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224 | Best of 2022


Release Date: 12/31/2022

240 | Collagen show art 240 | Collagen


I got this question recently, and it's a great question... I'm all about taking collagen ever since you said it was important. But how much should I be taking?   You know the importance of collagen. Many of you take it religiously. But how much is optimal? I've got a number for you now.   My recommendation USED to be any amount! However, now based on current research and personal and client experience, here's my updated recommendations up front. Below I have more detail about why this is important and how I came to these numbers.   Ideal Collagen Per Day 20 grams of...

239 | Vinegar could be the best bang for buck hack there is show art 239 | Vinegar could be the best bang for buck hack there is


Here's What Can Happen When You Take Apple Cider Vinegar Start adding Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to your daily protocol, and here's what will probably happen: Your digestion will get better. On all levels. Bowel movements will be more consistent. Constipation and diarrhea will improve. Heartburn will go away. Blood sugar levels will improve. You'll have less dramatic blood sugar spikes, less insulin secretion, which translates into feeling better, having an easier time sticking to your diet, and fat loss. You'll have slightly more...

238 | Do cows drink too much water show art 238 | Do cows drink too much water


I get this question A LOT. I got it during a recent talk and guess what... I WAS ABLE TO ANSWER IT LIKE A CHAMP. And now you can too.  Cow's can't catch a break! First there was the nutritional attack using saturated fat and cholesterol. Now they are drinking too much water?!   What Cows Actually Do TODAY cows and bison and other ruminants do pretty much the same thing that they have ever since they’ve been on this planet. Even in conventional farming situations they are raised on pastures for most of their lives: They move across the pasture, eating natural vegetation,...

237 | What is the best meat to eat show art 237 | What is the best meat to eat


Recently, I received a question at a seminar:   "What is the best meat to consume on an animal-based diet?"   In other words, what is the best meat to consume overall?     To answer this question,      Before diving into specifics, let's focus on the primary principle: eating real food and prioritizing animal foods in a way that suits your long-term dietary needs.   Initially, you can start with the meats you enjoy and that work well for you. Once you've embraced animal...

236 | Optimize your fat burning with FAT MAX show art 236 | Optimize your fat burning with FAT MAX


Caloric Compensation The more you exercise, the more you unconsciously and consciously compensate by being less active. (exercising more does not burn more calories)   The more you exercise, the more you unconsciously and consciously compensate by eating more. (exercising more does not burn more calories)       Constrained Energy Expenditure The more you train, the more you might be pulling away energy and resouces for other vital functions.   1 hour of power is enough! Plus being active all the time.     PRO TIP! It's NOT the more you do, it's the WHAT...

235 | How to Break Up Your Day with Bobby Baum show art 235 | How to Break Up Your Day with Bobby Baum


YO! This is a great interview with Bobby Baum of Baum Therapy out of Reno.      In my travels as I share my message of health, NOW from an off grid, over-landing, and boondocking perspective I call , I had a chance to do some talks with BLM Fire up in Reno, and also connect with some other health professionals.     Bobby Baum is a sports massage therapist among many other things, and he shares his insights and tips for living a better, pain free life.   Thank you so much for listening! if you haven’t already, there’s a TON of great episodes, I’d...

234 | Sleep Intervention Protein Testimonial Bosnia and Operation Rewild show art 234 | Sleep Intervention Protein Testimonial Bosnia and Operation Rewild


This is just ONE of the reasons I love my online community. We get to have LIVE chats with each other pretty regularly!   In this LIVE chat we talk sleep, protein, Bitcoin, and more ;)   When you have time,  I'm also providing you with some resources that we mention below. Wanna get in on this community or at least check it out? I'd love to see you in there!    Below, find some of our conversation's highlights 👇🏼 00:19 Christina's question about sleep... Get early morning light! First thing! Probably the most powerful thing you can do.  Cathy...

233 | Reject the Reset show art 233 | Reject the Reset


Reject the Reset! I put this video together with a lot of love, because I care about you! 👉  (you may have to enter your email) 👉   Now is the time! To focus on your health, animal based nutrition, ancestral health, and simplified living. If you need help, IT'S WHAT I DO. Schedule some time with me here    🔗 Connect with me and/or support me beyond what you already do here    

232 | Physical Health for Mental and Emotional Health  show art 232 | Physical Health for Mental and Emotional Health


I was honored to be interviewed by Angie Peacock (of Medicating Normal documentary, and also one of our other LIVE recorded calls). Please take a moment to check out this conversation! Lots of great gems!   There is Hope!  With health, anything is possible. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. 100% of the time, when you improve your health, you improve how you feel.   Challenges and Trauma as Allies.  Look at your challenges and trauma as allies in your journey. They can be the catalyst for positive health changes, they give you skepticism, and they make you ask questions.   How...

231 | How to Meditate show art 231 | How to Meditate


What is meditation? ✅ Meditation is awareness. It's practicing awareness.   ❌ Meditation is NOT about emptying the mind, or not thinking, or concentrating really hard.   ❌ You don't have to block out thoughts or create a special state of mind or be peaceful or calm.    How to meditate. ⦿ Find a spot that feels good and where you're relatively undistracted. ⦿ Determine how much time you want to sit. ⦿ Choose something to be aware of. Use current moment sensory experiences such as listening to sounds, feeling the body, or focusing on the breath. ⦿ Sit...

More Episodes

This is a summary and compilation of the best episodes I put out this year. I’ll reference OTHER episodes (which I have listed below) along with the time stamps of my summaries for each episode. ENJOY! And I’d love your feedback!


Links mentioned.




189 | Supplements Q & A plus Water Cooler Chat @ 04:04

🟢 here’s the video. 

🟢 check out my store here where you can purchase most of the supplements I discuss. cheaper than you’ll find anywhere else. https://shop.superhumantransformation.com/


190 | How to talk to family and friends about health @ 12:19

🟢 here’s the video 


195 | Emergency Preparedness don't be scared be prepared @ 20:05

🟢 here’s the video 


198 | How to choose a doctor @ 22:55

🟢 here’s the video 


199 | "How do you eat all that meat" @ 27:21

🟢 here’s the video 


202 | Preparedness and various BAGS @ 29:48

🟢 here’s the video 


209 | How to optimize your protein intake @ 30:43

🟢 here’s the video 


214 | THIS is how we can save the planet - regenerative agriculture @ 36:20

🟢 here’s the video 


220 | Top tips for health from a Functional Medicine doctor @ 37:24

🟢 here’s the video

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  1. Leave us a rating and review! They make such a difference!

  2. Schedule a call to talk about anything you want. LITERALLY. No strings attached. 
