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64 RealityBites #7 What's Your Relationship to Emotions?

Reality Hub

Release Date: 06/21/2023

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Reality Hub

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Reality Hub

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Reality Hub

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Reality Hub

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Reality Hub

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Reality Hub

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Reality Hub

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Reality Hub

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Reality Hub

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Thanks so much for tuning in to another bite sized, espresso shot of reality! In this episode we chat about our relationship to our emotions...

Below are some organic notes for this episode which cover the topics covered.

RealityBites #6 What’s Your Relationship to Emotions?

When we talk about relationships the intimate/romantic ones come to mind, but we are in relationship to everything.

Yes with other people, with the physical environment our reality.

But I’d say the most important relationship we can ever have is to our self.

How well do we know thy self?

Yes we need connection, we are social creatures and we develop our first bonds with our parents etc.

We are tribal by nature and learn so much in relationship to other people, and we often attract those people who will help facilitate our evolutionary growth through reflecting and illuminating back to us those things that require healing, our resolution.

But back to our relationship to self and in particular to our emotions, our emotional body…our emotional intelligence.

We are of course feeling beings -  energy in motion

We are guided so much by our internal emotional compass…how often do we really make decisions from how we feel as opposed to what we think?

One of the biggest realisations I’ve made recently after exploring more my own relationship to my emotions is how I favour the positive ones over the negative.

As we know we live in a contrasting universe..

We are often taught to focus on the positive and neglect the negative, because we are not supposed to feel bad or when growing up we were told that feeling bad or down or sad was not good, so we carry that traumatic imprint…it’s like the inner child didn’t feel safe to express fully how they felt, they always had to be the good kid, the perfect kid to gain approval from the parent.

The problem is we then carry this suppressed emotion our emotional body or nervous system and it never had a chance to be resolved, expressed, completed-  weve used the coping mechanism of not expressing how we truly feel as a survival mechanism.

So what ive come to realise is that all feelings are valid, even sacred as the are the natural expression of being human.

It’s ok to feel whatever feeling that arises…its how the body naturally processes that innate part of our selves.

And then theres the spiritual bypassing…whereby especially in the new age methodology’s we are taught that we need to raise our vibration, our frequency..

That we always need to focus on the positive, to neglect the negative ones…in my experience this rarely if ever works as it bypasses the importance, to validate that we are in fact sad, anxious repressed..we have a whole industry that tells us to medicate, soothe and numb those feelings as though they are inadequte, which dis embodies us from our true nature…let alone all the distractions offered up through technology and media which further disconnects us from our body wisdom only feeding the cognitive mind.

Accept being human, and all your emotions…

If you have an addiction to being positive, chasing the bliss, even when you’re feeling sad, you are in effect saying , “ I shouldn’t be feeling this way”…which only makes you suffer more- maybe the sadness, the depression , the anxiety is your body call for help, it has a message for you…so It s so important to reconnect and attune back into your felt senses

The negative emotions are never the problem, its the suffering, the way we neglect that part of ourself - no wonder we feel fragmented, disconnected to life, the world, but most importantly to self.

So, what’s your relationship to your emotions? I recommend becoming curious and taking the time, go on a walk and tune in..and just accept and be with whatever you feel in any given moment…become more present and aware with what your emotions are telling you.

Remember that all emotions are sacred, and valuable and carry deep wisdom for us!

Being human means accepting and embracing the full spectrum of the human experience.

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