Red Transmissions Podcast
Thomas Pogue is a poet from Texas, currently residing in Scandinavia. He is also a collaborator of Red Door. Listen to his story and current adventures on this episode of Red Transmissions.
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Eliot Carinaux is a poet, composer, improviser, and pianist from Ohio, US. He is the founder of The Bodily Press through which he has released the works of others, as well as several of his own chapbooks & CDs. Learn more at:
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Time to prepare for a new round of interviews. Winter is for writing and reflecting... see you in the spring with new content!
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As part of ARTIVAL RE:CONNECT, a Nordic multilingual cultural festival spearheaded by IMMART, Red Transmissions Podcast presents writer, producer and director Vladislav Nenchev. Vladislav Nenchev is a part-time human, with a mild compulsion for over-analysis. Vladislav writes short pieces of fiction that explore the fault line between knowledge and emotions, tackling restless questions like: How do we feel? Why? How to use it for better, than for worse? Where the hell are my glasses? Vladislav Nenchev is a part of the following creative collectives: – a member of Helsinki Writers’...
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Yemi Butterman is a Nigerian Poet and Narrative Fiction Author who finds solace in all forms of creative symphonies. His love for life is intertwined with a deep interest in literature, culture, and social issues.Yemi is the author of and , his first two published works of fiction that have ignited a profound sense of wonder about language as an end to justifying the disregard of migrants' potential within the Nordic world. Driven by curiosity, Yemi continues to challenge the notion of "rightness" and "truth," through storytelling, engaging themes such...
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Ukrainian actor, scriptwriter and songwriter Elena Sophya shares an intimate narration of the challenges and experiences faced in recent months which led to her relocation in London, where she now continues to seek fulfillment of her dreams as an artist.
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Concerned with the subjects of space, community and possibilities of meeting, interacting and existing in different environments, performance Artist, Director, Writer, Lecturer and Artistic Researcher Andreas Liebmann shares his current projects and practices.
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Swedish journalist, critic and literary coordinator Mats Granberg joined the Red transmissions podcast during Tranås at the Fringe to talk about the points of connection that make a good conversation, a good interview, and most importantly, a good book.
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Social poet, cultural organizer and producer Petri Tähtinen speaks to the Red Transmissions podcast from Kirjan Talo / Bokens Hus in Turku, Finland, about the opportunities for publishers and writers in the country, and the new alliance being formed through the Nordic region by poets, publishers and cultural organizers wishing to document and highlight the diversity of voices and contemporary Nordic cultural landscape.
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Multilingual, multicultural, and full of passion for literature, a 24 year old Francis North shares with us his story, cultural involvement, influences, what moves him and the concepts that are threading his 3rd book, coming up in 2023.
info_outlinePost-Icelandic performer and flamboyant protozoan, flag-bearer of the Ginnungastefna movement and laureate poet who lives under your bed Elias Knorr spoke to the Red Transmissions Podcast on translation, poetry, and hunting for ideas through neurological forests of uncertainty.
Considered one of the three most representative authors of modern Icelandic poetry by UK Poetry review. Multilingual author, he’s won the Premio Afundación, biggest Galician poetry competition, with his book "Bazar de Traidores". "Sjóarinn með morgunhestana undir kjólnum" has been studied at the Literature Department of Iceland’s National University. His poem "Þegar ég datt í dúnalogn" was selected for Jahrbuch der Lyrik 2021. His short anthology "Paid in lilies" was chosen as one of the best poetry-books of 2019 in English by
His work is based on the possibilities of words and in the search for new voices, completely external to the author. When in live, he sings and performs poetry.