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Episode 2: Social Media

Better On Blockchain

Release Date: 08/10/2021

Episode 6: Oracles show art Episode 6: Oracles

Better On Blockchain

In this final week of "Basics of Blockchain" (for now, at least), Chris and Jay demystify the role of oracles in the world of blockchain! We'll be returning to our typical format next week. Is there a topic you'd like us to discuss? Let us know on Twitter, Discord, or Reddit!

Episode 5: DAOs show art Episode 5: DAOs

Better On Blockchain

Better On Blockchain explores how companies or business models benefit from decentralization. In episode five, Reach CEO Chris Swenor and CTO Jay McCarthy indulge in a deep dive on DAOs!

Episode 4: NFTs show art Episode 4: NFTs

Better On Blockchain

Better On Blockchain explores how companies or business models benefit from decentralization. In episode four, Reach CEO Chris Swenor and CTO Jay McCarthy diverge from the format of previous episodes to dive deep into NFTs.

Episode 3: Office Suite show art Episode 3: Office Suite

Better On Blockchain

Better On Blockchain explores how companies or business models benefit from decentralization. In episode two, Reach CEO Chris Swenor and CTO Jay McCarthy discuss whether office suites like Office 365 and Google Workspace would be better served on blockchain.

Episode 2: Social Media show art Episode 2: Social Media

Better On Blockchain

Better On Blockchain explores how companies or business models benefit from decentralization. In episode two, Reach CEO Chris Swenor and CTO Jay McCarthy discuss whether social media platforms like Twitter would be better served on blockchain.

Episode 1: Ridesharing show art Episode 1: Ridesharing

Better On Blockchain

Better On Blockchain explores how companies or business models benefit from decentralization. In episode one, Reach CEO Chris Swenor and CTO Jay McCarthy discuss whether Uber's ridesharing platform would be better served on blockchain.

More Episodes

Better On Blockchain explores how companies or business models benefit from decentralization. In episode two, Reach CEO Chris Swenor and CTO Jay McCarthy discuss whether social media platforms like Twitter would be better served on blockchain.

SlideShare: https://bit.ly/3xFWVJ7

Read the Transcript: https://bit.ly/3s33Rz2
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/tm661mlLLhQ 
Read Medium Article: https://bit.ly/3lMrrip

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