Jamein Cunningham on How Segregation Affects Homicide Rates
Release Date: 11/21/2022
Poverty Research & Policy
There are many factors that influence whether Mexican immigrants to the United States are able to achieve upward mobility. In his new book, “,” shares research conducted over twenty years and involving nearly one hundred children of Mexican immigrants in New York City. He examines how being documented or not acts as a master status, and how that is expressed through choices about education, employment, social networks, expressions of masculinity, and romantic and familial relationships. Robert Courtney Smith is a Professor of Sociology, Immigration Studies and Public...
info_outlinePoverty Research & Policy
Between 5% and 20% of children in the United States live with a disability. The definition and measurement of disability are constantly changing. Therefore, people with disabilities have been inadequately represented and understudied in research. In this episode, Molly Costanzo shares her research on the and recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers to improve their quality of life. Molly Costanzo is a scientist at the Institute for Research on Poverty. She has a PhD in social welfare from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research focuses broadly on policies that...
info_outlinePoverty Research & Policy
There are many ways to assess the quality of care that pregnant people receive pre- and post-partum, as well as during delivery itself. shares her findings on how the care that pregnant Black Medicaid enrollees receive compares to their more affluent white peers, and the policy and practice opportunities for addressing the social determinants of health that are involved. Kathryn Thompson is an Assistant Professor at Boston University’s School of Public Health in the departments of Community Health Sciences and Health Law, Policy, and Management. She is also an IRP 2024–2025 Visiting...
info_outlinePoverty Research & Policy
The federal Farm Bill expired at the end of September 2024 and was not reauthorized. Funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has been extended through a Continuing Resolution, but that is a stopgap measure. For this episode, joins us to discuss the recent policy brief that she co-authored with Camille Barbin, titled, “” Colleen Heflin is a Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. She is also a Senior Research Associate in the Center for Policy Research and the...
info_outlinePoverty Research & Policy
Menstrual poverty, or unmet menstrual hygiene needs, is defined as a lack of appropriate menstrual products in necessary quantities; access to soap and water for proper hygiene; or ways to dispose of or wash used sanitary materials. The experience of menstrual poverty can have far-reaching impacts on mental and physical health, the ability to work, and consistent school attendance. For this episode, discusses her research on the impacts of menstrual poverty, and what practice and policy options are available to alleviate the burden on menstruating people. Reference Papers:
info_outlinePoverty Research & Policy
When the Child Tax Credit (CTC) was expanded in 2021 in response to the COVID-19 crisis, it provided more support to parents and on a monthly basis. In addition, some very low-income families were eligible to access the CTC for the first time. In this episode, Dr. Katherine Michelmore shares insights from the paper that she co-authored with Natasha Pilkauskas and Nicole Kovski, titled, “.” Katherine Michelmore is an Associate Professor in the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan. A leading scholar and educator on the social safety net, education...
info_outlinePoverty Research & Policy
Black-Led Organizations (BLOs) are organizations led by an Executive Director and have a majority of full-time employees identifying as African American. BLOs face challenges (e.g., limited funding, diminished agency, exploitation) which can be explained through the framework of racialization. In this episode, Dr. Greg Wilson discusses his research paper titled “An Invisible Impediment to Progress: Perceptions of Racialization in the Nonprofit Sector” that analyzes racialization of BLOs in Madison, Wisconsin. Dr. Greg Wilson is an Assistant Professor at The Ohio State University, a...
info_outlinePoverty Research & Policy
Minimum wage workers, especially those with children, face barriers to affordable child care. Child care costs can prevent working parents who earn minimum wage from participating in the labor market. Alternately, many child-care workers also face financial barriers because they, too, earn minimal wages. Therefore, increasing the minimum wage would alleviate financial burdens for both parents and child-care workers. In this episode, both Dr. Anna Godøy and Dr. Jennie Romich discuss their research on minimum wage and its effects on parental labor supply and the child care sector. Anna Godøy...
info_outlinePoverty Research & Policy
There are more than 17 million renters in the rural Unites States. While popular perceptions of eviction may be that they are predominantly an urban issue, low-income rural renters face some unique challenges in finding and maintaining secure housing. shares insights from his extensive work on eviction, and in particular from the paper that he co-authored with Dr. Matthew Desmond, titled “.” Carl Gershenson is Lab Director at The Eviction Lab at Princeton University. His research focuses on the causes and consequences of housing instability, with a special focus on how eviction leads to...
info_outlinePoverty Research & Policy
Homeownership is one of the most common ways to accumulate wealth and promote intergenerational economic mobility in the United States. But even with laws and policies designed to ensure equal access to housing and financing, access to mortgage credit is far from equal. Factors like the race, gender, and age of the applicant can result in less favorable loan terms and higher rates of denial and default. discusses his research on how different demographic factors affect access to mortgage financing, and what policy and practice approaches might help to lessen inequity in this area. José Loya...
info_outlineHigh levels of segregation can have significant impacts on communities and the individuals living in them. New research uses railroad tracks as a measure of segregation and overlays data on homicide deaths to determine if people of color living in highly segregated communities are more at risk. In this episode, Dr. Jamein Cunningham shares the findings in the paper he co-authored with Robynn Cox, Alberto Ortega and Kenneth D. Whaley titled "Black Lives: The High Cost of Segregation." Cunningham is an assistant professor in the Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy at Cornell University and an IRP Emerging Poverty Scholar Fellow.