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Ep 12: Finding Your Tribe, Community Over Competition, & Fear of Rejection - Interview with Bobbie Shaeperkoetter

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

Release Date: 05/02/2019

Ep 19: The Imposter Syndrome - Interview with Deanna Herd show art Ep 19: The Imposter Syndrome - Interview with Deanna Herd

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

Imposter Syndrome:  a consistent inability to believe that one's success is a result of one's own efforts, skills, or hard work a pattern in which a person doubts their achievements a person who has persistent thoughts and fear of being exposed as a "fraud" despite evidence of competence, they incorrectly attribute any success to random luck or that others have wrongly perceived them as being more intelligent than they really are  Join us as we understand how the imposter syndrome prevents us from stepping in the purposes that God created us for. Deana shares how...

Ep 18: Eight Things that Can Crush Your Purpose (If You Let It) - Pt 3 show art Ep 18: Eight Things that Can Crush Your Purpose (If You Let It) - Pt 3

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

In this series, Amy and Tammy talk about three of the eight things that can come between you and your purpose:  Comparison, Looking Back, and Going Solo. Listen in as they discuss, share, and encourage you to not let these areas crush what God has created you to do.     If you enjoyed one of our shows, with a friend!     You can also find Amy and Tammy at:   Resources:

Ep 17: Eight Things That Can Crush Your Purpose (If You Let It) - Pt 2 show art Ep 17: Eight Things That Can Crush Your Purpose (If You Let It) - Pt 2

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

In this series, Amy and Tammy talk about one of the eight things that can come between you and your purpose: procrastination. They share about the difference between healthy forms of "procrastination" and the kind that absolutely derails you. Listen in as they discuss, share, and encourage you to not let it crush what God has created you to do.   PurposeFULL Living originally airs every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on . You can also download the podcast and not miss an episode at, purposefulllivingpodcast.com (with 3 “L”s).   If you enjoyed one of our shows, with a friend! ...

Ep 16: Eight Things That Can Crush Your Purpose (If You Let It) - Part 1 show art Ep 16: Eight Things That Can Crush Your Purpose (If You Let It) - Part 1

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

In this series, Amy and Tammy talk about three of the eight things that can come between you and your purpose:  Comparison, Looking Back, and Going Solo. Listen in as they discuss, share, and encourage you to not let these areas crush what God has created you to do.   PurposeFULL Living originally airs every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on . You can also download the podcast and not miss an episode at, purposefulllivingpodcast.com (with 3 “L”s).   If you enjoyed one of our shows, with a friend!     You can also find Amy and Tammy at:   Resources: ...

Ep 15: Overcoming Your Past show art Ep 15: Overcoming Your Past

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

Even though David was a "man after God's own heart", he also felt the sting of public rejection. His son, Absalom, turned against him and took a portion of David's community with him. To make matters worse, as David fled for his life with his people, a man named Shimei threw stones at him. He called David a "worthless fellow" and "evil" (2 Samuel 16:5-14). How did David recover from a past of murder, adultery, and rejection from his son and his people to finally return to as king once again? Listen in as Amy and Tammy talk about how we can overcome our not-so-pretty past and how we can be...

Ep 14: The Power of Rest show art Ep 14: The Power of Rest

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

Summer interrupts our schedule in ways that give us permission. Listen in as Amy and Tammy share about bossing our soul in a challenge for us all to be intentional in setting aside time for quiet, reflection, and being with loved ones. We can be  in making our soul slow down in the midst of a busy society.   "Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." Psalm 116:7   PurposeFULL Living originally airs every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on . You can also download the podcast and not miss an episode at, purposefulllivingpodcast.com (with 3...

Ep 13: Fear & What it Teaches Us show art Ep 13: Fear & What it Teaches Us

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

  In the scriptures, 241 times in the New King James, “fear not” or “do not fear” appeared in the Bible. 241 times, God took His people into their calling, their purpose, or their next step which required more than their own strength (and courage) to fulfill. 241 times, His people saw glimpses of what He had in store and it seemed too impossible, too big, too fantastical for their imaginations to fathom. 241 times, His people felt the weight of where He was taking them and fear was right there trying to hold them back. But God.  Amy and Tammy get vulnerable and honest about...

Ep 12: Finding Your Tribe, Community Over Competition, & Fear of Rejection - Interview with Bobbie Shaeperkoetter show art Ep 12: Finding Your Tribe, Community Over Competition, & Fear of Rejection - Interview with Bobbie Shaeperkoetter

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

Even though Bobbie Schaeperkoetter is a , , , , , and an  she has struggled to be vulnerable and authentic. Hear what it took for her to leave a place of isolation to step into a place of new community even as she felt inadequate. Learn about the invitation that surprised her and how it brought her defensive walls down. Listen in as we (, , and talk about the challenges of finding community, the fear of rejection or being known for our true selves. And discover the power of community OVER competition.   In this episode you'll hear: Through her speaking...

Ep 11: Perseverance  show art Ep 11: Perseverance

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

Perseverance is often a hidden work, taking tiny obedient steps. God may ask us to pick back up an idea, passion, or project we laid down. Listen in as Amy and Tammy talk about being open to not only letting go of a project or ministry but also to returning to it when God prompts us. How does perseverance challenge the best of us? Where might God be asking you to persevere or lay something down?   Episodes originally air on the radio every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on   If you enjoyed one of our shows, please help us with the algorithms so others can find us, by  

Ep 10:  What Fostering & Adoption Teaches Us About Parenting--Interview with Jamie Young show art Ep 10: What Fostering & Adoption Teaches Us About Parenting--Interview with Jamie Young

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

We are excited to welcome Jamie as she shares her family's call to foster and adopt in the middle of raising their four biological kids. Listen in as one mother, who already mothered 11 of her younger siblings, realizes that all her parenting practice and years of raising her kids didn't always provide her with answers.  As parents, our kids teach us a lot about ourselves, especially how desperately we need God’s grace to parent well. And when you blend families through foster or adoption, we learn even more about ourselves than we cared to know. Listen in today as Jamie Young...

More Episodes

Even though Bobbie Schaeperkoetter is a writerspeakerteacherYouTubercommunity builder, and an empowerer of women, she has struggled to be vulnerable and authentic. Hear what it took for her to leave a place of isolation to step into a place of new community even as she felt inadequate. Learn about the invitation that surprised her and how it brought her defensive walls down.

Listen in as we (Amy, Bobbie, and Tammy) talk about the challenges of finding community, the fear of rejection or being known for our true selves. And discover the power of community OVER competition.


In this episode you'll hear:

  • Through her speaking engagements, what has Bobbie discovered to be the most pressing topic about being in community? It might not be what you think.
  • Conversations about the fear of authenticity, rejection, and letting people in
  • The awkward ask that Bobbie experienced in reaching out to build a community
  • What is a Grace Ninja?
  • Encouragement and ideas for building or connecting with community right where you are


 "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV


Episodes originally air on the radio every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world 


If you enjoyed one of our shows, please help us with the algorithms so others can find us, by leaving a review on iTunes here.


You can find Bobbie at bobbieshae.com


You can also find Amy and Tammy at:

Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/

