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Guided Gratitude Meditation Bonus

Positively Life After Fifty

Release Date: 03/18/2019

Guided Gratitude Meditation Bonus show art Guided Gratitude Meditation Bonus

Positively Life After Fifty

Enjoy this ten-minute guided meditation on gratitude.

Three Myths of Meditation Busted show art Three Myths of Meditation Busted

Positively Life After Fifty

Today we’ll bust the three myths of meditation; I’ll share my three favorite types; and reveal the kind of meditation that's best for your health. Plus, stick around for a bonus at the end!

When Perspective Outranks Attitude show art When Perspective Outranks Attitude

Positively Life After Fifty

Welcome to episode 8 of Positively Life After Fifty, and Day 2 in my quest to podcast for 30 days straight, #NaPodPoMo. It's been a rocky start to my challenge, but the work will get done, the problems either will get solved or they won't, and ill find a way to make it work somehow. What's more important is that you make time for friends, take time for family, and carve out some time for yourself, to regain a sense of balance and perspective.

National Podcast Post Month Challenge show art National Podcast Post Month Challenge

Positively Life After Fifty

Feel like a challenge? I do! I'm not running a marathon or climbing a mountain, but I might as well be! This episode marks the first of the 30 day challenge where I podcast every day for the month of November. I'm accepting the challenge at #NaPodPoMo to become a better podcaster, and to help celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the "birth" of podcasting! You can join me! It doesn't have to be in podcasting, unless that's a goal you have, too. No, just think about this...has there been something you've been wanting to learn, a goal you've put off achieving? Well, do something positive for...

Challenge Accepted! show art Challenge Accepted!

Positively Life After Fifty

Feel like a challenge? I do! No, I'm not running a marathon or climbing a mountain, but I might as well be. This episode marks the first of my 30 day challenge where I podcast every day for the month of November. I'm accepting the challenge at #NaPodPoMo to become a better podcaster so that I can serve you better; and to help celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the "birth" of podcasting!

Three Simple Things That Blessed My Grief show art Three Simple Things That Blessed My Grief

Positively Life After Fifty

Today I'll tell about the practical but much-needed help I recieved as I cared for my mother during the final days of her life. Also, I'll share three simple things to do when visiting the terminally ill and their family that will ease their pain.

A Bucket List That's Good for You -Episode 5 show art A Bucket List That's Good for You -Episode 5

Positively Life After Fifty

This episode shares motivational stories to help you create a bucket list that can change your life.Today I take a look at the surprising history of "The Bucket List," talk about the benefits of those travel items on your list and share some inspirational stories to help you re-create your own life-changing list. Have you given much thought to your bucket list lately? You should; it's good for you. A quick search and you will find the awesome things people have on their lists; from exotic destinations to simple acts of selflessness. "The Bucket List" became a standard in American culture...

Decisions: How to Make the Good, Shake the Bad, and Take the Rest show art Decisions: How to Make the Good, Shake the Bad, and Take the Rest

Positively Life After Fifty

Decisions: How to Make the Good, Shake the Bad, and Take the Rest Hi, I'm your host, Connie Minnell. Today I talk about what goes into making good decisions   I'll share the 4 roadblocks of indecision that people over 50 need to look out for, and I'll give the 5 steps you need to prevent them from happening to you. We'll look at how depression, stress and age can affect your decision making, and I'll tell you how a  good memory can cause poor choices. I'll  share a true story about how one man had to rescue his mother from a poor financial decision and...

Changes, Choices, and Challenges show art Changes, Choices, and Challenges

Positively Life After Fifty

Welcome to an informative, inspiring series for those of us in our forties, fifties and beyond. Today we meet the host and look at the choices and challenges we are met with at this age. The two points discussed are: “The only guarantee in life is change, how you respond to it is your choice.” and “Find unusual ways to stay positive – like going OUTSIDE your comfort zone.”

Creating a Positive Life With Positive Thinking show art Creating a Positive Life With Positive Thinking

Positively Life After Fifty

Positive thinking, getting rid of those automatic negative thoughts, what is Pollyanna-ism and how can it help you, these are all part of today's show. We're going to look at how you can have that positive mindset to help you survive and prosper no matter what life throws at you. There are countless examples of people throughout history who had physical, mental, or emotional struggles in life, but instead of letting it define them, and keep them down, they used the opportunities that arose from those afflictions to help others.  If you let these automatic negative thoughts control your...

More Episodes

Enjoy a free, ten-minute guided meditation focusing on gratitude. Just get comfortable, relax and listen to the soothing voice of Connie Minnell as she guides you towards true appreciation of the blessings within you. Enriched by the soft musical soundscapes from Rebecca Reads Recordings. 

Please do not listen to while driving or similar activities.