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Episode 29: Marcella Kroll | Quantum Origins and the Great Cosmic Puzzle

Radio Amenti

Release Date: 11/20/2021

Episode 29: Marcella Kroll | Quantum Origins and the Great Cosmic Puzzle show art Episode 29: Marcella Kroll | Quantum Origins and the Great Cosmic Puzzle

Radio Amenti

I am more than thrilled to share this new Radio Amenti episode featuring my friend, Marcella Kroll.

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More Episodes

After a long hiatus of recording, we are finally back!

I am more than thrilled to share this new Radio Amenti episode featuring my friend, Marcella Kroll.

Marcella and I connected through social media around the time Amenti Oracle came out, and we each gifted each other copies of our respective decks. Marcella’s Sacred Symbols Oracle went on to become one of my favorite metaphysical tools, and I always felt such a kindred connection to her work.

When we finally met IRL in LA (2 years ago, I think? But, what is time anyway), I had that same feeling of kindred connection, like reuniting with a friend from the past.

Marcella is a gifted psychic, artist, medium, oracle, and channel. A polymath of the metaphysical, I have so much respect for all that she does and creates, and this conversation was such a joy.

About Marcella:

Marcella Kroll is an artist, creator, performer, and psychic medium. Her spiritual guidance provides insight, clarity, and healing on core levels to her clients and students. Embracing her multidimensional and diverse ancestral bloodlines, Marcella offers a safe container for those ready to explore the liminal and do the deep work, either in private sessions or in the sacred sanctuary of learning, ceremony, or ritual. Through these mediums, she offers others the illumination of their gifts, life purpose, and clarity on what strengths or stumbling blocks may be available for support. Diving deep into past lives, ancestral ties, and even galactic connections through a combination of clairvoyance, clairaudience, mediumship, Tarot, and oracle cards are just some of the ways Marcella can connect and guide you along your journey. Guideship is the unique gift she has to offer you, as you are the sole leader of your Earthwalk. 

With 26 years of experience as a Tarot reader, Marcella offers readings and teaches classes that bring you back to your magical empowerment. Marcella is a program presenter for the Los Angeles Public Library, leading courses for teens and tweens on the Tarot. She is the creator and illustrator of The Dreamers Tarot, The Sacred Symbols Oracle, The Nature-Nurture Oracle, Cutting the Cord Zine, and PRIESTESS - A Magical Grimoire. Marcella is also a contributing writer for Taschen and public speaker on Divination and Magic for many podcasts and panels worldwide, including the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art. 

As an artist and consultant she has contributed to the continuity and development of characters for the Film and Television industry and even in the VR (Virtual Reality) Gaming world. Kroll has also exhibited and held artist residencies in various galleries worldwide and internationally at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. She also has original work in the permanent collection of the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design Museum.

SOURCE: Marcella Kroll’s website

In this episode we have a multi-dimensional, fractal conversation (my favorite types of chats to have) about Marcella’s life story, psychic phenomena, ETs, past lives, channeling the ineffable into art and more. This hour flew by SO FAST, and I am certain this will be the first of many Radio Amenti conversations to come.

Check out our episode below!

Learn more about Marcella’s work by visiting her official website.


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