Radio Skydive UK
Europe’s #1 skydiving podcast is full of skydiving news, advice, stories and interviews with some of the best skydivers from around the world. To happily misquote the 1990s cinematic masterpiece Point Break, RSUK is jumping *and* jerking off, with its entertaining, educational and irreverent banter.
101 Bigways with Doug Barron and Rook Nelson
101 Bigways with Doug Barron and Rook Nelson
• Doug Barron talks 250ways in Chicago this coming summer (37:30) • Rook Nelson discusses hosting 2x 200+ formation groups on the same DZ (1:00:35) • Front cover photo of a 29way Jewel formation in the world's largest wind tunnel, CLYMB in Abu Dhabi. Organised by Laura Hampton and Brian • Brian waxes lyrical about that tunnel and that trip. One of the best weeks of his life. • is back as • Brian's in love with a Freak6 wing suit and it's tasty new inlets • Vegas and Hollywood tunnels shut • Steep and Deep announce a Heads Up Display • Skydive the Expo is coming • Craig is heading to the International Skydiving Commission • Back In Action is a Netflix film you should watch • Weembi vs iFLY for UK Nationals HELP US SPREAD THE WORD
We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or X. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe or follow. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK
Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to contact us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
100 not out
100 not out
• RSUK celebrates 100 podcasts • Cheaper than Craig's therapy • Front cover photo by Greg Crozier of the 96way Head Up World Record formation taken on a 360 cam from the very centre of the formation. • Dave Schwartz of Skydive Radio fame comes along to chat. He's our #1 fan. • is gone • Brian got screwed by Joel. But in a nice way. • Brian picked up his new FS suit in Empuria • Rich Rust listener video from Dubai • Anni Mentula listener video from Gudvangen in Norway • Pete Allum and a Future Proof Skydiving update • Back cover photo of Brian's 2024 Xmas Tree. Photo by Ben Wayte. Taken over Skydive Langar. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or X. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe or follow. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to contact us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
99 Indoor Skydiving National Championships Review
99 Indoor Skydiving National Championships Review
• British Indoor Skydiving Nationals Review • Brian goes so long between competitions that he's officially a Rookie again. • Brian's still got it, wins Silver, carried by his team clearly. • There are 31 million tunnels in France. • AAA controversy • Why were the UK Nationals held in France? • Ask The Expert with Paul Dorward covering canopy turns in variable winds as a response to RSUK98 School of Hard Knocks story. • Front Cover photo of Brian over Nottingham City centre doing a demo into Nottinghamshire Uni. Photo by Jodie-Leigh Foster. • Brian gets upset with Facebook. Ditches them for WhatsApp. That'll teach Mark Zuckerberg a lesson! • Project Obsidian update • Ninjas with Altitude podcast • Craig gets his Cookie G35 fixed thanks to Joel Strickland • Brian breaks his Cookie G35 by having a screw loose. Joel. <hint> • Brian's BigGER Way Skills Camp is a go or a no? Help him decide please listeners. • RSUK100 is coming. • Back cover photo of the Jump For The Cause participants being inducted into the Skydiving Hall of Fame. Submitted by Fiona Meybirn. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or X. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe or follow. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to contact us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
