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Let No One Rob You of Your Reward

Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

Release Date: 09/04/2024

"Strive To Enter In At The Strait Gate" (Hard Way or Easy Way)

Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

The difference between agonizing and casually seeking to enter the kingdom of God. Those who agonize through prayer, laboring in His work, battling against sin and who engage in faith will be the ones who enter in as good and faithful servants. VF-1761 Luke 13:24 Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale. Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to leave a message for Pastor Scott. You may make reservations to attend a live service, leave a prayer request or make a commitment. Pastor Scott appreciates messages and reads them often during live broadcasts....

Faith in the Face of Panic show art Faith in the Face of Panic

Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

Especially for the sake of those who are not "church people," this series of scriptures is a reminder that God is not the author of fear or confusion and does not sow panic. Throughout the Bible we have been given instruction to have courage and not be afraid. In a time of crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic, we should look to God and His word, and He will give us peace and clarity. We can then be pillars for others and strengthen their faith with these scriptures. VF-2228 Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale. Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to...

The Love of God: A Mother’s Day Message show art The Love of God: A Mother’s Day Message

Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

A mother’s day message showing three mothers (Hannah, Bath-sheba and Rahab) who weren’t perfect, but brought up good children in the Lord. The greater lesson is on forgiveness, which is made possible by the love of God to take us right where we’re at no matter who we are or what our past was like. Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale. Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to leave a message for Pastor Scott. You may make reservations to attend a live service, leave a prayer request or make a commitment. Pastor Scott appreciates messages and...

Be Not Moved Away from the Hope of the Gospel show art Be Not Moved Away from the Hope of the Gospel

Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

We are instructed to continue in the faith in order to be able to resist the external forces working to move us away from the hope of the gospel.  The Colossian converts had people presenting false teaching to try to move them away, and the devil will often send people who will ridicule and persecute those in the right way.  If we fall outside the hope, we end up back in the bondage to the world, the flesh, and the devil.  Remain rooted and grounded in the faith. VF-2091 Colossians 1:23 Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale....

Understanding the Resurrected Life show art Understanding the Resurrected Life

Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

Exposure to the facts of the Resurrection should bring about a change in us.  When we live our life in the knowledge of faith in the fact that we have eternal life with Christ, it changes us. Our hearts and our minds will be transformed, to God's ultimate glory. VF-2388 Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale. Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to leave a message for Pastor Scott. You may make reservations to attend a live service, leave a prayer request or make a commitment. Pastor Scott appreciates messages and reads them often during live...

Sacrifice of Self and the Grace of Giving show art Sacrifice of Self and the Grace of Giving

Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

Until the self is conquered, nothing can be done for the Kingdom of God.  The proof of our love is in the way we give money, time, heart, and self.  There is no excuse to not give: God bestowed grace on the Macedonian Christians who gave out of their deep poverty, and Christ memorialized the poor widow who gave of her substance into the treasury.  These did not suffer the worst poverty of spiritual bankruptcy.  Once the self is presented a living sacrifice to God, He is able to supply all we need and provide abounding grace. VF-2135 2Corinthians 8-9 Watch, Listen and Learn...

The Peace of God and Peace with God show art The Peace of God and Peace with God

Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

We face difficult and uncertain times, but we can have the peace of God and peace with God.  This peace comes from God; it is given to us.  Christ died for the ungodly; He cleanses us, forgives us, and justifies us.  If we understand that, we can be calm in the worst of storms. VF-2383 Romans 5:1, Philippians 4:7 Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale. Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to leave a message for Pastor Scott. You may make reservations to attend a live service, leave a prayer request or make a commitment. Pastor Scott...

Let No One Dogmatize You show art Let No One Dogmatize You

Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

Since we are buried, dead and resurrected with Christ and set free from the law by Him, why would we stand by and let ourselves get dogmatized and be put under regulations by man? There is a long list of traditions that man has added on to the church, but they are not the word of God. Having a relationship with God is not keeping regulations but trusting Him and talking to Him. VF-2295 Colossians 2:20-21 Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale. Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to leave a message for Pastor Scott. You may make reservations to attend...

Let No One Rob You of Your Reward show art Let No One Rob You of Your Reward

Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

What happened at the church in Colossae is still happening in the church today: adding onto the simplicity of the gospel. All of these add-ons seem to be super spiritual, like the worshiping of angels and marvelous visions, but in reality they’re fake, and all they do is distract. Let no one rob you of your reward which comes by simple faith in Jesus Christ, cultivating a personal relationship with Him in the here and now. VF-2294 Colossians 2:18-19 Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale. Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to leave a message for...

Sabbathing: From Creation to Christianity show art Sabbathing: From Creation to Christianity

Understand the Bible? Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.

God’s Sabbath was when He rested from all His work on the seventh day of Creation, but the term “sabbath” is first used when God gave the children of Israel a day to rest from their work, which turned into a commemoration of their deliverance from Egypt. The sabbathing of the Christian is not limited to a single day but is a relationship of trusting Christ every day. VF-2293 Colossians 2:16 Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at  Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale. Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to leave a message for Pastor Scott. You may make reservations to attend a...

More Episodes

What happened at the church in Colossae is still happening in the church today: adding onto the simplicity of the gospel. All of these add-ons seem to be super spiritual, like the worshiping of angels and marvelous visions, but in reality they’re fake, and all they do is distract. Let no one rob you of your reward which comes by simple faith in Jesus Christ, cultivating a personal relationship with Him in the here and now. VF-2294 Colossians 2:18-19

Watch, Listen and Learn 24x7 at PastorMelissaScott.com

Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale. Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to leave a message for Pastor Scott. You may make reservations to attend a live service, leave a prayer request or make a commitment. Pastor Scott appreciates messages and reads them often during live broadcasts. Follow @Pastor_Scott on Twitter and visit her official Facebook page @Pastor.M.Scott.

Download Pastor Scott's "Understand the Bible" app for iPhone, iPad and iPod at the Apple App Store and for Android devices in the Google Store. Pastor Scott can also be seen 24x7 on Roku and Amazon Fire on the "Understand the Bible?" channel.

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