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Welcome to OrthoAnalytika, Fr. Anthony Perkins' podcast of homilies, classes, and shows on spirituality, science, and culture - all offered from a decidedly Orthodox Christian perspective. Fr. Anthony is a mission priest and seminary professor for the UOC-USA. He has a diverse background, a lot of enthusiasm, and a big smile. See www.orthoanalytika.org for show notes and additional content.

info_outline Homily - Judaizing Circumcision & Babelizing Nationalism 09/10/2024
info_outline Homily - Teaching Liturgy (Full Length) 09/02/2024
info_outline Homily - Teaching Liturgy 09/02/2024
info_outline Homily - Building Relationships 08/25/2024
info_outline Homily - Is Christ Divided 08/18/2024
info_outline Homily - Carry the Weak 08/11/2024
info_outline Homily - Rules for Living with Others 08/04/2024
info_outline FSAW - Orthodoxy, Freedom, and Evangelism 08/02/2024
info_outline Homily - Living Gracefully Together in Christ 07/30/2024
info_outline Homily - Embrace a Life of Mystery, Love, and Wonder 07/21/2024
info_outline Homily - Healthy Christian Relationships Improve Discernment 07/14/2024
info_outline Homily - Spiritual Development (Conscience, Law, and Grace) 07/08/2024
info_outline Homily - Gossip undermines Love and Ecclesiology 06/30/2024
info_outline Homily - The Diabolic (Pan!) Heresy of ... Self-Righteousness 06/17/2024
info_outline Homily - What the Blind Man Teaches us about Relationships 06/10/2024
info_outline FSAW - Like Puppies Wagging Their Tales 04/25/2024
info_outline The Way of Ascetics – Chapter 26 04/24/2024
info_outline Homily - The Two Holy Mary's and Us 04/21/2024
info_outline FSAW - Seeking Deeper Meaning in Orthodoxy 04/18/2024
info_outline Homily - The Ladder and Living in the World 04/14/2024
info_outline The Way of Ascetics – Chapter 25 04/10/2024
info_outline Homily - Taking up our Cross 04/07/2024
info_outline The Way of Ascetics – Chapter 24 04/03/2024
info_outline Class - Palamas and Becoming One (as God is One) 04/01/2024
info_outline Homily - St. Gregory Palamas and Marriage 04/01/2024
info_outline The Way of Ascetics – Chapter 23 03/27/2024
info_outline The Way of Ascetics - Chapter 22 03/20/2024
info_outline Homily - Forgiveness 03/17/2024
info_outline Bible Study - Job:8 to the End 03/06/2024
info_outline Homily - Prejudice, Objectivity, and Perseverance 02/18/2024