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Episode 31  The Power of Belief- Ice Cream and Sugar Pills show art Episode 31 The Power of Belief- Ice Cream and Sugar Pills

A Crash Course in Miracles

The Power of our beliefs and where and how to change them.

Episode 30  To Die a Thousand Deaths? show art Episode 30 To Die a Thousand Deaths?

A Crash Course in Miracles

We look again at what is valuable and what is of no value at all in relationships.

Episode 29  Complete me, dammit! show art Episode 29 Complete me, dammit!

A Crash Course in Miracles

Episode 29 is about falling in love under the ego spell, how that works out,  and how we wake up.  In essence, we make the mistake of looking to another person to complete us.  The course teaches that we are already complete and need only remember this to awaken.  What this means is, instead of looking to our loved one to make us feel whole, save, complete and perfect, we look to God, the eternal, the unchanging, the unchangeable, our true identity.  The Holy Spirit coaches us on how to do this.  In short, we learn to value most our relationship to God.  Only...

Episode 34  I HATE BP  show art Episode 34 I HATE BP

A Crash Course in Miracles

What we might learn from the BP diaster. "Projection MAKES perception, and you CANNOT see beyond it.... God calls you and you do not hear, for you are preoccupied with your own voice." "...Projection makes perception; the world you see is what you GAVE it, nothing more than that. But, though it is no more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you, it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive. Therefore, seek not to change the world, but will to change your mind ABOUT the world. Perception is a...

Episode 33 Long Time No See show art Episode 33 Long Time No See

A Crash Course in Miracles

Second installment from the Santa Fe Tapes.  Funny, irreverent discussion.  New author Carrie Triffet, with authors Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira, discusses on her her path from Buddhism to  ACIM, and her new book on the Course, Long Time No See. 

Episode 28  Perception is a Mirror show art Episode 28 Perception is a Mirror

A Crash Course in Miracles

How your Fear Projector worksPerception is a mirror, not a fact.

Episode 35  Tomas Vieira show art Episode 35 Tomas Vieira

A Crash Course in Miracles

From the Take Me To Truth e-Newsletter: Tomas Vieira has Passed but he Remains as a Light of this World Many of our friends knew that Tomas chose a conscious journey to learn Jesus’ “development of trust” (manual for Teachers, ACIM). He chose to go all the way and did so recently, through the illusion of cancer. He laid his dream body aside at 2am on the Sabbath, being Sunday Dec. 5th 2010. We invite you all to join with us at this time in celebrating LIFE and not the illusion of death. Tomas is committed to exposing the lie that death is…we welcome you to unite with us as the one...

Episode 27  Take Me To Truth II show art Episode 27 Take Me To Truth II

A Crash Course in Miracles

Another great session with Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira, authors of the bestsellling Course book, Take Me To Truth, as they join our course group.

Episode 26 The Great Projection show art Episode 26 The Great Projection

A Crash Course in Miracles

Projection makes perception...Perception is a mirror not a fact...Behold the great projection.If all is love, how could there be this world of non-love The Course calls "the Dream of Death?"  If there is this world of non-love, how could there be an all-loving God?  There is either no God or no world.  Here we offer a bit more evidence from The Course (an idea known as non-dualism) that it could be the world that isn't real...

Episode 25 The Circumstances are Irrelevant  show art Episode 25 The Circumstances are Irrelevant

A Crash Course in Miracles

Introducing the ego-tronix 200!See recent video and audio episodes for background.

More Episodes

Second installment from the Santa Fe Tapes.  Funny, irreverent discussion.  New author Carrie Triffet, with authors Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira, discusses on her her path from Buddhism to  ACIM, and her new book on the Course, Long Time No See.