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Episode 2 - Our Divided Nation

Pop go the Psychos

Release Date: 04/19/2020

Episode 8 - Forgiveness show art Episode 8 - Forgiveness

Pop go the Psychos

Jeff and Cameron are back to pick apart forgiveness. Several commonly held myths are debunked and Jeff shares a stirring personal anecdote to illustrate the complexities of the forgiveness process. 

Episode 7 - Triggers and Trauma show art Episode 7 - Triggers and Trauma

Pop go the Psychos

Jeff and Cameron discuss various aspects of trauma and its effect on us all. Trust, shame, brokenness, and ultimately recovery and healing are all examined. Personal stories, clinical anecdotes, and Jeff's extensive Holocaust research shed light on the personal impact of trauma. 

Episode 6 - Aggression show art Episode 6 - Aggression

Pop go the Psychos

Jeff and Cameron pick apart aggression. Is there a place for anger and aggression in a healthy society? What happens when anger is suppressed? Can aggression be integrated and channeled into positive action? What did Martin Luther King Jr. teach about the role of anger in social activism? All this and more in Episode 6 of PGTP!

Episode 5 - Heroes show art Episode 5 - Heroes

Pop go the Psychos

Jeff and Cameron talk heroes! How do we explain the recent boom in pop-culture hero worship? How do real life heroes differ from fictional ones? How are Batman, the Joker, and Two-Face the perfect characters to explore Carl Jung's Persona/Shadow duality? Tune in to find out in Episode 5 of PGTP!

Episode 4 - Racism in America show art Episode 4 - Racism in America

Pop go the Psychos

Jeff and Cameron discuss racism in America. How does the origin story of the USA inform our understanding of the current racial climate? How does the origin story of Black America differ from that of White America? What does the Holocaust teach us about how we've arrived at this point? How can we learn to understand each other? All of these questions and more are answered in Episode 4 of Pop go the Psychos.

Episode 3 - Science and Society show art Episode 3 - Science and Society

Pop go the Psychos

Jeff and Cameron pick apart science's place in our society. Why is it so easy to disagree with science? Why is science becoming increasingly distrusted? What can we do about it? What shows have our hosts been watching? Each of these burning questions are thoughtfully answered, and Cameron fails a science quiz on the air in this episode of PGTP!

Episode 2 - Our Divided Nation show art Episode 2 - Our Divided Nation

Pop go the Psychos

Jeff and Cameron tackle the psychology of our divided nation. What is "belief perseverance?" Who is the "cognitive miser?" How can we break out of our echo chamber? These questions are answered, in addition to a new homework assignment and more silver lining.

Episode 1 - Psychology of a Pandemic show art Episode 1 - Psychology of a Pandemic

Pop go the Psychos

Cameron and Jeff introduce the podcast, discuss the psychology of the Coronavirus pandemic, fear, and the importance of self-care and social connection.

More Episodes

Jeff and Cameron tackle the psychology of our divided nation. What is "belief perseverance?" Who is the "cognitive miser?" How can we break out of our echo chamber? These questions are answered, in addition to a new homework assignment and more silver lining.