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55 Turn the Arrows Inwards for Liberation with Niamh Cronin

Reality Hub

Release Date: 03/13/2022

75 RealityBites #16 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #7 75 RealityBites #16 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #7 "The Principle of Gender"

Reality Hub

Here we are at the final episode of this series! Just acknowledge it has been a while!  Welcome to the seventh and final episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. These teachings can be dated back 5000 years and is a branch of spiritual philosophy has influenced both Ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures! To recap we have introduced the Hermetic...

74 RealityBites #15 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #6 74 RealityBites #15 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #6 "The Principle of Cause and Effect"

Reality Hub

  Welcome to the sixth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. A 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion. My hope and intention with these series of podcasts is that you can become aware and familiar of how these principles show up in your own reality - and how you can best utilise, take...

73 RealityBites #14 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #5 “The Principle of Rhythm” show art 73 RealityBites #14 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #5 “The Principle of Rhythm”

Reality Hub

Welcome to the fifth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what...

72 RealityBites #13 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #4 “The Principle of Polarity” show art 72 RealityBites #13 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #4 “The Principle of Polarity”

Reality Hub

Welcome to the fourth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what...

71 RealityBites #12 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #3 “The Principle of Vibration” show art 71 RealityBites #12 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #3 “The Principle of Vibration”

Reality Hub

Welcome to the third episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what...

70 World drama and personal healing  with Penny, Rob and Steve show art 70 World drama and personal healing with Penny, Rob and Steve

Reality Hub

In todays episode Penny joins us remotely as we discuss heightening drama in the world (wars and unrest) and how it effects each of us on a deep level. We talk about our own healing journey and what it takes to be the change we want to see. Topics & Conversational Points: We are back at Browne St cafe! A remote podcast with Penny World events, media bombardment! Consciousness, what we feed our minds, social media detoxing Consuming vs creating Mental sovereignty is so important The “entity” of social media Tuning into our own inner wisdom Mainstream media, legacy media is collapsing?...

69 RealityBites #11 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #2 69 RealityBites #11 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #2 "The Principle of Correspondence"

Reality Hub

Welcome to the second episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what...

68 RealityBites #10 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #1 68 RealityBites #10 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #1 "The Principle of Mentalism"

Reality Hub

Welcome to the first episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what...

67 RealityBites #9 Coming Back Into 67 RealityBites #9 Coming Back Into "Holiness"

Reality Hub

  Welcome back to another episode of RealityBites! In this bite-sized episode we explore the idea of coming back to our wholeness or "holiness". Below is a list of topics to consider and that are covered in this episode! It’s no secret that mental health/wellness has become more and more prevalent as a topic of conversation - as we are bombarded by events playing out on the world stage and of course perpetuated by the media. In these times as we navigate so many of the changes we see happening / shifts etc the stress and pressure seems to be heightened. Is the huge dramas and conflicts...

66 RealityBites #8 Reclaiming Your Mental Sovereignty show art 66 RealityBites #8 Reclaiming Your Mental Sovereignty

Reality Hub

Welcome back to another RealityBites! In this bite-sized episode we explore the reclamation of our own personal mental sovereignty. Below is a list of topics to consider and that are covered in this episode! The effect of media on our consciousness at this time - the technical, internet of all things era. Could you step away from social media? How do we get programmed? The cultural narrative that plays out - our reliance on devices. Social conditioning. Addressing your mental well-being - what does that mean for you? All the social media platforms and channels are an entity. Handing over your...

More Episodes

55: Turn the Arrows Inwards for Liberation with Niamh Cronin, Writer, Mystic, Mentor 




“For you cannot teach someone who they already are, yet you can create a space for them to remember.” - Niamh Cronin


ORIGEN: “Embark on the primordial InnerQuest to unlock the full spectrum of your natural human intelligence and potential.” 



Niamh Cronin is a modern mystic, an international speaker, storyteller, facilitator and founder of ORI-GEN. She travels the world facilitating her work through workshops, events, retreats and online training. Her unique approach consists of utilising modern day transformational tools and ancient teachings and using the arts as a means of translation. Niamh provides a “space to remember” where you can embark on a self paced inner experiential journey into your body's natural intelligence and wisdom, to reconnect you to who you really are!


Join us as we connect with Niahm directly from Ibiza for our second mind expanding, fun and lighthearted chat! In this episode be prepared for a high level conversation of deep untangling and internal unravelling, where we turn the arrows inward for liberation and embark on the ultimate innerquest to know our true human nature and potential!! 

