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#14 - The Twilight Zone and Jordan Peele (or Returning to the Dimension of Imagination)

Pop Culture On Blast! Entertainment News, Reviews and Discussion

Release Date: 03/16/2019

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#14 - The Twilight Zone and Jordan Peele (or Returning to the Dimension of Imagination) show art #14 - The Twilight Zone and Jordan Peele (or Returning to the Dimension of Imagination)

Pop Culture On Blast! Entertainment News, Reviews and Discussion

Jordan Peele's Twilight Zone is on blast this week...   Music: Disco Sting Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License   Apero Hour Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License   Full Episode Transcript: #14 - The Twilight Zone and Jordan Peele (or Returning to the Dimension of Imagination) [00:00:01] I'm Justin. I'm Josh and I'm Tim. Well guys let's talk about the new Twilight Zone remake reimagining show that they're doing. Is it Jordan Peele Jordan Peele. Yeah. Yo yo. He's this is...

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Jordan Peele's Twilight Zone is on blast this week...



Disco Sting Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Apero Hour Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Full Episode Transcript:

#14 - The Twilight Zone and Jordan Peele (or Returning to the Dimension of Imagination)

[00:00:01] I'm Justin. I'm Josh and I'm Tim. Well guys let's talk about the new Twilight Zone remake reimagining show that they're doing. Is it Jordan Peele Jordan Peele. Yeah. Yo yo. He's this is what the second or third redo of why they think this is the third.

[00:00:21] If you don't count the movies are we counting the movie. I think you have to count the movie and technically it be the fourth because the original then the movie and then they did it in like the 90s and 80s they did in the 80s and then in the early 2000s. Yeah. So a fifth of a fifth attempt. OK. And do we put the outer limits on that too. Because that was kind of.

[00:00:42] No no no. But what about the Night Gallery. I haven't actually watched an episode of that is that kind of twilight. No idea. Never even heard it. Well I guess we shouldn't touch that.

[00:00:51] I think people have said that it's close to Twilight. So like Twilight Zone. Well it's it's own thing. So here we are. A new version of Twilight Zone. Tim do you want to see a new version of Twilight Zone or. Would you rather have seen him just do some sort of other anthology show that's not quote unquote the twilight like a black mirror. Yeah I was going to go there.

[00:01:13] Well you know Black Mirror is pretty much like Twilight Zone. That's what I would call it. It's blinded to people.

[00:01:19] You know I at first I kind of decided that it is but it is and it isn't. It's because it every episode has a technology specific kind of twist.

[00:01:30] Right in black and black mirror. Yeah.

[00:01:32] Yeah but I also feel like at least early Twilight Zone episodes not so much later but early ones. There was always the twist you know at the end there was always something you. Oh they're here. You know that guy's a pig man or whatever you know. Or they were on Earth the whole time. Yeah it was. The show's got away from that. It became just sometimes oddball ideas or whatever. But Black Mirror is similar in that sense. I know it gets compared to Twilight Zone a lot but I don't think it's a.

[00:02:03] They do have episodes that have a a twist but they are plenty that don't. And they're just an odd concept that has a payoff. So I don't think lumping it in with Twilight Zone is fair. I think it's it's own beast. I think it's amazing.

[00:02:18] Well I don't I wouldn't say I've ever lumped it in. I think that's just the my way of explaining what type type of show it it is an anthology. I didn't like what was close enough to it. It was the twilight. All right. Fair enough. I knew it was its own thing. OK.

[00:02:34] So I'm sorry Tim. Is this something you want to see or would you have rather seen it just in and not call it away from him. Yes now I have not seen get out. You did right. Yes. And it was amazing really really good. Yes.

[00:02:46] Well he he's got this other movie coming out called us.

[00:02:49] Yes apparently it's supposed to be amazing now not having seen get out and don't spoil it for me because I do want to see it. Is this something that you would have if you were a Hollywood producer that you would've thought hey this is the guy that should do twilight zone now.

[00:03:07] Is it off of that. Yes okay. OK. Like you were mentioning they had a good twist and they this did have a good twist on it. OK.

[00:03:14] And it was a twist on the twist and certain parts and they'll be like you expect to go this way and then you know there's a twist and we twist back to going back that way and then we twist here. You did 360 360 it did this many many times yes literally it. It was a movie that I wasn't expecting to be as good as it was. That's what everyone says it went directions you didn't see coming.