98 Back Once Again for the Renegade Master. Power to the People.
98 Back Once Again for the Renegade Master. Power to the People.
Brian and Craig pick up like they've never been away. Craig waffles Brian raises the banter stakes School of Hard Knocks with Mad John and his bone breaking low turn demonstration Front Cover photo by Paul Rimmington of Tim Scrase leading an FS jump with a 4way launch from a skyvan at sunset over Skydive Klatovy. Another tunnel closes Another tunnel opens Craig dreams of being a Youtube influencer How to Future Proof Skydiving with Pete Allum Brian's coaching 3x teams at the British Indoor National Championships this coming weekend The British Indoor National Championships are in... France. Craig breaks his helmet and makes it work while he waits for a replacement part Craig goes fun jumping and does so so many jumps in 2024 Dane Kenny 55th anniversary of jumping Brian diversifies into wingsuit coaching with a new rating from British Skydiving Brian's well into the planning phase for his Big Way Skills Camp in 2025 ( Come and fly in the tunnel with Brian. FAB Scrambles almost sold out. Back cover photo by Bruno Brokken of the Women's Total Break Sequential World Record formation. Send in by Fleur Jones. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or X. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe or follow. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to contact us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
97 Skydive The Expo is Coming
97 Skydive The Expo is Coming
The Expo is coming School of Hard Knocks with Casey Pruett (1h00m10s) Front Cover of Jake Quigley by Laura Hampton over Skydive Langar SkyHigh buy a 2nd caravan Craig bemoans British Skydiving non-election Laura’s pet project is Skydive Langar Winter Webinars Eloy Hot Air Balloon Crash 400 the Movie. Crowdfunding will end soon. Don’t make Craig sad Craig slates AI generated Seychelles innhopp image Johannes Bergfors message Brian raves over Seychelles Boogie by Tsunami Skydivers. It’s a bit embarrassing really. AON2 X0 visual digital altimeter Caelum Systems’ “Talkable”. If you can’t guess what it is from the name then you aren’t allowed to skydive again. Brian went to the wing suit tunnel Craig crashes Brian’s Expo table Brian and Laura went to CLYMB. The biggest f tunnel in the world. Laura did a HD camp in Madrid in 5 words HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or X. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe or follow. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to contact us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
96 Andy Malchiodi and his Hollywood movie 'Hex'
96 Andy Malchiodi and his Hollywood movie 'Hex'
Andy Malchiodi talks about his Hollywood movie ‘Hex’ Front cover photo over of Ebu Uyar deploying over Skydive Senegal with the Atlantic Ocean watching on. Go Skydive expansion into Wales and Kent Skydive Tilstock has a use for Headcorn’s old plane Langar does 50,000 jumps in a year AON2 Obsidian delayed. AON2 X0 full steam ahead with this great visual alti Podcast round up… Fleur Jones on ‘Lunatic Fringe’. And James La Barrie hosts a new podcast called ‘The 20 Min Call’ Brian investigates suing JLB for false advertising after discovering that his podcasts are significantly longer than 20mins. Netflix special on The Parachute Murder Plot. TLDR: don’t watch it 400 The Move on IndieGoGo - please support it for Craig. x Brian and Craig love their Cookie G35s Brian gets around a bit. iFLY London, MK, Basingstoke, Manchester and Weembi. Brian plans trips to CLYMB the Big Friendly Tunnel and Indoor Wingsuit tunnel Craig has his best jumping year since 2019 Craig is a pilot w.anchor. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or X. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe or follow. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to contact us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
95 Ben Lowe Tandem Entanglement School of Hard Knocks
95 Ben Lowe Tandem Entanglement School of Hard Knocks
Ben Lowe tandem entanglement Ben discusses getting back on the horse Taking 7 year olds on a tandem What would need to change in the UK for a DZ to take a minor on a tandem? Melissa Nelson online AFF courses What would need to change in the UK for a DZ to adopt online instruction? Front Cover photo by Bruno Brokken - a self portrait over Costa Rica Back Cover photos by Bruno Brokken of a Front Cover. 90% Italian magazine features Brian on the front cover. :-) PIA in Reno happening now - you should go. London BASE Jumps Super sketchy 4s delays on a base jump from a crane. Coaching qualifications Level2 Rookie Rumble Starlets British Record attempts for Total Break Sequential Ebu Uyar listener email Brian travels with suspicious looking lead and gets quizzed. Unsurprisingly. Brian dropped his N3 digital alti in the swimming pool Craig is 1 from 3. Craig is too simple to Keep. It. Simple. Stupid. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
94 Skydive The Expo Review and Musical Chairs
94 Skydive The Expo Review and Musical Chairs
