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Northgard: A Brief History of Viking Ships

Playing With The Past

Release Date: 09/23/2022

Papers Please: The Power at Checkpoint Charlie show art Papers Please: The Power at Checkpoint Charlie

Playing With The Past

" One US soldier, who had been ordered to figure this out, actually hopped in a tank…."   On today's episode, I am going discuss the game Papers Please and Checkpoint Charlie.     Sources Checkpoint Charlie - Gate to Communism - U.S. Army in Cold War Berlin Video, 2012. .   MacGregor, Iain. Checkpoint Charlie: The Cold War, The Berlin Wall, and the Most Dangerous Place On Earth. New York: Scribner, 2019.   Roos, Dave. “How Germany Was Divided After World War II.” HISTORY. Accessed December 8, 2022. .

A Few of my Favorite Things show art A Few of my Favorite Things

Playing With The Past

In this episode, I do something a little different and talk about my top 5 favorite medievalisms in video games.

Dracula: Impaler or Vampire show art Dracula: Impaler or Vampire

Playing With The Past

"One time he in 1462, he left thousands of impaled victims impaled on a field after retreating from a battle."   In this episode, I discuss the actual Dracula who lived and two Dracula games.   Sources mentioned in the episode.   Florescu, Radu, and Raymond T. McNally. 1994. In Search Of Dracula: The History of Dracula and Vampires. Subsequent edition. Boston: Mariner Books.

Zelda: The Art of Side Quests show art Zelda: The Art of Side Quests

Playing With The Past

"Lacy also uses the example of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, if you haven't watched it, stop listening and go watch."   In this episode, I will discuss side quests in two Zelda games and side quests in some of the medieval romances.   Sources mentioned in the episode. Howard, Jeff. 2008. Quests: Design, Theory, and History in Games and Narratives. 1st edition. A K Peters/CRC Press.   Lacy, Norris J. 2000. “From Medieval to Post-Modern: The Arthurian Quest in France.” South Atlantic Review 65 (2): 114–33. .

Northgard: A Brief History of Viking Ships show art Northgard: A Brief History of Viking Ships

Playing With The Past

These ships and their high speeds were a cornerstone of the Viking hit-and-run raiding technique.   In this episode, I will discuss Viking ships and their use in the game Northgard.

Crusader King III: Becoming King of England show art Crusader King III: Becoming King of England

Playing With The Past

"Things were not all sunshine and daisy, though."   In this episode, I will discuss the game Crusader Kings III again, along with the formation of England as a nation during the middle ages.   Sources mentioned in this episode:   Magazine, Smithsonian, and Mary Rambaran-Olm Wade Erik. n.d. “The Many Myths of the Term ‘Anglo-Saxon.’” Smithsonian Magazine. Accessed September 1, 2022. .   Morris, Marc. 2021. The Anglo-Saxons: A History of the Beginnings of England: 400 – 1066. Pegasus Books

Sheriff of Nottingham and Robin Hood show art Sheriff of Nottingham and Robin Hood

Playing With The Past

"There are giant sacks of gold in the castle."   In this episode, I will discuss the Sheriff of Nottingham board game and a brief history of the Robin Hood stories.     Sources mentioned in the episode.   Baldwin, David. 2012. Robin Hood: The English Outlaw Unmasked. Amberley Publishing.

Coup D'etat show art Coup D'etat

Playing With The Past

"After continuing to be an absolutely heinous person he was assassinated."   In this episode I discuss the board game Coup and Maximilian Robespierre and Rafael Trujillo along with the coups both men were involved in.   Sources mentioned in this episode   “Coup.” n.d. BoardGameGeek. Accessed August 3, 2022. .   “Definition of COUP D’ÉTAT.” n.d. Accessed August 2, 2022. .  

Hades: The Greek Escape show art Hades: The Greek Escape

Playing With The Past

"It is so easy as a child to see your parents and other adults in black and white terms when in reality we are all shades of grey."     In this episode, I discuss the video game Hades, Greek Myths, and whether or not the game is a Greek Myth.   Sources mentioned in this episode.   Buxton, Richard. 2004. The Complete World of Greek Mythology. London: Thames & Hudson.

Fallout New Vegas: Its The End Of The World As We Know It show art Fallout New Vegas: Its The End Of The World As We Know It

Playing With The Past

"The Black Plague was just shit icing on the cake for Europe."   In this episode, I discuss several times when the apocalypse was supposed to happen and the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout New Vegas.   No sources were mentioned specifically in this episode but for a full list see

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These ships and their high speeds were a cornerstone of the Viking hit-and-run raiding technique.


In this episode, I will discuss Viking ships and their use in the game Northgard.