[00:03:39] And he's proven that you know off the show you know Key and Peele they had some good really good sketches of that show too that he and I think he can actually do a good job with a Twilight Zone with the people that he has coming in to be in the first couple episodes for it.

[00:03:56] Mm hmm. OK. I kind of have to plead ignorance. I don't know anything about this guy. When get out came came out. And his name was being thrown about. And I'm thinking Who. Jordan Peele. I mean I guess he's a talented writer and visionary medium. Something I. Yeah. And I was like OK who is he. What is it. KEENAN Keenan and Peele Key and Peele Key and Peele. Never heard of that. And then this movie came out and get out and people seem to really like it. It's like OK. And then then he gets offered the twilight zone. I'm like OK who is this guy. What's the twilight zone. This is something that's something else. You can make your own movie fine but Twilight Zone is something else. I think that's something that's untouchable. I don't know. You better be really good if you're going to try to do a revamp of that show and make it better than Rod Serling. I don't I don't know.

[00:04:49] I don't think he can make it better than Rod Serling. I think he's going to have to make it its own thing because you can't really measure it against runs because they're going to though it's got a name Twilight Zone on it.

[00:05:00] How can you not. I agree they're going to compare it but I agree with you also that don't even try to do that.

[00:05:09] Just like trying your own thing. That's just like trying to compare a man's jokers are all different in different timeframes with different versions like that though. Yes they do. And I truth it's wrong. I don't I separate.

[00:05:22] I didn't say whether or not it was. I wasn't trying to weigh the moral implications. What I mean is that people are going to compare these things they had the same name on it.

[00:05:31] I wonder if he'll strive for that early twilight zone stick of a twist kind of at the end of every episode or if he'll just play it like a dramatic episode with a weird concept.

[00:05:43] It went live on March 11th which was yesterday right now when it went live. The first episode oh on CBS All Access.

[00:05:51] Well this is timely. It's out already. Oh I know that literally came out. What is yesterday for us.

[00:05:56] Oh well I'll watch tonight. Yes all access you do. I watch Discovery. Oh how do you think he watches discovery. I thought he just ripped it off the amount of time patients for. Too much effort. Well I'm going to watch tonight.

[00:06:13] Very curious who's in this this first episode. You know I don't know who's in the first episode but they have a lot of big names who is gonna be within the season.

[00:06:21] Do we know if they're shooting for a 30 minute or 60 minute format I kind of would like to see them do 30 minute ones just knock them out and you know yeah that worked best for the twilight. They tried doing those 60 minute yeah the 60 minute ones were OK but the fourth season was all 60. Yes. And I got to say I missed the 30 minute ones there was something about compacting a good story into 25 minutes that just gives it energy and gives it was just the right leg not to wasn't right and not too short. Yeah it's perfect. Yeah. Yes. What did you find it's still loading.

[00:06:55] Like continue the story alone.

[00:06:58] I cannot answer you. Well you know when when that's loading you bring up a concern I have and that's about Jordan Peele because of what he's made so far. I'm not saying this is going to happen it's just a concern. Get out. And also US are both very they're very much concerned with race and he did it he did it was part of get out and he's doing it again with us. Right. And that's fine. You can have a movie about that. And that's a perfectly fine thing to talk about. I was thinking about this the other day I like to watch movies about about nerds because I'm a nerd like free enterprise. It's about me basically it's about people like me. Like right. So if you want to write a story that involves discrimination or unfair play what at what have you about race. That's fine. But I don't want him to be doing that all the time. Like Spike Lee does.

[00:07:57] And I'm hoping that's not the guy I get what you're saying but I really don't think they would do that just because a this is an anthology so show so the cast is going to change every episode and I don't think CBS would get on like if it was a dominantly either racial centric episode show or if it was you know dominantly black actors not that there's anything wrong with that.

[00:08:26] I don't have a problem with that. It's not like I get what you're saying. Yes. But let's say every episode was heavily black actors and all that. Again nothing wrong with that.

[00:08:36] I do think it would draw attention because that's an obvious like someone's clearly making an effort to do that. You know what I mean and I don't think anyone's interested in doing that and I don't think even if he wanted to and I'm not saying he does I don't think they the studio would allow that.

[00:08:54] You know I don't know if this guy has the clout yet to be doing something this large that I don't know.

[00:09:01] I do know he. I didn't watch the show but I know that he had his his show before and I know get out did well.