• Skydive The Expo review • Craig is no longer Chair of British Skydiving • The King is Dead • Long Live Queen Mary • Craig’s ego is dented. • Brian is ‘supportive’, like all good friends are. • Front Cover photo by Jacek RRRRR of Joe Laming • Back Cover photo by Andreas Roksvaag • International Skydiving Commission review by Rai • Skydive Voss under threat • 7 jumps, 7 continents, 7 marathons, some swimming too. Not really sure what’s going on. website leaves us all confused. • iFLY price hike • Brian’s back to Costa Rica and will not lose his passport HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
93 Arthur Amarra and the World's First Heads Up Display for Skydiving
93 Arthur Amarra and the World's First Heads Up Display for Skydiving
Arthur Amara talks about Obsidian, the Heads Up Display Visual Altimeter Is the Obsidian expensive, or cheap? Bruno Brokken Front Cover Photo of Brian and friends over the pyramids Ryan Garner Back Cover Photo of Lee Robinson exiting on his 1st wingsuit jump The UK has had a surprisingly sunny January Laura discusses wearing sunglasses for AFF instructing. Heated gloves… Laura should have asked for commission. Always check your kit before jumping, no matter what the change. 7 jumps in 7 days on 7 continents. Two rival groups? 777 and 7x? More story needed. Skydive the Expo preview Brian wrote an article for the mag. Brian learns how to stop himself better Laura’s team Chimera calls it after 7yrs Skydive Langar had their first A licence qualify in 2023. Groundschool to ‘A’, all in January. Is there a best time to learn? HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
92 Joe Connolly and
92 Joe Connolly and
Joe Connolly explains Pete Harries takes the Front Cover photo of Chimera over Skydive Arizona Jason Burgoyne shares his tattoo of Brian on his leg for the Back Cover Brian and Laura compete to see who did the most jumps in 2022 Brian loses. Badly. Laura does 3.3 jumps for every one of Brian's jumps Laura Hampton did 1,012 jumps in 2022 Brian & Laura review their years and look forward to 2023 Skydive Langar Progression School discussion FS proficiency stickers discussed. Is there a need for FS2? Brian's got some fancy new heated gloves thanks to Laura's recommendation Brian broke the live streaming at the Indoor Nationals. Tom Shorten listener question about moving from a corporate career to a skydiving career. Skydive The Expo coming soon. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
91 UpLift Skydiving Explained by Peter 'Taf' Mather
91 UpLift Skydiving Explained by Peter 'Taf' Mather
• Pete 'Taf' Mather explains UpLift (18:50) • If the chemicals in your brain are messed up you can reach out to a dedicated skydiving support network: or Samaritans Don’t be alone. Make a connection. • Pete Allum Future Proof Skydiving (38:20) • Back Cover photo by someone of Kate Cooper-Jensen keying a multi-plane formation with 9ppl outside the Twin Otter over Skydive Perris • Artistic Nationals • Low attendance ideas • Book Club with Rai Ahmed recommending Matthew Syed ‘Rebel Ideas” (35:30) • Costa Rica ‘Party on the Playa’ Boogie remembered by Bonnie Grant (43:30) • Old but new DZ reopens at South Cerney. Just in time for winter. • Bruise submissions HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
90 Laura Hampton | From Packer to Nationals Champion
90 Laura Hampton | From Packer to Nationals Champion
• Laura Hampton, British National Champion • Andy Ford School of Hard Knocks (41:50) • Front Cover photo by Gary Swoop Wainwright of the Sky Games at Skydive Langar • Back Cover photo by Paul Rimmington of the Rookie Rumble with appropriately placed British Skydiving banner. Craig and Tash approve. Brian is relieved. • Craig is busy with British Skydiving stuff • 4wayFS Nationals • Low attendance solutions • 8wayFS Nationals • Other Nationals • Book Club with Laura Hampton recommending Simon Sinek ‘Start With Why” (1:01:05) • Costa Rica ‘Party on the Playa’ Boogie remembered by Tim Johnson (1:41:00) • Stupid malfunctions. Laura packed hers. Brian opened his. • Stupid audible story, thanks Brexit • Brian loves his Insta360 Go2 but not when people ask him what camera it is. • How does Brian fit a 360deg camera to a helmet with a Mohawk? • Laura won’t be at Indoor Nationals. • Brian goes off-script talking about mental health. (1:48:20) If the chemicals in your brain are messed up you can reach out to a dedicated skydiving support network: or Samaritans Don’t be alone. Make a connection. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
89 Paul Mayer and the State on the Tunnel Industry in the UK
89 Paul Mayer and the State on the Tunnel Industry in the UK
▪ Paul Mayer and State of the Tunnel Industry in the UK (56:05) ▪ Spencer Bailey Front Cover of a CReW formation over Skydive Sebastien ▪ Plane Swap Back Cover by RedBull of Luke Aikins climbing back in. ▪ Intentional Plane Crash Dude ▪ FAA attitude ▪ Bonehead Helmet with freefall comms ▪ Twinwoods goes bust :-( ▪ First Aid Courses ▪ Brian has a… drumroll… passport! ▪ Brian loves his sponsors and his Jav which he says is the most comfortable thing in the world. ▪ Insta360 Go2 tiny HD camera - a GoPro beater? ▪ Brian’s Big Way Skills Camp is sold out. ▪ Craig’s got a whole weekend of jumping planned. ▪ Rai will be there too. Tash won’t. ▪ Tash has a 170 for her first jumps back. ▪ Tash judged. ▪ Tash translated. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests and advertisers.
