184: Values-Based Spending & Buying What You Love with Jen Smith, Co-Host of The Frugal Friends Podcast
Release Date: 01/07/2025
The Money Love Podcast
Are you someone who is constantly putting off tasks with your money off until tomorrow or "later"? Do you tell yourself "one last time!" when it comes to making changes with your behavior or consumption? If so, you struggle with procrastination and it's a form of self sabotage that is standing in the way of reaching your full financial potential. In this week's episode of the podcast we're diving into The Tomorrow Syndrome and procrastination. What is it, the different forms it takes, and how to beat it for good. By the end of this epsidoe you'll have actionable strategies to charge towards...
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Are you being a mean girl to your money? In this week's episode we're diving into how strong and healthy your relationship with money is and the signs to tell if you're treating your money with admiration, care, and respect or with judgement and contempt. If you're loving the podcast please take a couple of minutes to leave a review of the show, and if you're wanting to take the work we do on the podcast deeper, you can always join us inside my .
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Not being able to afford something is a financial circumstance we all deal with. For most of us, there will always be a list of things we desire, but don't have the money for. But why is not being able to afford something so painful to us? Is it becuase of the lack of money? Or is it becuase of what we make the "lack" of money mean? Trying to escape the discomfort of unmet desire is what drives so many of us into debt, buying things we cannot afford and living a life trying to keep up with the Jones's. In this week's epsidoe of The Money Love Podcast we're talking about what to do when you...
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Is that thing you're buying expensive or valuable? Is it actually expensive or do you just perceive it as being expesive? We often confuse or conflate the two, thinking that all things that are expensive are valuable and vice versa. But what if something can be inexpensive and expensive at the same time? What if something can be inexpensive and also highly valuable? In this week's episode of The Money Love Podcast we're breaking down the important difference between something being expensive and valuable. Becoming a value focused buyer, rather than a price focused buyer is an essential...
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You don't need another budget. You need a spending system. So many people give up on budgeting after putting their expenses on paper and then fail to implement it in their real life. A budget will do you no good if it's not guiding your everyday decisions while also helping you reach your long-term financial goals automatically. Instead of creating another budget that you'll ultimately give up on, you need to create a system for your money that runs on minimal effort and energy from you. Look no further than this week's episode to get your spending system up and running. In this...
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One of the decisions that will have the biggst impact on your wealth building journey is your choice to be childree or not. Those who choose to be childfree have a different set of circumstances they need to factor into their financial planning. Becuase of this, you need to look at your wealth building through a different lens to support the goals and lifestyle you want to build as a childfree person. This is where this week's episode can help. In this week's episode we're exploring the choice to be childfree and the impact it has on your financial planning. I'm joined by Bri Conn, the Chief...
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If you're coming into the new year with resolutions to save money and be healthier, look no further than this week's episode with meal planning expert, Mandy Klentz! In 2024 Mandy's instragram (@plandy.mandy) took off when she started sharing the budget-friendly recipes that have made meal time easier for her family. She began turning her family’s meal plans into downloadable PDFs so other busy families could save money on groceries, too. Now, over 30,000 families are using her meal plans to keep their grocery bills in check. In our conversation we discuss how to save money on your grocery...
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Many of us think of spending as something you just... do. You make money, and spend it. But in fact, spending isn't something that just happens. It's a skill. It's a practice that you can refine over time and use as a tool to make your life as beauitful and valuable as it can be. One of the most important components of learning the skill of spending is aligning your spending with your values and highest priorities - something refered to as values based spending. It's entirely possible to be financially responsible, hit all your financial goals, and to buy what you love without going broke....
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Does it feel like your life is running on auto-pilot? The days feel frantic and run together, and your goal is to make it to the weekends so you can escape and then do it all over again. Sound familiar? If you're ready to go into 2025 making sustainable change in your mindset, health, and wealth then look no further then this week's episode of The Money Love Podcast with my amazing friend, guest, and coach Emily Judice. In this conversation Emily is sharing the incredible life transformation she has gone through the past 5 years from a burned out mom of four to a calm and sucsessful...
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If you are a recovering people-pleaser (like myself) who has a history of using your money and purchases to buy the attention, validation, and approval of others... this is an episode of The Money Love Podcast that you simply cannot miss. This week on the podcast I'm talking with the brillant and capivating Victoria Albina who is a Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner, a Certified Breathwork Meditation Practitioner, and the host of the Feminist Wellness Podcast. Victoria and I dive into the real cost that lies behind solving other people's problems, how we peolpe-please with our purchases,...
info_outlineMany of us think of spending as something you just... do. You make money, and spend it. But in fact, spending isn't something that just happens. It's a skill. It's a practice that you can refine over time and use as a tool to make your life as beauitful and valuable as it can be. One of the most important components of learning the skill of spending is aligning your spending with your values and highest priorities - something refered to as values based spending. It's entirely possible to be financially responsible, hit all your financial goals, and to buy what you love without going broke.
On this week's episode of The Money Love Podcast I'm talking with my friend and the Co-Host of The Frugal Friends podcast, Jen Smith. Jen and I discuss why it's imperitive to think of spending as a skill, why frugality isn't something to resist but rather embrace, how our desires and problems are manufactured by modern day marketing, and why quality over quantity with your spending is the secret to financial success. Jen's new book - Buy What You Love Without Going Broke - is hitting the stands today! You can grab your copy using the links below. Enjoy!
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