[00:09:07] Us is apparently supposed to be not to get political but it was like when Barack Obama was elected president. That's like Who is this guy. What is he done. I had no idea. I had no idea where he came from. At least with other presidents like oh but Bush number one was the CIA director or something else. OK. Well I think he can handle his business. OK. But then somebody comes in you like who is he. What is he what is even done. Like is he proven himself. Same with Jordan Peele like I don't know if he has yet. Like he's done a few good things. And that's not easy but is that enough to give him like the keys to the Twilight Zone. I'm just we're going to find out. Apparently somebody thought it was a good idea. Would you find him. Who's in it.

[00:09:50] First I'm wrong. It comes. It starts April 1st.

[00:09:53] Oh okay. I'll sneak in like say why is no one talk. I haven't read anything of any reviews nothing's coming up.

[00:09:59] It all depends because it's 10 episodes this season.

[00:10:02] Ok. And you know you have he of course is in everyone he's a narrator.

[00:10:10] He's the host.

[00:10:11] He's the host they so far people like Jon Chow uh let me see this list is actually better.

[00:10:22] Don't be shy.

[00:10:23] Call them all out ok. Seth Rogan Greg Kinnear I can't pronounce that name Jon Chow Jennifer Goodwin Luke Kirby Santa left and Adam Scott racy racy horn Allison Tolman Jacob Tremblay Jessica Williams the one wise and Steven yen.

[00:10:44] That's a very diverse cast and who I love from the Walking Dead but that's beside the point.

[00:10:49] So I would say at least cast wise I don't think your fears are you know finding a home based on the cast and you I can't tell you what plots are. Well you know how I mean when I don't you meet a creative person when they when they come out and they kind of give you the same message every single time. I know and and I know what get out was about. I haven't seen it but I know it was about I have no idea what US is about. I know the cast is dominantly black but I don't know how that plays into the story. If it's an element of the stories or I'm speaking lightly because I don't know what US is about either No I don't either. Like I said I know it could just be a family and if they're black. Fine but get out.

[00:11:29] What about the race.

[00:11:30] I do understand this is about a family who go on vacation and then one day this family shows up at their front door. Well at this other family shows up wearing masks they come to the door they open it because they locked it.

[00:11:45] It turns out somehow it's them but like their dark dark mirror versions like the mirror verse version of them I see and a horror ensues.

[00:11:56] You might have seen that movie like it's not that actual movie but wasn't another movie kind of like that.

[00:12:02] But it involved time travel. I don't know what I'm talking about. No I don't. I don't want to say too much because I'm going to get the details wrong.

[00:12:09] We'll talk about it afterwards because I know I've seen something very much like but his his their show Key and Peele it did touch on race a lot. One of the funniest things was when he would win. JORDAN PEELE would actually play Barack Obama and he would sit there and go through the handshakes you know handshake a black person a white person you know this woman baby stuff like that. It's very it was very funny. You know just. And it was smooth and in transition well and then there's the the racist zombies episode where they won by black people because that's racist.

[00:12:43] You know who does that also for comedy. Dave Chappelle. Yes he did do that. He does it all the time like every time he does a bit he involves race in some way and it gets like hiring.

[00:12:54] He did more than that and then just he did. But he would fall back on that. Yes. But what I've tried is his key and peele. They did more than that just race. They did the. My girlfriend is mad at me and she won't get in the car. So I follow her to literally the desert where we see someone else who passed out and died too because she wouldn't get in. And then there's the coach who who does the names wrong pronounces and Timothy like Andre. Do you mean did Ice you mean that E. No it did Ice. You know it's touches on you. He's. That's why I truthfully think cause I watched the show loved it so much I was so upset when it went off the air because it was one of the funniest thing Comedy Central had on period and that they did it well and that's why truthfully and then when. That's why I want to see this. That's why I wanted to see. I want to see us and I want to see everything else that he's done because he he I think he can do this. And with this cast I think he can do this well. He's a very good storyteller so far. A lot of this stuff the movies he's done has touched on race.

[00:14:04] The first one was mainly race because that was a strong plot point for the whole movie and that it wasn't something that felt like we're gonna make a movie about race. They literally just. It was because of race not about race. I kind of feel like there's a difference there. Can you elaborate on that. Oh yeah. It's kind of spoiled.

[00:14:29] Justin do you know the plot. Generally yes. But I do want to see it. Don't spoil all that. I'm sorry. How many years have you had to watch this damn movie.

