Redeem Media
Pastor Josh continues to teach on Revelations and shares the importance of the truth and love of God revealed in Revelation chapter 2.
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Pastor Josh teaches on the first vision revealed to John the Apostle and the importance of having a clear vision of who Jesus is in our lives
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In this sermon we cover the prologue of the book of Revelation.
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In this sermon we kick off a new series on the book of Revelation.
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In this sermon we look at Paul's instructions to exchange anxiety for prayer.
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In this sermon we evaluate the meaning of being reasonable with everyone.
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Paul exhorts the Philippians to Joy and Peace in Christ.
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In this sermon we look at the book of Zechariah under the theme "Return to me and I will return to you."
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In this sermon we talk about why Christians believe that God became a human being without ceasing to be God.
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How can people become believers in Christ in a world of unbelief?
info_outlinePastor Josh wraps up his series on Exodus and preaches on the attributes of God.