We also LOVE reading the reviews. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record a voice memo on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK
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88 Tom Grocutt and his amazing Skydive Logger iOS app
88 Tom Grocutt and his amazing Skydive Logger iOS app
• Tom Grocutt and his amazing Skydive Logger iOS app • Back Cover by Michael Bayada of four women freeflying in iFLY Basingstoke, submitted by Fleur Jones. • Craig gets hard geeking out on his two favourite things • Brian subtly plugs Dropzone Brewery - no one notices. Did you? • Wild Geese is operating and is now Skydive Ireland • Skydive Seychelles looks shit and no fun at all • World Indoor Championships have kidnapped Tash • Listener feedback and shoutouts to Raj, Tim, Nuno and Chris • Rai flew in the tunnel and got a tired arm • Craig did some jumps and got a tired body HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests and advertisers.
We also LOVE reading the reviews. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record a voice memo on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK
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87 Karine Joly, Anna Moxnes, Dennis Praet and Pete Allum Discuss Jumping Shoes
87 Karine Joly, Anna Moxnes, Dennis Praet and Pete Allum Discuss Jumping Shoes
• Karine Joly, Anna Moxnes, Dennis Praet and Pete Allum discuss shoes. • Jason Cooke talks helmets, specifically the Cookie G35 • Front cover by Casey Pruett of Brian over Tambor, Costa Rica • Back Cover of Skydive Tilstock Women’s Edition • Jeb’s new book Memoirs from The Edge • Tash used an Oculus to view one of Jeb’s flights in 3D • FS1 makeover • AON2 in struggle with chip shortage but pressing ahead with Obsidian • Brit200 / Lions80 Progress and Dilemma • Joel Strickland, Rich Madeley and Kris Sheppard head to Poland with Ukraine aid. • Bruno Brokken jumps precisely on the Equator in Ecuador [] • New app out by Adam Mattacola [] • Regan Tetlow on Lunatic Fringe [] • Skydive Spain starts the fuel surcharge ball rolling • India gets it’s first wind tunnel • Bedfordshire get’s it’s tunnel back. Kinda • How many tunnels are there in the world? • Craig’s the only person with a rig in date • Rai’s rigger is a 90min drive away. • Tash’s rigger is a 90mm roll away. • Brian flew in the tunnel(s) with a mohawk on his G4 • Tash is heading to three of the four international competitions in 2022 HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests and advertisers.