*Details for the upcoming INNER SPACE as mentioned in the podcast for April 2022, please see below: 


Application For INNER SPACE  - APRIL 2022

Thank you for expressing interest in our upcoming INNER SPACE: A 4 month Inner Immersion for High Impact Leaders and Individuals who desire to elevate their state, develop a high degree of inner self mastery and create space to realise their higher potential.


To be considered for our next intake in April 2022, please submit your application here and if successful Niamh will be in contact and share the next steps.

            Application form: https://c3bq4cnnt32.typeform.com/to/Fk9F7Peq


Todays Topics and Conversational points:

Welcome back Niahm! What a year it’s been!!

  • Big conversations and big questions
  • Where are you at, Niahm? Going through change
  • True liberation and potential at this time
  • An opportunity right now to realise our potential
  • Last time we spoke, the choice point and the grand splitting
  • Choosing the natural path
  • How free are we really?
  • Finding the learning and wisdom in the challenge
  • The process of acceptance 
  • AI vs the organic way
  • The agenda on steroids!
  • Being on the journey with it all and all that’s unfolding
  • Our perception of freedom is a shift in perception
  • Believing we are imprisoned or free?
  • Liberating our perception and liberating the inner reality
  • What does reality look like if you are truly free?
  • What does it mean to feel fully alive
  • The paradigm of fear and division 
  • The compromise of getting the V
  • The propaganda machine
  • Niahm’s epic escape!!
  • Niamh’s invitation to step out of the intellect
  • Are we becoming imprisoned in a hive mind? A hybrid mecca
  • Having a greater conversation through expansion 
  • Our multidimensional nature and setting intentional language
  • The limited matrix or an expanded conversation
  • Perhaps there’s a different way to relate to the matrix
  • The process to liberation is reconciling and coexisting with the matrix
  • A deep untangling that takes place in your heart
  • The ultimate refinement process 
  • The virus is designed to instruct the DNA to evolve
  • Seeing it as opportunity as expansion
  • There’s a physiological process to go through
  • Cultivating InnerSpace 
  • Be the wise warrior at this time 
  • Harnessing our light and potential, we are a bio computer
  • A catalyst for change depends where the individual is at
  • To know you have choice is to know we have freewill
  • The fear we encounter out in the world
  • The primal wound of acceptance
  • Feeling the fear and doing it anyway
  • Steve’s profound moment with the police
  • Working with natural law and saying a prayer
  • Taking a tangible experience to learn and grow from
  • Consciously shifting your focus out of the mind and into the heart
  • Shifting into a different vibrational space
  • We become the effect of the environment
  • Being subject to the will of a system or structure
  • We are still giving energy and feeding the system when operating from the mind
  • A practice that shifts our awareness out of the mind 
  • Choosing to create space and containers to remember our liberation
  • We are that powerful, we can shift and alchemise atoms, spirit and matter
  • We can shift potentials and probabilities, this is a mastery
  • InnerSpace and  the inner quest , a way of being 
  • Being intentional and living from that inner space
  • Materialising a new experience and you’re operating from a space beyond the system
  • Steve’s supermarket story 
  • Certain keys we can use like an actor
  • Being relaxed and having a normal human experience 
  • Where does your awareness reside?
  • The space you occupy in reality 
  • The conversation, the energy keeps wanting to bring us back to a dialectic 
  • Niamhs shift in innerspace practice of stillness 
  • Being present in our body
  • Creating a subtle shift and vibrational attunement
  • Getting caught up in my head and being human 
  • Rules and programming and the child analogy
  • Liberation is mental, physiological, emotional and energetic
  • Learning to shift our awareness from the mind to coherence to the heart 
  • We are the affect of the environment not the effect of the environment
  • We must learn to turn the arrows inwards
  • Rewiring the autonomous nervous system
  • External control vs mastering your innerspace
  • We become the effect of the environment 
  • Lived and learned memory and emotional memory triggers
  • Translating and transmuting emotions 
  • The path of the wise warrior, we cannot bypass the emotional and inner wounds
  • We need to become aware of unprocessed wounds or traumas 
  • We cannot bypass the emotional processing 
  • Creating a space to directly feel it for themselves
  • Simple process for micro moments and space 
  • The subtle orientation story 
  • We are connecting to a greater source of intelligence, neuroception 
  • Steve’s flashback story of playing Jack The Ripper
  • The shift of energy and attunement and the osmosis
  • Coming into your centre and being in your emotions
  • Neuroception and translating what you're’ feeling in this moment 
