizeYou Podcast

Antoinette Leis, long-time patient and lover of acupuncture, describes her path to self-discovery and self-love, after years of battling health issues.

Don't Panic! How to Be Your Own Health Advocate show art Don't Panic! How to Be Your Own Health Advocate

OptimizeYou Podcast

When you have a health issue or sustain an injury, it can be scary and bring up many questions. Is this something serious? Should I be worried? Will I need surgery? It almost feels like an identity crisis for some people. Many people panic, and look for the quick solution. Every practitioner has a different set of tools. We encourage everyone to advocate for themselves when it comes to their health. You have a voice when it comes to your care.

Coming Out, Perfectionism, and the Power of Story ft. Steph Saffer show art Coming Out, Perfectionism, and the Power of Story ft. Steph Saffer

OptimizeYou Podcast

Steph Saffer, cofounder of OptimizeYou, describes herself as a "recovering perfectionist" and talks about how losing a parent at a young age and growing up questioning her sexuality were origins of that perfectionism. She reveres the power of story and how visibility and telling of experiences can help others in their own lives.

Fitness, Nike NTC, and Empowering Women in Health ft. Marie Purvis show art Fitness, Nike NTC, and Empowering Women in Health ft. Marie Purvis

OptimizeYou Podcast

Marie Purvis, fitness professional and former Nike trainer, talks about the journey she's had in sport and exercise, and how she is working now to empower people (women!) in health.

Finding a Way Through Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - Sarah's Story show art Finding a Way Through Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - Sarah's Story

OptimizeYou Podcast

Ten years ago, Sarah Hayes, co-founder of OptimizeYou, was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease affecting the thyroid. She was diagnosed soon after the birth of her second child, and her physical symptoms became a massive disruption to her daily life.

Road to Healing from Brain Injury ft. Kendall Johnson show art Road to Healing from Brain Injury ft. Kendall Johnson

OptimizeYou Podcast

Kendall Johnson, former Portland Thorns soccer player, talks about her long road to healing after sustaining multiple concussions and traumatic brain injury. After working hard and pushing her body her whole life to play soccer professionally, Kendall was sidelined by brain injury. She talks about the major challenges she faced during this process, and the unexpected lessons she learned along the way.

Redefining Health ft. Sadie Lincoln show art Redefining Health ft. Sadie Lincoln

OptimizeYou Podcast

In this podcast we talk with Sadie Lincoln, Co-Founder and CEO of Barre3. Sarah and Sadie have been good friends for 11 years, and this was a fun, heartfelt conversation with a woman who has been empowering clients through movement for over a decade.

Healing After Trauma ft. Tania Culver Humphrey show art Healing After Trauma ft. Tania Culver Humphrey

OptimizeYou Podcast

This podcast is intended for mature audiences, and discusses topics such as sexual abuse that could be triggering to some. Please use discretion when listening. | Today, Tania Humphrey shares her incredible story of trauma and healing.

Challenging Your Negative Cognition ft. Gail Hardman-Woung show art Challenging Your Negative Cognition ft. Gail Hardman-Woung

OptimizeYou Podcast

We talked with Gail Hardman-Woung, LCSW, hearing how she cares for her patients to help them with work through their negative cognitions.

Create Solid Health Habits show art Create Solid Health Habits

OptimizeYou Podcast

Today Sarah and Steph talk health habits and look at the evolution of their own routines in their life.

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Ten years ago, Sarah Hayes, co-founder of OptimizeYou, was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease affecting the thyroid. She was diagnosed soon after the birth of her second child, and her physical symptoms became a massive disruption to her daily life, as she battled against fatigue, digestive upset, brain fog, irritability, in addition to many other symptoms.

Hashimoto's is the leading cause of hypothyroidism in the U.S. It affects 5 out of 100 people (1-2% of the population), and is 8 times more likely to affect women than men.* Sarah had to learn how to manage her condition, and she calls it her biggest struggle, as well as her biggest motivation to understand the human body, and help others feel better in their bodies.

Over the years, Sarah has worked to regain wellness and manage her symptoms. After trying countless treatments and therapies, she has forged a path towards health. She describes her solution as discovering what she needed to feel like she was thriving, giving herself permission to do it, and committing to that process. Her story is inspiring to all who have dealt with chronic or complex health issues, and instills hope about the resilience of the human body.