We also LOVE reading the reviews. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record a voice memo on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK
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86 Brian Cumming and The Missing Passport
86 Brian Cumming and The Missing Passport
Brian talks too much about Costa Rica to fit anything else in. He lost his passport and drags the story out. There is no Dennis Praet There is no Anna Moxnes There is no Karine Joly But there will be all three, and added Pete Allum, in Ep87. Promise FAI Statement about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Golden Knights to stop competing? Cookie release the G35, not the G35 Front Cover of Brian over Costa Rica as a screenshot from a video by Bruno Brokken Pete Allum discusses Future Proofing Skydiving USPA dropzones require reserves to be tagged with a lead seal Just so many rules in the USA for jumping Brian did some amazing jumps in Costa Rica. Brian is eternally grateful to Rich Grimm for the invite Rai gets selected to judge at the World Championships But she has Covid19 so can’t be here to discuss it. Craig only tells Brian his sniffing is very audible after the recording has finished. Brian spends 2hrs (!) editing out as many of the sniffs as possible but missed a bunch. Sorry about that. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD
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85 Rich Grimm | Exotic Boogies Tips and Misfortune
85 Rich Grimm | Exotic Boogies Tips and Misfortune
• Rich Grimm headline interview • Rich gives some top tips for exotic boogie visitors • Rich talks about his worst boogie disasters • Thought for the Podcast by Melanie Curtis • Front Cover photo by Jarno Cordia of the Maldives boogie • Back cover of Craig passing Brian an award at the Expo. • Craig gets stroppy from the very start • Brian pretends its normal • Craig _needs_ to jump • Rai and Tash are in the future • The London studios are no more • Craig offers Brian a VK84. Brian buys a Sabre3 135 instead. • Proximity XRW with Pete Allum and Dani Roman • DanBC’s 60th causes Brian to raise his eyebrows • Twinwoods shuts due to electricity prices • Planning permission passed for a London tunnel • Indoor Nationals • Skydive The Expo • Craig Poxon is the unicorn shit of British Skydiving • Martin Soulsby’s 40th jump anniversary • Brian’s heading to Costa Rica • Brian got interviewed by Regan • Craig gets burned by Skydiving Memes Insta page • Tilstock doing cool stuff HELP US SPREAD THE WORD
We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests and advertisers. We also LOVE reading the reviews. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record a voice memo on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK
We hope you enjoy.
84 Herman Landsman | Spotting From A C130
84 Herman Landsman | Spotting From A C130
• Herman Landsman | Spotting From a C130 (19:40) • “It’s windy” • Pete Allum Future Proofing Skydiving (59:45) • Front Cover photo by Alex Potter • Back Cover photo by Alex Potter • Cover photos sponsored by HB Camera Mount • Andy Ford voicemail and logbook chat to get hard over (1:14:20) • Craig ejaculates silently • Skydive Logger on iOS is recommended • It’s not on Android though, is it? Ugh • Tash talks to us from the future • Craig talks to us from the past. • Craig is the most awkward turtle you can possibly imagine (1:48:59) • Curt Bartholomew swooping a pyramid - nothing to see here • Craig likes free beer • Mondial update - it’s happening! • Craig reminisces about World Team • Alex Santau practicing tracking in the tunnel question • Fiona Meybirn question leads Brian down a merry path • Tom Dent Static Line question • Brian’s listened to some skydivers on non-skydiving podcasts • Transplants Take on Sport podcast featuring Maddy Warren • Me Myself and Mind podcast featuring Megan Reeves • BXM Inspired podcast featuring Liam Byrne • Paul Taylor's Happy Hour featuring Karine Joly and Greg Crozier • Craig plans a fun jump. In three months time. • Craig loses another friend cause of British Skydiving • Tash checks ALL the weather apps. • Rai doesn’t make it back from the toilet HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share Radio Skydive UK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. #RadioSkydiveUK If this episode rocked your boat, would you please consider leaving a short review? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it helps us when we speak to advertisers and hard-to-get guests. We also LOVE reading the reviews. :-) FOLLOW RSUK -> Follow via : -> Follow via : -> Follow via -> Follow via -> Follow via -> Here's our ! FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to contact us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK LINKS MENTIONED IN THE SHOW • HB Camera Mount • Desert Island Discs • Curt Bartholomew Swooping a pyramid • Pete Allum’s video. 4way, wingsuit, sky surfer • Paul Taylor's Happy Hour We hope you enjoy.
83 James La Barrie | How to Run a World Class Boogie
83 James La Barrie | How to Run a World Class Boogie
• James La Barrie explains how to run a world class boogie (39:55) • Future Proof Skydiving with Pete Allum (1:39:20) • Front Cover by Martin Skrbel • Back Cover by Martin Skrbel • Cover photos supported by HB Camera Mount • Everyone is jumping • Craig torments himself • No-one is surprised • Mondial non-update • Egypt - 3 boogies to choose. Brian chose Jump Like a Pharaoh • Free beer from Dropzone Brewery • 10% off ‘Red On’ lager with code “learningcurve” • Insurance question from Cat Brown • Canopy Regulation and retention questions from Tom Dent • Tracking in the tunnel question from Alex Santau • Brian’s AFF student hurt himself before the plane had taken off • Brian stands in sheep shit and smears it all over himself. #kinky • Brian has a new, very white jumpsuit from Symbi • Brian is trying to buy a 2nd container • Craig made it to a DZ! Didn’t jump though. • Craig plans to take an old bag on a skydive with him. • Rai’s AAD got confiscated. • Rai plans tunnel with Amalie from the Joyriders HELP US SPREAD THE WORD
We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests and advertisers. We also LOVE reading the reviews. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK
We hope you enjoy.
