Pro You Podcast
Hello and happy Thursday! There's a lot of bad in the world. There has always been bad in the world. So how do we navigate our lives, our Pro You paths, in lieu of the bad? Tom has mentioned the donut and the hole before - "You cannot get a donut without a hole" - no one gets a life without suffering. So there's the "Storm" and the "Light": that which is created by your effort. What Is in your control is what serves you, and what will help you evolve and become the best version of yourself; therefore allowing the best potential to stay more mindful of the donut and not the hole. The light...
info_outlinePro You Podcast
Hello and happy Thursday! A lot has been going on for Tom in 2025. A lot has been going on in California in 2025. A secret to no one what devastation has occurred throughout Los Angeles. So many people losing everything, so incredibly sad. Can you believe Tom has a very Pro You story describing his personal experience with the fires? Well, he does. And this was solid proof that what Tom had described in the last episode about experiencing a huge shift "In Omnia Paratus" but how would he handle his next test? Well he passed with flying colors. But, there was no excitement or much want to share...
info_outlinePro You Podcast
Hello, happy Thursday and Happy New year. In lieu of when this episode came out, it is the official last episode of 2024. And yes, PYP has gone Latin! One of the takeaways from this past year was 'it's not how it begins, it's how it ends'. It seems like every year has its challenges and like most, Tom has his. But Tom was aware that he was doing better in moments than he had in the past; he felt real growth in some challenging areas. December rolled in and there was a very tangible shift for Tom. Similar to that of 2020. Tom explains what 'In Omnia Paratus' means and what it meant to him. Tom...
info_outlinePro You Podcast
Hello and happy Thursday! The second half of this episode's title: "Is not about you being comfortable". It is truly the Hero's Journey. One leaves what is familiar and faces the unknown, uncertain and unfamiliar. While on this path one will find consistent discomfort. That is why one grows along this path. It is a path of personal growth. Tom had quite a few sticky notes but not a consistent theme. Then Tom got a new client and the personal trainer version that he is now came out. Tom had the experience, the clarity and the awareness to truly prepare this new client for what was ahead. One of...
info_outlinePro You Podcast
Hello and happy Thursday! Tom has consistently taken notes; plans out and organizes the info before he records a podcast. The title "A Test" is about the physical and mental test Tom has experienced the past two months. His next choice also became a bit of a test. He awoke on Sunday morning and decided to record a podcast sharing the story but he hadn't taken any notes - no sticky notes. In the past, Tom used to just grab the mic and begin recording. So it became a 'test within a test' recording this episode. Then, right before he began recording, he experienced computer issues. Now, a test...
info_outlinePro You Podcast
Hello and happy Thursday! The title is from a dear friend that Tom chats with frequently. They kept passing it back and forth and pretty soon Tom had shared it with clients. It was truly resonating. So Tom asked for his friend's permission to use it as the title and permission was granted! When someone is on a Pro You path of personal growth, they are on the lookout for tools, steps, doorways, new grooves, anything and everything they can find that assists in their journey of self discovery. But as they continue to grow, they will continue to discover new things that resonate in new ways. So...
info_outlinePro You Podcast
Hello and happy Thursday! Well, it has been a month since we've last heard from the Canadian Assassin's Niko and Kosta, so Tom thought what a great excuse to check in with the dynamic duo and see how they are doing after just over a month of finishing their four week intensive challenge. Well, when Tom received an email from Niko just two hours before their meeting for Part Six stating they were both excited and they had stories to share, that's all Tom needed to hear! What a great final (?) episode and what an inspiring story to end with. The final thing Tom said to the duo was "None of what...
info_outlinePro You Podcast
Hello and happy Thursday! It feels like Tom has done a lot of episodes recently. Well, it's because he has! He's hoping that's a good thing! The flexibility Tom gave himself to simply record a PYP episode when he felt he had something of meaning to share also allowed him to be open to the possibility of having more to share - which means more episodes. This episode is almost a Part 2 of the previous episode. It picks up exactly where the last one ended. The positive was Tom's level of awareness in those moments. Once again it is not all wonderful and unicorns, but the 'good/donut' is that Tom...
info_outlinePro You Podcast
Hello and happy Thursday! Never before has Tom had an experience recording a PYP episode as he did this episode. Tom was originally excited to share some big news - "A Canadian Experience Part VI" is coming SOON! Tom kept collecting sticky notes waiting till he had enough for a full episode. Tom feels a funk come on but wakes up and has an amazing experience. So much so it's plenty to share and Tom gets excited to record. The morning he chooses to record the wheels start falling off. The good news is Tom was very aware as he observed himself and got through the obstacles and the funk to record...
info_outlinePro You Podcast
Hello and happy Thursday! It feels like it's been awhile for Tom, well, because it has! Tom's podcast was taken over by Canadian Assassins! For the past whole month! And Tom already misses them! Tom reflects on the 'Canadian Experience' and shares what it meant to him. Tom also shares another podcast where he listened twice and took notes on it. Tom is also enjoying the book he's reading and shares what is resonating and why. Lastly, Tom has sticky notes that have been piling up since before the Canadian Experience happened. Which he shares and reflects on. Tom felt very thankful during the...
info_outlineHello and happy Thursday! Well, it's happening! "A Canadian Experience" took flight and here is Part 1 of a series of 5 parts. This is the introduction episode. Introduction of our two participants and their introduction to their next 4 weeks. Tom goes over their workout, their nutrition, logging their food and workouts using an app, and what he is specifically looking for in their journey. A big thank you to Niko and Kosta for accepting this personal challenge and the willingness to share their journey with the PYP listeners. This 'Experience' is already feeling different/better than the previous ones and Tom is stoked! Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!
Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.
Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!