Legislative Insights - Past, Present and Future of Florida’s CRAs
Release Date: 02/09/2021
Redevelopment Works
In 1949, the United States enacted the Housing Act to address the decline in urban housing. Fast forward to 1969 and the Florida Redevelopment Act was passed so local governments throughout the state could create community redevelopment agencies and address slum and blight. During the first episode of 2021, the Redevelopment Works podcast takes a deep dive into the past, present and future of Florida’s redevelopment efforts.
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COVID-19 has disrupted all industries including redevelopment practice in Florida. During this episode, we explore how Coronavirus has impacted Florida’s redevelopment efforts and its professionals. FRA’s executive director, Amber Hughes and guest speaker, Kelley Klepper discuss the challenges we have faced as well as opportunities to help adequately prepare for the future of redevelopment.
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As of October 1, 2019, CRAs in Florida must follow the procurement policies of creating local government. During this episode of the Redevelopment Works podcast, we will take a deep dive into purchasing rules and regulations as well as how new statutes align with the other requirements already applicable to CRAs. Clifford B. Shepard is Board Certified by The Florida Bar in City, County and Local Government Law.
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The legal process in Chapter 163, Part III for disposal of property is unclear at best. The language can be read several ways, and there is important guidance missing in any Florida statutes. City and CRA attorneys have come up with suggested language to help, but it has not been adopted by the legislature. What can local government attorneys do in the meantime? We are seeking knowledge by attorneys who have successfully completed the disposal process in a CRA.
info_outlineIn 1949, the United States enacted the Housing Act to address the decline in urban housing. Fast forward to 1969 and the Florida Redevelopment Act was passed so local governments throughout the state could create community redevelopment agencies and address slum and blight. During the first episode of 2021, the Redevelopment Works podcast takes a deep dive into the past, present and future of Florida’s redevelopment efforts. Join FRA’s executive director, Amber Hughes and guest speaker, Ryan Matthews as they examine the history of redevelopment, how it has changed our landscape and how it shapes our future.
About the Speaker: Ryan Matthews of Peebles, Smith & Matthews, has extensive experience in local, state and federal government advocacy. He previously served as the associate legislative director for the Florida League of Cities and focuses his practice on general utilities (electric/water/wastewater), environmental, transportation, telecommunications, growth management and local government representation.