82 Dennis Praet | A World Champion Discusses Booties
82 Dennis Praet | A World Champion Discusses Booties
• Dennis Praet | A World Champion Discusses Booties • When should you start wearing booties? • Pete Allum Future Proof Skydiving • Front Cover by Keiron Hayes • Back Cover by Dan Chater • Support from HB Camera Mounts • Craig is busy doing the right thing • Craig’s priorities are all wrong • Brian, Rai and Tash say best episode ever • Craig says worst episode ever • Some DZs have opened and others opening soon • Skydiving on the warmest day in March in 60years. • Tunnels open and iFly coach rating • We love JaNette Lefkowitz • Mondial or Non-dial discussion. • Brian is going to Egypt to jump the pyramids. Come and join him. • Lizzie Attwood question about Brit200 • James Smitty - large breaks - changes in time - FS1 - devil’s advocate • Brian’s ordered a Sabre3 • Brian’s doing a course on podcasting • Rai is a qualified Artistics judge now • Rai forgets to get her AAD serviced on time • Tash declines to jump HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests and advertisers. We also LOVE reading the reviews. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK FOLLOW US Instagram: Facebook: We hope you enjoy.
81 Carsten Cooper-Jensen AAD Fire
81 Carsten Cooper-Jensen AAD Fire
• Carsten Cooper-Jensen AAD Fire • Carsten’s 2nd AAD Fire • Carsten’s 3rd AAD Fire • Carsten’s 4th AAD Fire • No, really. • Front Cover by Ewan Cowie • Back Cover by Craig Poxon • SkyHigh unlimited pass • RIP Rocky Evans (Ep43) • Lodi is sued for $40m • Canopy Training is the new freefall. • Brian tests Craig and Tash on the Emergency Procedures. • They pass with a whimpering limp. • Listener submissions, James, Ahmad, etc • Friday Freakout link coming soon James, promise! • Tash compares DFV Tandem Pilots and UK Tandem Masters • Craig has too many t-shirts but doesn’t know how many • Brian remembers to include KateCJ’s outtake • There are no outtakes • Support form HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests and advertisers. We also LOVE reading the reviews. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK FOLLOW US Instagram: Facebook: We hope you enjoy.
80 Kate Cooper Jensen Herc Exit Injury 2004.
80 Kate Cooper Jensen Herc Exit Injury 2004.
• Kate Cooper-Jensen shares her 2004 Herc Exit Injury story • Richard Phillips Front Cover photo • Mahmoud Sharaf Jumps Like a Pharaoh over the pyramids • Pete Allum Future Proofing our sport • Stu Turner Back Cover photo of a double rainbow awesome • Cover photos sponsored by HB Camera Mount • Andy Ford listener feedback • Dropzones and tunnels to reopen soon • Craig is Craig #2 • Maldives Boogie and Namibia Boogie photos are wow • Online skydiving - Diversity in Skydiving • Online skydiving - Women in Skydiving • Colin Scott Thompson Youtube channel • Brian thinks the show needs a proper logo • Rai ODs on DnI • Craig made an app. It took him 10mins and he made £millions. • Brian likes another app HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests and advertisers. We also LOVE reading the reviews. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK FOLLOW US Instagram: Facebook: We hope you enjoy.