  • Developing a reference point and coherence between the heart and mind
  • Niahm’s quest and journey to finding the true intelligence and own synthesis 
  • My original blueprint 
  • The distillation can be simple and practical 
  • Coming into your centre of power 
  • Niamhs simple centering practice exercise
  • The force and the pendulum exercise
  • Niamh guides us through it!
  • Being the centre of your own universe 
  • Hopefully you are following along at home!!
  • Steve’s reaction and how it all went for him!
  • Aikido analogy from Niahm
  • Alchemising the imbalance in the world
  • Flowing with the force and letting it dissipate
  • Choosing to embrace the force and manoeuvring back into safety
  • Aikido master at retreat
  • Past lives and the body stores memory
  • Intuitive, extra-sensory and translating your genetic memory
  • Accessing other genetic memory, traits and abilities
  • Moving in out of space time
  • Innerspace and remembering our potential
  • Infinite movie
  • Is the moon hollow? Hollywood and movies hiding truth in plain sight
  • The orientation practice 
  • We always need to be oscillating and knowing where our awareness resides
  • Playing with reality, reality is malleable 
  • The Matrix and being an infinite creator being
  • Achieving time slowing down
  • Natural born intuitive, clairvoyant and clairsentient 
  • Spontaneous time slowing down and reality shifting with her clients
  • See through particles and atoms, reality merging 
  • Our multidimensional self
  • Doctor Strange 
  • Awakening and stepping into our potential
  • Dreamtime, no time, bi locating
  • Merging with the morphogenic field of a place or location
  • Translating multi-dimensional layers and more of our world
  • Safety and feeling physically safe in your body
  • Cultivating safety in Innerspace, a multi sensory process (1:25:16)
  • As we awaken we expand our awareness but we need the tools to master it
  • We need to have safety in our nervous system to hold the expansion
  • Learning the hard way and the quest to awaken and being harmony with our nervous system
  • What does a burnout feel like? Self paced journey
  • Cultivating space and time 
  • Thinking in terms of linear time
  • Playing with time and space and achieving lifetimes of growth in months
  • Love at first sight
  • Love is a reflection of energy divided by time
  • Connection and energy into a relationship
  • Netflix show “Love Is Blind”
  • Dating in pods! An experiment in falling in love
  • Fast emotional connections leading to a real connection
  • Preconceived beliefs and real chemistry
  • Liberating ourselves during the conversation
  • Creating space for perception shifts 
  • Many ways to liberate ourselves at this time
  • Magical experiences on the podcast 
  • Taking responsibility for creating our life and embodying it 
  • Having real and tangible experiences
  • Rob’s getting fired up!
  • Feeling alive and playfulness
  • Changing your perception of reality
  • Love is the most powerful energy 
  • Being touched by life
  • Love Is For Ever
  • A beautiful and rare synergy
  • Spaces and places
  • We carry so much distortion around how we translate emotions 
  • Ancestral memory and unlocking our original genetic blueprint
  • I was at one with the universe!! Samadhi moment
  • Can we recreate peak moments and experiences?
  • Having reference points, not from the books!
  • Flash moments and epiphanies 
  • Observations from the space in Origen
  • Spontaneous insights and cultivation of safety in the nervous system
  • Tapping into the probability of potential
  • We liberated ourselves!!!
  • Is it too much to ask to have amazing moments all the time?
  • There’s always a natural expansion and contraction 
  • Our relationship with the contraction is distorted
  • Opening up wormholes of conversation
  • Life is as volatile as Bitcoin!!
  • Crypto for chicks!
  • Expanding into the metaverse 
  • Firstly we should be curious about expanding into our human nature
  • This is a mirror, a reflection back to us, a universe within us
  • The AI and tech universe 
  • All life and all things are spiritual 
  • Spiritualism is contained in all things 
  • Understanding our human nature, dualistic approach
  • The path to wholeness is a synthesis the embodiment of all facets 
  • What’s right and wrong? Coming back to inner reality
  • Being in right relationship and occupying the space in it
  • It comes back to where are you resourcing your power?
  • It all comes back to Innerspace 
  • To create a space to have a direct experience of their potential
  • Liberation is only possible if we have a direct experience of it
  • We are spiritual beings having a physical experience
  • Finding out more about Niahms work and Innerspace & Origen 
  • www.origen.earth
  • Thanks again Niamh!!!                                                                     

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following Reality Hub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website http://www.realityhub.love/ where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!