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Homily - Veterans Day


Release Date: 11/10/2024

Homily - Parable of the Prodigal Son show art Homily - Parable of the Prodigal Son


(Luke 15: 11-32). Riffing off of St Nikolai Velimirovic, Fr Anthony preaches on the attributes of love - patience, forgiveness, and joy - that the father exhibits towards his sons as he pastors and encourages them them towards perfection.

Revelation - Session 14 show art Revelation - Session 14


Revelation Class 14 – 19; Heading to the Final Showdown 12 February 2025 Revelation, Chapter Fifteen - Twenty    Patrick Henry Reardon, Revelation: A Liturgical Prophecy (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2018), 79–. Chapter Fifteen John sees in heaven the tabernacle of testimony from the Book of Exodus, the traveling tent of the divine presence that Moses and the Israelites carried through the desert. This tent, however, is “heavenly,” which means that it is the original model, the very pattern that Moses copied (Ex 25:9, 40; Acts 7:44; Heb 8:5). … The tent...

Homily - Simplicity show art Homily - Simplicity


Luke 18:10-14. In this homily on the Publican and Pharisee, Fr. Anthony loses his voice and misses a couple of his points but still manages to spend over twenty minutes preaching about the need for repentance and good habits on the way to holiness. Enjoy the show!

Revelation - Session 13 show art Revelation - Session 13


Revelation Class 13 – The Woman and the Beasts 05 February 2025 Revelation, Chapter Twelve - Fourteen    Patrick Henry Reardon, Revelation: A Liturgical Prophecy (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2018), 70–78. Chapter Twelve … Nonetheless, this is not simply a description of the Lord’s nativity. The Woman in the vision is the mother of Jesus, but she is more; she is also the Church, which gives birth to Christ in the world. The sufferings and persecution of the Church are described as birth pangs (cf. Jn 16:21–22). The serpent, of course, is the ancient dragon...

Homily - Love Means Showing Up show art Homily - Love Means Showing Up


Luke 2:22-40. Today the Meeting of the Lord was on a Sunday so everyone got some candles! They also heard Fr. Anthony preach on the stories and virtues of some of the participants in this great feast. Enjoy the show!

Homily - Zacchaeus & Repentance show art Homily - Zacchaeus & Repentance


Luke 19:1-10 Today Fr. Anthony praises St. Zacchaeus’ true repentance, compares it to an ephemeral sort of repentance, and notes the great freedom that simplicity brings.   Enjoy the show & please forgive the audio quality!

Bible Study - Revelation Session 12 show art Bible Study - Revelation Session 12


Revelation Class 12 – The Trumpets 22 January 2025 Revelation, Chapter Eight - Eleven    Patrick Henry Reardon, Revelation: A Liturgical Prophecy (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2018), 58–69. In the present text, the immediate response to the opening of the seventh seal is silence in heaven for thirty minutes (verse 1), while the angels with the seven trumpets prepare themselves (verses 2, 6), and the throne room is ritually incensed (verse 3). The silence that accompanies the incensing provides a time for prayers to be offered, the ascending of which is symbolized...

Homily - Gratitude and Community show art Homily - Gratitude and Community


On Gratitude (with thanks to St. Nicholai Velimirovich) Luke 17: 12-19 (The Ten Lepers, only one of whom returned) [Start with a meditation on the virtues of hard work and gratitude; hard work so that we can be proud of what we have done and foster an appreciation for the amount of effort that goes into the making and sustaining of things. This makes us grateful for what we have, and especially the amount of effort that goes into gifts that we receive from others. But what if these virtues break down? What if there was a society where hard work was not required and gratitude was neither...