80 Kate Cooper Jensen Herc Exit Injury 2004
80 Kate Cooper Jensen Herc Exit Injury 2004
• Kate Cooper-Jensen shares her 2004 Herc Exit Injury story (0:45:22) • Richard Phillips Front Cover photo • Mahmoud Sharaf Jumps Like a Pharaoh over the pyramids (1:37:39) • Pete Allum Future Proofing our sport (1:25:14) • Stu Turner Back Cover photo of a double rainbow awesome • Cover photos sponsored by HB Camera Mount • Andy Ford listener feedback (1:33:14) • Dropzones and tunnels to reopen soon • Craig is Craig #2 • Maldives Boogie and Namibia Boogie photos are wow • Online skydiving - Diversity in Skydiving • Online skydiving - Women in Skydiving • Colin Scott Thompson Youtube channel • Brian thinks the show needs a proper logo • Rai ODs on DnI • Craig made an app. It took him 10mins and he made £millions. • Brian likes another app HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests and advertisers. We also LOVE reading the reviews. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK FOLLOW US Instagram: Facebook: We hope you enjoy.
79 Pete Allum | FS & CP Competitor | Coaching Expert | Eternal Student
79 Pete Allum | FS & CP Competitor | Coaching Expert | Eternal Student
• Pete Allum talks FS, CP and all things Pete (1:01:50) • Dave Clarke Front Cover photo • Alan Foulkes-Williams Back Cover photo • Andy Ford submits some photos but is a better model, weirdly. • Cover photos sponsored by HB Camera Mount • Pete Allum's future proofing of our sport (2:30:45) • Dropzones to reopen soon? • ISC update • What's a Canopy Piloting Working Group? • Social media furore • British Skydiving wants to Ban Parachuting Altogether • New canopy downsizing regulations • Craig is the OG • Brian is living life in 3D • Tash adds another bow to her style • Rai gets eaten by her dog • Support from FlySight • Support from Indoor Wingsuit HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
78 Hans Donner | Advanced Instructor | Entrepreneur | BASE Accident
78 Hans Donner | Advanced Instructor | Entrepreneur | BASE Accident
• Hans Donner | Advanced Instructor | Entrepreneur | BASE Accident (1:16:20) • Hans starts a Big BASE Beanie company from his hospital bed • Dave Donnelly first jump story. wtf!!! (2:26:10) • Ali Woodhouse CYPRES save (3:07:01) • Pete Allum skydiving in 2050 (3:19:31) • Front Cover by Julia Schosser • Back Cover by Alex Janko • Support from HB Mount • Craig didn’t buy beer. • Dave Schwartz from Skydive Radio guest slot, damn he’s annoyingly intelligent • British Skydiving Expo didn’t happen but a Langar Zoogie did • Craig invests in new tech again. New mic now. • 15th Anniversary of the 400way world record. If only we knew someone cool enough to have been on it. • Craig gets out his 2006 World Team tracksuit, trainers and baseball cap out. Too cool. • Brian ran a quiz and 5ppl popped their reserve for points. • Rai got name checked at the ISC • Dave, the American, wants to know what a Chief Instructor is • Dave asks about kids growing up on the DZ. • Support from Indoor Wingsuit • Support from FlySight HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.
77 Karine Joly World Champ Freeflyer
77 Karine Joly World Champ Freeflyer
• Karine Joly World Champ Freeflyer • Front Cover by Ralph Wilhelms over Skydive Pink Klatovy • Back Cover by Emily Aucutt over Skydive Pink Klatovy • Cover photos sponsored by HB Mounts • Rich Grimm of Tsunami Skydivers Book Club • Karine explains how she keeps warm jumping in the winter • Wind Rose • Brian’s scariest moment of 2020 revealed and it isn’t what you expected… • Brian bought a camera and then dropped it. • Craig gushed over some skydiving tech • Russia is banned. World Champs to be discussed. • Dan BC Youtube channel • Twinwoods works so hard to get nowhere • iFly was kinda open • Crystal got married to Matt • Eloy Xmas Boogie Covid outbreak • Brian’s summer camps are sold out. Will they happen though? • Craig has a Big Base Beanie • Craig does it again. <shakes head> • Support from Indoor Wingsuit • Support from Flysight • Rai grows a person • Tash grows a yoga studio • Tash learns how to be an instructor in German • Brian’s online classes and gets quizzical HELP US SPREAD THE WORD
We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK
Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK
We hope you enjoy.