[00:14:38] Fine do it. I'm not going to try. I'm not going to purposely spoil it literally the whole plot is is that this doctor created a way to do a tree a blade a brain transplant and so they do it for the rich why people go into the young black people because they're stronger and faster and and that's the whole point is because one of the guys was beaten by Jesse Owens for the Olympics and he didn't get to go to the Olympics because Jesse Owens beat them. And so he was able to get to a black guy. The grandfather was and is actually did you not see this either.

[00:15:21] No this is not what I expected to come out of your mouth. This is literally what you had to do a brain transplant. OK I didn't spoil it but see that's what it is. What was it like father like son movie. No way.

[00:15:34] It's not a race movie it's not a movie because they're black they took them because they're black because they were stronger and faster. You know they could've taken anyone but he always felt because the grandfather put in them that he was faster because he's black because fat black people are that because they're designed that way. And so that's why he went they went after them.

[00:15:55] Because if it didn't feel like it was a movie because they're black they were just taken for the fact that they were. But it was an issue it was central to the story. Yes but not in.

[00:16:11] But it wasn't about racing. Yes. Are you saying not incidental. It's not about racism. It is about race but it's an involuntary. I didn't say racism I said right. No i it's a difference.

[00:16:20] The fact that they're black is the yes of them right. Yes. And us. Sounds like actually really cool story kind of want to see that. Obviously it's about a black family. Again it's not a problem. I still get what you're saying but I don't think. I don't I don't think that's going to go down that road. That he's going to I hope. But it was just like Lee. It was just a concern.

[00:16:41] No I'm I don't know about him they've done some good ones like do you guys ever watch Tales from the hood.

[00:16:51] No it's pretty much you're going to say Tales From The Crypt.

[00:16:54] Well yes but this is pretty much what I feel is a it's an Anthology version of with more black actors and more black story. Is it a movie. It's a movie. It's a movie. It's a movie full anthology.

[00:17:11] Why did you see this movie. Let's put it that way because tim does not have racism towards movies.

[00:17:17] I doubt you ever. Did I say anything about him. Why did he watch this movie. It's OK. Tales from the hood. It sounds ridiculous.

[00:17:25] And he sounded like Tales From The Crypt. Then I read what it was about and I enjoy Telstra. I love anthology stories I love. Well it sounds like like a leprechaun type movie. Like there's nothing wrong with the first leprechaun. OK. OK. It is a product of its own of its time and design. That's the truth.

[00:17:41] When he went the hood and then space men we had issues for common space take away that Ray or Davis is awesome. You leave him be.

[00:17:49] He is awesome. All that they had the leprechaun did go in the hood. That's right. And then he went to space. Right.

[00:17:55] And then there was a point where you went to Vegas I think that was the second one right. Well that's an all. That's when all realism just went. Yeah. I've not seen one of them. The first one. Jennifer Aniston I. That's how she got her debut. I didn't know that they actually spun that because I think around the same time she got friends right.

[00:18:10] Jordan Peele the leprechaun. That's how we roll. What else. Kevin Bacon. Seven degrees of Kevin Bacon.

[00:18:19] Oh people don't know that anymore. Yeah. That's not a thing anymore. It's still a thing. I like it. So I think it's really people now. Yes. All people know that's all you know. All right well. Well you know what

[00:18:32] I mean. I think one thing we didn't touch upon is the fact that this show was basically brought back to other times. We did bring it up in the beginning. Yes. But it was in the 80s for I don't know like three seasons maybe. Gosh. And then in the early 2000s with Forest Whitaker as the host for about 12 seasons that wasn't Twilight.

[00:18:49] I don't know what that was either. It was on the UPI and you guys remember the appeal. I remember it it was on that.

[00:18:54] That's when they were trying to make a name for themselves with stars I felt like it was like unsolved mysteries or something like something about it aesthetically never felt like Twilight Zone. I can't say I remember. I think they tried redoing like the the Maple Street episode you know that the aliens are watching the people on Maple Street and they're all concerned about aliens or something and then they get paranoid they start killing each other and then the aliens actually watching like well humans actually do suck. I don't think we can visit. You know remember this one. No we're talking about the one that is not the one. No that's a different one where the guy. I think it's an astronaut where he ends up he's in a zoo. No that's that's not nice. Anyway the human zoo one ended I actually was on that order elf which was on a previous efforts. Yes. Right.

