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020 - 5 Steps to Re-Establish Aim

The Pernosophy Podcast

Release Date: 02/19/2019

039 - Australian Gyms, Restaurants, Pubs & Clubs Reopening, CDC's Statistics, and Fear vs. Reality show art 039 - Australian Gyms, Restaurants, Pubs & Clubs Reopening, CDC's Statistics, and Fear vs. Reality

The Pernosophy Podcast

As the lockdown eases, everyone is itching to get back to their lives. The good news here in Australia is that gyms, physiotherapists, restaurants, cafes, pubs, clubs, shops are reopening. They, of course, all come with their own distinct rules and regulations. But this is a good thing for not only everybody's physical and mental health, their social interaction, their regular and ideal ways of life, and their hobbies, but for all those who have been without work and an income for more than three months.

038 - Big Tech Censorship and the Potential Pitfalls for Them Harnessing the Power of Truth show art 038 - Big Tech Censorship and the Potential Pitfalls for Them Harnessing the Power of Truth

The Pernosophy Podcast

With Twitter, its CEO Jack Dorsey, and the Head of Site Integrity Yoel Roth under fire after adding a fact-checking button to one of the US president Donald J Trump's tweet yesterday, things are breaking apart in the social media realm. The president has ordered an executive order on social media after his tweet about mail-in ballots being a sham and not the way any election should ever go in America. This will put social media giants such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter in the limelight and the question of what they are as companies, whether they are actually platforms open for debate on all...

037 - The Long-Term Mental Health Impacts: A Discussion with Suicide Prevention Australia's CEO, Nieves Murray (Part II) show art 037 - The Long-Term Mental Health Impacts: A Discussion with Suicide Prevention Australia's CEO, Nieves Murray (Part II)

The Pernosophy Podcast

On this episode, I finish the conversation with Suicide Prevention Australia's CEO, Nieves Murray. We talk about mental health and routines and staying sane during troubling times. We also discuss social distancing vs. physical distancing, hobbies, and so much more. Make sure you check out Part 1 (the previous episode) if you haven't. Thanks for tuning in :)

036 - COVID-19 and Mental Health: A Conversation with Suicide Prevention Australia's CEO Nieves Murray (Part I)) show art 036 - COVID-19 and Mental Health: A Conversation with Suicide Prevention Australia's CEO Nieves Murray (Part I))

The Pernosophy Podcast

On this episode, I'm joined by the CEO of Suicide Prevention Australia, Nieves Murray. We talk about topics like this. We also discuss Australia's response to the virus, our health care system, what her organisation is doing alongside the Australian government, life during the virus crisis, social distancing vs. physical distancing, schedules and routines, staying sane during all of this, people's true colours, and so much more.

035 - The Overlooked COVID-19 Impacts and Media Hysteria show art 035 - The Overlooked COVID-19 Impacts and Media Hysteria

The Pernosophy Podcast

We all know the mainstream media loves to gain attention by aiming for clickbait articles, viral videos, emotionally-charged pieces that increase likes and followers. It's a popularity contest, most of the time, for most journalists. Which can warp what headlines are written and what stories get around. During the pandemic, this very thing can be the cause of so much fear and panic and unrest and uncertainty. And this is the last thing we want. We are already seeing an increase in mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. We're seeing an increase in alcohol consumption, substance...

034 - Coronavirus Australia: Gyms To Stay Closed Until September... Really? show art 034 - Coronavirus Australia: Gyms To Stay Closed Until September... Really?

The Pernosophy Podcast

As the curve continues to flatten in Australia, the mainstream media will stop at nothing to continuously inflict fear and hysteria in the public that rely on them to bring them up-to-date, unbiased, and factual information. It's unsurprising, though. It's a popularity contest for most journalists and news outlets these days. And unfortunately, the majority of people don't look further than the links that are shared over social media, nor even bother to read past the catchy headlines. One recent article that has been talked about and shared a lot among health and fitness conscious people was...

033 - COVID Crisis: Conspiracy or Tin Foil Proposition? show art 033 - COVID Crisis: Conspiracy or Tin Foil Proposition?

The Pernosophy Podcast

From 5G to totalitarian control to China wanting to ruin lives and relations with the rest of the globe to the west wanting to destroy everything they've built, does any of it make sense? Is there any benefit to destroying the planet? Is there any reason for a country to destroy everything they've built between the nations? Is there any reason to taking away all our rights and thoughts and and diminish our individual characteristics? What benefit would this serve? It is definitely a strange time right now for all of us who call Earth home. It's probably going to be even stranger once we start...

032 - Are We Headed For Dystopia? show art 032 - Are We Headed For Dystopia?

The Pernosophy Podcast

With all these lockdowns and rules and regulations somewhat imprisoning us inside our homes during the global pandemic known as COVID-19, are we too willingly and blindly becoming obedient? Are we not speaking up or standing up for our rights enough? Are we allowing the government, or simply those in charge, to take away the freedom our forefathers worked so hard to obtain and maintain?

031 - Intermission: COVID-19 show art 031 - Intermission: COVID-19

The Pernosophy Podcast

The global pandemic that is coronavirus-19, is testing each of us in so many different ways. It's disrupting our livelihoods and altering how we simply get around each day, socialise, what news we pay attention to, what topics we talk and think about.

030 - Was Thanos Right? show art 030 - Was Thanos Right?

The Pernosophy Podcast

Was Thanos right? Are humans a plague? Is Earth and its species doomed? On this episode of The Pernosophy Podcast, I discuss population growth and its impacts, poverty, education, IQ, health, wealth, success, and prosperity. I also talk about what can happen if humans levelled up as a whole, even more so than what they already have.

More Episodes

On the 20th episode of The Pernosophy Podcast, I talk about all the events, tasks, and stories that can leave you feeling empty or directionless following the completion of it. Things like finishing school or university, leaving a job, moving to a new area, completing a personal project, etc. I also talk about an experience of mine with a story a couple of years ago, plus five steps to utilise to get yourself back on track, focusing on an aim, and chasing goals once again.

After finishing this episode, I'd love to know your thoughts on this topic. I'd also love to know what you think of the five steps and if you do anything similar. To let me know, you can head to my website pernosophy.com and leave a comment/question/thought on each episode, or you can hunt me down on social media: @haydenperno

Thanks so much for listening in and I'll talk to you next time.