76 Autumn Lockdown Special
76 Autumn Lockdown Special
• Craig and Rai return for the lockdown • Ask The Expert with Sharon Harnoy-Pilcher (1h12m06) • Front Cover photo by Ewan Cowie of Vince Reffet • Back Cover photo of a “V for Vince” by Sherif Seif El Nasr • The skydiving world mourns the passing of Vince Reffet • Photo submissions from Ep77 onwards will win a 50% voucher for HB Mounts. Email us your best photo please. :-) • Rai flew in the wind tunnel, between feeding and nappy changes • Craig gets confused and thinks this is episode 75 • Brian has a Code Brown #poofessional • Dean Masters meme king • Skydive Portugal Black Friday deal • Indoor Wingsuit share offer (too late, sorry) • Flysight wingsuit tracks in cloud - oops • British Skydiving Expo cancelled • British Skydiving AGM will happen, somehow • British Skydiving election discussion • iFly patent discussion • There are no outtakes. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts. FEEDBACK Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK
We hope you enjoy.
75 Martin Soulsby and his BPA Controversy Handy Guide
75 Martin Soulsby and his BPA Controversy Handy Guide
• Martin Soulsby gives some background on recent BPA controversies • Martin is very diplomatic • Brian is disappointed as he wanted something juicy to boost download stats. • Bruno Brokken Front Cover Photo of a 4way over somewhere • BPA Good governance • Election Nov 2020 • Pilots Age Working Group • BPA Office upgrade (£250k well spent?) • Three BPA years in every 12 months • Reserve levels and large increase • Missed opportunities • Safety & Training Committee Restructure • British Skydiving restructure • Parachute Training Organisation Association • European Parachute Union • What’s a Royal Aero Club? • Council minutes provide too much detail • Personal threats and resilience • How did you lose your hair? • 2020 membership stats • Outdoor wind tunnel flying • Craig showers praise and ridicule equally • Rai makes a welcome return HELP US SPREAD THE WORD We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly subscribe. Especially if it's Apple Podcasts.
Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK
We hope you enjoy.
74 Grant Richards And His Gang Of DZ Owners
74 Grant Richards And His Gang Of DZ Owners
• Grant Richards, Chair of the Parachute Training Organisation Association • James LaBarrie interview on how to run an amazing boogie. • Martin Skrbel Front Cover of Pete Harries deploying • Brian pronounces his own name wrong. #amateur • Grant explains how the PTOA was born • PTOA: what, how, why, when, where • PTOA has almost all UK DZs signed up to it • Insurance stuff • CAA stuff • Grant talks about building a fleet of Caravans • Grant talks sub-committees of sub-committees • Brian wants a bigger cake • Grant also wants cake despite wearing tight lycra for this interview • Craig goes AWOL • Carlos goes AWOL • Support from Flysight
• Support from Indoor Wingsuit HELP US SPREAD THE WORD
We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly leave us a rating, a review and subscribe.
Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going. Record an audio message on your smart phone and send it, or a regular email, to [email protected] or put something on social using #RadioSkydiveUK
We hope you enjoy.
73 Bruno Brokken And His UK Photos
73 Bruno Brokken And His UK Photos
• Bruno Brokken, world class cameraflyer, XL interview • Bruno Brokken Front Cover Photo of Sian, Milko and Herman over the Blue Hole in Belize • Photos in Skydive The Mag, Aug 2020 edition • Bruno’s photo in the Alps • Bruno’s photo of a 100way multi-pointer • Bruno’s photo of a CF stack at sunset • Bruno’s photo of a Union Flag in coloured smoke over Skydive Netheravon • Bruno’s photo of a 16way chunk launching from a big helicopter • Bruno’s photo over of the Red Devils over the Tower of London • Bruno’s photo of Al and Pixie • Bruno’s photo of a multi-Herc jump • Bruno’s photo of Yves Rossy flying Calais-Dover • Bruno’s photo of the Maldives Boogie • Bruno’s photo of the Montserrat mountain and Milko and Dave • Support from Flysight • Support from Indoor Wingsuit TL:DR Bruno takes some photos and talks about them. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD
We’d love it if you could please share #RadioSkydiveUK with your social media followers. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If this episode rocked your boat, head on over to wherever you get your podcasts from and kindly leave us a rating, a review and subscribe. FEEDBACK
You can ask questions, make comments or record us some audio to use. Email [email protected] or put something on social. #RadioSkydiveUK We hope you enjoy.