Radio Skydive UK
• Doug Barron talks 250ways in Chicago this coming summer (37:30) • Rook Nelson discusses hosting 2x 200+ formation groups on the same DZ (1:00:35) • Front cover photo of a 29way Jewel formation in the world's largest wind tunnel, CLYMB in Abu Dhabi. Organised by Laura Hampton and Brian • Brian waxes lyrical about that tunnel and that trip. One of the best weeks of his life. • is back as • Brian's in love with a Freak6 wing suit and it's tasty new inlets • Vegas and Hollywood tunnels shut • Steep and Deep announce a Heads Up Display •...
info_outlineRadio Skydive UK
• RSUK celebrates 100 podcasts • Cheaper than Craig's therapy • Front cover photo by Greg Crozier of the 96way Head Up World Record formation taken on a 360 cam from the very centre of the formation. • Dave Schwartz of Skydive Radio fame comes along to chat. He's our #1 fan. • is gone • Brian got screwed by Joel. But in a nice way. • Brian picked up his new FS suit in Empuria • Rich Rust listener video from Dubai • Anni Mentula listener video from Gudvangen in Norway • Pete Allum and a Future Proof Skydiving update • Back cover photo of Brian's...
info_outlineRadio Skydive UK
• British Indoor Skydiving Nationals Review • Brian goes so long between competitions that he's officially a Rookie again. • Brian's still got it, wins Silver, carried by his team clearly. • There are 31 million tunnels in France. • AAA controversy • Why were the UK Nationals held in France? • Ask The Expert with Paul Dorward covering canopy turns in variable winds as a response to RSUK98 School of Hard Knocks story. • Front Cover photo of Brian over Nottingham City centre doing a demo into Nottinghamshire Uni. Photo by Jodie-Leigh Foster. • Brian gets upset with...
info_outlineRadio Skydive UK
Brian and Craig pick up like they've never been away. Craig waffles Brian raises the banter stakes School of Hard Knocks with Mad John and his bone breaking low turn demonstration Front Cover photo by Paul Rimmington of Tim Scrase leading an FS jump with a 4way launch from a skyvan at sunset over Skydive Klatovy. Another tunnel closes Another tunnel opens Craig dreams of being a Youtube influencer How to Future Proof Skydiving with Pete Allum Brian's coaching 3x teams at the British Indoor National Championships this coming weekend The British Indoor National Championships are in... France....
info_outlineRadio Skydive UK
The Expo is coming School of Hard Knocks with Casey Pruett (1h00m10s) Front Cover of Jake Quigley by Laura Hampton over Skydive Langar SkyHigh buy a 2nd caravan Craig bemoans British Skydiving non-election Laura’s pet project is Skydive Langar Winter Webinars Eloy Hot Air Balloon Crash 400 the Movie. Crowdfunding will end soon. Don’t make Craig sad Craig slates AI generated Seychelles innhopp image Johannes Bergfors message Brian raves over Seychelles Boogie by Tsunami Skydivers. It’s a bit embarrassing really. AON2 X0 visual digital altimeter Caelum Systems’ “Talkable”. If you...
info_outlineRadio Skydive UK
Andy Malchiodi talks about his Hollywood movie ‘Hex’ Front cover photo over of Ebu Uyar deploying over Skydive Senegal with the Atlantic Ocean watching on. Go Skydive expansion into Wales and Kent Skydive Tilstock has a use for Headcorn’s old plane Langar does 50,000 jumps in a year AON2 Obsidian delayed. AON2 X0 full steam ahead with this great visual alti Podcast round up… Fleur Jones on ‘Lunatic Fringe’. And James La Barrie hosts a new podcast called ‘The 20 Min Call’ Brian investigates suing JLB for false advertising after discovering that his podcasts...
info_outlineRadio Skydive UK
Ben Lowe tandem entanglement Ben discusses getting back on the horse Taking 7 year olds on a tandem What would need to change in the UK for a DZ to take a minor on a tandem? Melissa Nelson online AFF courses What would need to change in the UK for a DZ to adopt online instruction? Front Cover photo by Bruno Brokken - a self portrait over Costa Rica Back Cover photos by Bruno Brokken of a Front Cover. 90% Italian magazine features Brian on the front cover. :-) PIA in Reno happening now - you should go. London BASE Jumps Super sketchy 4s delays on a base jump from a crane. Coaching...
info_outlineRadio Skydive UK
• Skydive The Expo review • Craig is no longer Chair of British Skydiving • The King is Dead • Long Live Queen Mary • Craig’s ego is dented. • Brian is ‘supportive’, like all good friends are. • Front Cover photo by Jacek RRRRR of Joe Laming • Back Cover photo by Andreas Roksvaag • International Skydiving Commission review by Rai • Skydive Voss under threat • 7 jumps, 7 continents, 7 marathons, some swimming too. Not really sure what’s going on. website leaves us all confused. • iFLY price hike • Brian’s back to Costa Rica and...
info_outlineRadio Skydive UK
Arthur Amara talks about Obsidian, the Heads Up Display Visual Altimeter Is the Obsidian expensive, or cheap? Bruno Brokken Front Cover Photo of Brian and friends over the pyramids Ryan Garner Back Cover Photo of Lee Robinson exiting on his 1st wingsuit jump The UK has had a surprisingly sunny January Laura discusses wearing sunglasses for AFF instructing. Heated gloves… Laura should have asked for commission. Always check your kit before jumping, no matter what the change. 7 jumps in 7 days on 7 continents. Two rival groups? 777 and 7x? More story needed. Skydive the Expo preview Brian...
info_outlineRadio Skydive UK
Joe Connolly explains Pete Harries takes the Front Cover photo of Chimera over Skydive Arizona Jason Burgoyne shares his tattoo of Brian on his leg for the Back Cover Brian and Laura compete to see who did the most jumps in 2022 Brian loses. Badly. Laura does 3.3 jumps for every one of Brian's jumps Laura Hampton did 1,012 jumps in 2022 Brian & Laura review their years and look forward to 2023 Skydive Langar Progression School discussion FS proficiency stickers discussed. Is there a need for FS2? Brian's got some fancy new heated gloves thanks to Laura's recommendation...
info_outline• Karine Joly World Champ Freeflyer
• Front Cover by Ralph Wilhelms over Skydive Pink Klatovy
• Back Cover by Emily Aucutt over Skydive Pink Klatovy
• Cover photos sponsored by HB Mounts
• Rich Grimm of Tsunami Skydivers Book Club
• Karine explains how she keeps warm jumping in the winter
• Wind Rose
• Brian’s scariest moment of 2020 revealed and it isn’t what you expected…
• Brian bought a camera and then dropped it.
• Craig gushed over some skydiving tech
• Russia is banned. World Champs to be discussed.
• Dan BC Youtube channel
• Twinwoods works so hard to get nowhere
• iFly was kinda open
• Crystal got married to Matt
• Eloy Xmas Boogie Covid outbreak
• Brian’s summer camps are sold out. Will they happen though?
• Craig has a Big Base Beanie
• Craig does it again. <shakes head>
• Support from Indoor Wingsuit
• Support from Flysight
• Rai grows a person
• Tash grows a yoga studio
• Tash learns how to be an instructor in German
• Brian’s online classes and gets quizzical
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