[00:19:40] But yeah I think they tried to redo some of the classic episodes from the twilight zone but it was an instance of them trying to capture the magic to other times and it didn't didn't work. And the movie and the movie was the same thing they redid some the classic or not all of them.

[00:20:00] No they did. They did the Shatner one was remade. Right. The third one the one with the kid. Yeah. Where he sends people into the cornfield. Right. Right.

[00:20:11] And the first one though the first one was with symbol with Vic Morrow wasn't like Twilight Zone episode. I want to say I did see a twilight Amazon. It wasn't exactly like that. But I want to say it was there was a guy that had an issue and he was jumping around but it wasn't racist or anything like that. I forget what the difference was but I remember thinking oh that's where they got it. It was this episode but they changed it.

[00:20:35] I see what you're saying. That's why I almost think I get it. You call it Twilight Zone and immediately it's going to pique interest.

[00:20:44] But if I was Jordan Peele I would almost want to say let let's find a different name for it because I'm going to make this mine and it's going to be this wonderful thing and it will for ever be compared. And you know you can't say the words Twilight Zone and not think of Rod Serling or to less than stellar attempts to rebuild the bird.

[00:21:06] The theme song is iconic. Yeah I wonder if they're going to use it. You can't do that again because it actually didn't feel right and a modern thing. Well you know what also doesn't feel right color tie itself needs to be in black and white. That's that's kind of a very good point. Yeah. They both times it was revived. It was in color. He felt completely did not feel right. Yeah. No. It needs to be in black and white well it's not going to be. That's why I'm saying maybe the judges called it something else.

[00:21:33] I think they should have been if they called it something else. They'll still compare it to the Twilight Zone.

[00:21:38] Fair enough just like they compared Black Mirror to Twilight Zone but Black Mirror is like people are getting a sense of what that is and it's got its own following or identity identity. Thank you. I'm sure this show if it continues will gain its own identity and I kind of feel like maybe they should have done a different name and not tried to trade on their brand. I think Jordan Peele is doing so well for himself right now that they don't need to trade on the brand name a Twilight Zone come up something else and it would probably sell just as well probably especially with that cast. That's a great cast man start throwing some trailers out for that people are gonna get hooked. If anything you could promote it as you know if you liked Twilight Zone you love this if you like black mirror you'll love people will get it oh it's that kind of show it's an anthology it's this and that and then call it whatever you want.

[00:22:35] I don't think calling Twilight Zone is a good idea but this is different to promote though because this isn't going on their station this is they're all acts and all access exclusive and they have to do this differently to where that's why first thing they bring out Oh we're making Star Trek again and oh or they're trying to use the name power to get you to make this whole CBS All Access stuff worth it. Mm hmm. Because this is costing them a lot of money to do.

[00:23:03] Cbs is really pushing that All Access Now they're going for it do they. Do they smell death in the air for four network. Yeah.

[00:23:11] I think they do blow but it's been shifting because people I personally don't have cable or I don't have cable and I have no internet. I literally I get everything off my apps.

[00:23:22] Yeah. And I mean with something like Who. You don't need it. Almost everything dumps on Hulu. Yeah. That's how I watch the Orville. Sure. Same. Yeah.

[00:23:30] So maybe the tables are almost irrelevant except for like live things like sports which I don't want but Hulu has it set up to where you get the life things that out there you know that's just cost more money.

[00:23:42] Yeah. Well we talked about it before. I think it's where it's going. You know and CBS seems to be the first of the major networks to be going gung ho and saying no this is where content is going to be. I don't think they're going to put any new major programming on their network television anymore. I think it's all going and all access like you said and I get it. It's a name. Star Trek is a name. You know Les Moonves who started CBS All Access famously was not a fan of Star Trek. He didn't get it. He thought it was stupid but he acknowledged that a lot of people like it and it makes money so he put money behind it and got Discovery going. And I like it so I get it. Yeah. Twilight Zone to me it will draw some people in there I guess it is what it is.

[00:24:31] I just and maybe when I watch it I think to myself Yeah this is Twilight Zone or I may just go Oh it's a really good show I love it.

[00:24:37] I just don't connect the name. Well the fact that they've have they are trading on the name did get my attention. I mean if they had said what you're talking about that's you know that's exactly I mean if Jordan Peele had come out with just doing an anthology series with with a title like Night Gallery or something like outer zone or something like that where I probably would why I honestly I probably wouldn't care. I wouldn't would you say the twilight.