Homily - Holiness Changes Everything show art Homily - Holiness Changes Everything


Homily: Holiness Changes Everything (Sunday after Theophany) Ephesians 4: 7-13 St. Matthew 4: 12-17  Review/Introduction.  Ontology of Beauty.  Designed to provide a deeper appreciation for our faith and to demonstrate the blindness of materialism (to include the “new atheists”).  When materialists describe our appreciation for beauty, they either try to show how an appreciation for beauty somehow increased evolutionary fitness, or, in a more sophisticated way, say that it is a happy coincidence.  We know that there is more to beauty than these explanations...

Homily - Beauty & Repentance show art Homily - Beauty & Repentance


The Sunday before Theophany On Repentance and Its Relationship to Beauty and Love 2 Timothy 4: 5-8;  St. Mark 1: 1-8 “Behold, I will send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way, the voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight;” After me comes he who is mightier than I, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.  I have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” Sandals – he knew humility (despite the many temptations he faced for pride!).  The...

More Episodes

The Good Samaritan and Veteran’s Day 

St. Luke 10:25-37 


The Deeper Magic of Unity. The Division of Mankind into Nations. The Demons,  our Fallen Psychology, and the Reification of Separation. The Coming of Christ, Pentecost, and the Promise of Unity. 

And this is where we find ourselves today. We know that Christ has brought an end  to our division and allows us to be One as He is One; joyous, peaceful, and  continually progressing through the endless stages of perfection in peace … but  still living in a world where lives come to an end and violence between nations  ceases only so long as strength and vigilance are maintained. 

The Good Samaritan  

The need for our enemies and why our love for them actually brings us the light of  objectivity. Christ as the ultimate “other.”  

Veterans Day 

And so we come to the juxtaposition of this Epistle with our celebration of  Veteran’s Day. 

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month; temporary cessation of  hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in World War I.  And yet we still have war. People and nations still prey on and threaten one  another. Even when we are between wars, we no not have the peace of Christ, but  the peace of strength. And where we do not have the peace of strength, we have  war and the lessons of martyrdom. Our Church prays and works for the Peace of  Christ; and as that peace is worked for and anticipated, we pray for and support the  peace that comes from military might. This is the practice and teaching of the  Church. 

Right after the anaphora we pray: 

We also offer You this spiritual worship for the whole world, for the Holy, Catholic,  and Apostolic Church, and for all those who live in purity and holiness. And for  those in public service; permit them, Lord, to serve and govern in peace, that in  their tranquility we may lead a calm and quiet life, in all Godliness and purity.

From our Morning Prayers: 

Lord, save and have mercy on our civil authorities; protect our nation with peace,  subduing our every foe and adversary. Fill the hearts of our leaders with peaceful,  benevolent thoughts for your Holy Church and for all Your people so that we, in  their tranquility, may lead a peaceful and quiet life in true faith and in all  godliness and purity. 

And from St. Paul (1 Timothy 2:1-2): 

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and  thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, so  that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. 

And how is this peace that we pray for maintained? Through the sacrifice of men  and women in our armed forces and police who are willing to put our security and  comfort ahead of their own. [a note on the special sacrifice of Christian warriors]. 

It is obtained and maintained by soldiers, sailors, marines, and first responders who  are willing to suffer, to fight, to die, and yes, even to kill – not out of glory or any  kind of sinful passion; but only so that we – in the peaceful space their efforts create and sustain – might pursue perfection in Christ, and through this an end to  all wars achieved not through military victory or a well thought out and executed  set of treaties and institutions; but through the union of all people and nations into  one humanity, humbled and perfected in Christ. 

We thank all of our veterans and those serving now for your willingness to live the  kind of life that allows us the freedom to pursue true and lasting peace. 

We pray that Lord our God grant that we always be so blessed with men and  women [like these] who are willing to sacrifice their lives for us and we pray that  He gives us, the civilians, the strength and commitment to live in such a way that  their efforts are not squandered through our impiety, selfishness, and unwillingness  to live and spread the Gospel. 

Allow all of us to surrender ourselves to you, Lord, through the Cross, so that our  Union may be eternal and the peace between us become real and unending. Check out this episode!