[00:25:00] Well that's what the outers that you've already said.

[00:25:06] I think if he did come out with an anthology series on CBS I don't think I would really care to watch it unless people actually said it's really good we're checking out. I wouldn't have any interest in it anyway. I guess that's why they pick them. But the fact is that it has Twilight Zone attached to it. What do you know about him hosting it. Because I don't know enough about him as a performer because broad certainly those are big shoes to fill man. What's his name that you just said of course.

[00:25:30] But of course Whitaker I like Forest Whitaker and I did see his intros and I never felt like not Rod Serling. Now he's no writer is vibe honestly was like you guys were saying Unsolved Mysteries he felt like yeah.

[00:25:42] Robert Stack it didn't. Did Dennis Farina do it for the other version who hosted the other 80s 80s when it wasn't Dennis Farina was it.

[00:25:51] I don't know that was unsolved that was unsolved mystery.

[00:25:56] But he may be great. I don't know. We'll see. But like man find someone that has that sort of what's the word class or avatar gravitas.

[00:26:09] Yeah not class gravitas. Someone that uses his history presence like Jordan Peele made me do it perfectly good but he's I can say I know what he looks like and he doesn't strike me as like a good Rod Serling you know replacement maybe he should have cast someone as the narrator because that is such an iconic role.

[00:26:31] Well you have to give him a chance to actually do it because you know he looks like doesn't mean that's how he's gonna act like not now because he's not in the same physical shape but like Morpheus. Laurence Fishburne sperm from like his matrix days. He could host that show because he's got he's got the voice when he talks he's he's got command and all of that. I could see that you know I'd say he. I don't know why he was the first one to but maybe because we just watched the Matrix clip. But he has presence and gravitas helm and the guy that did that. I know he's just pick two black guys there's no reason why I'm doing it. But he did. I think it was the Allstate commercials. Dennis Haysbert Dennis Haysbert. That guy's got an amazing voice. And I've seen him talk to the camera. There was a show he did where he did that and I was mesmerized. He's he's amazing in that role but they could have. It's why he works for Allstate. You know just someone with that sort of presence to pull me into the show.

[00:27:32] But like I said I could be totally wrong. Peele could be amazing in that role. I don't know. You think they shouldn't have even bothered with the host yes. Because if you're going to call it Twilight Zone I have to do you gotta follow the format.

[00:27:44] You know you've got to have an intro come into the hour a teaser come into the host explaining it and then get into the show.

[00:27:53] That's the formula to do it. Do you think would you be upset if they don't use the music they're going to tweak.

[00:28:01] I think both more I think both revamps did they did you just tweak it. Yeah they did yeah. That they're going to alter it. We're gonna get it. It's gonna be just like in discovery. The theme is in there but like tricked into the air jazz it up. Yeah. Bill and make it sexy. Yeah. Sometimes like that. Don't worry.

[00:28:20] Just see how the correctional fulfill a deal we're I tried her out not to. Yeah like 20 year old pop culture references had to go over very well huh.

[00:28:38] Funny thing is yes. I didn't know that that was medieval times. And that was real until I moved here. Well that that's a real play. That was a real place cause I'm not from the L.A. area I'm from up north.

[00:28:49] How many pencils and means of medieval times hence there are no utensils but they had it seems. Yeah. Do you get a lot of tables all right. Either people we've had a wall. How have we hit a wall. It's funny. Silence Of The Lambs. Yeah I think this would be George Lucas creme in his paintings his paint paints paints. You think a girl like that would hang out with kids like us if we weren't in only one bottle. Well now we've gotten Yeah. All right. Well that's all I have to say about it. I'm eager to see it. And you know I have my concerns but I have certainly high hopes to see. I've got a couple of weeks as of this recording and it comes out so not all reimagining. I'll check it out.

[00:29:39] Sure I will too. Well if you like to subscribe to us and I Tunes please do hit that subscribe button give us a rating leave us a comment. Help us up the show grow. You can tweet at us pop at pop culture on blast. You can e-mail us directly at P.S. On Blast at gmail dot com or visit our Web site at pop culture on blast dot lips and dot com. The next time I'm Josh so long. I'm Justin.

[00:30:01] I'm Tim.

[00:30:10] These are some songs before I go I want to watch the matrix thing again. Oh shit.

[00:30:19] I see Felicity Huff.