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Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism and the United Nations Gambit

The Peace Revolution Podcast (Archive Stream 2006-Present)

Release Date: 05/04/2015

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The Peace Revolution Podcast (Archive Stream 2006-Present)

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More Episodes

Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism and the United Nations Gambit


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Reference Map to Episode 088


Introductory Montage

1.       Warren Buffett / AI will decide who lives and dies

2.       McLuhan / Medium is the Message

3.       Barney Miller / Tambor + theme song

4.       Rosa Koire / Brzezinski

5.       UN 1972

6.       Rockefeller U.N. founding

7.       Cronkite / Pay your UN dues

8.       Dacy UNIDIR

9.       1972 pollution

10.   Rosa Koire / Agenda 21

11.   McLuhan 1 global village

12.   UN conf 3 population control

13.   David Rockefeller population control

14.   Koire / Population Control

15.   Dacy / U.N. wants to collect and destroy small arms

16.   Napolitano 1 individual rights

17.   Dacy / U.N. 29a

18.   Cronkite anarchy

19.   McLuhan 2 global village

20.   Dick Gregory / Rodney King

21.   Koire / Defining the NWO

22.   Lee Camp MOC

23.   Dick Gregory / Wire tapping

24.   Napolitano 1a

25.   Veon PPP 2

26.   McLuhan 3 / Collectivism

27.   Hillary PPP dept state aspen cocacola

28.   Koire / PPP = Fascism

29.   Veon / World Fed

30.   Cronkite world federalism

31.   Adam Curtis / Fuck You Buddy

32.   Koire / Delphi Technique

33.   Hillary Cronkite

34.   Rosa Koire / Why would anyone do that?

35.   On government land

36.   Veon PPP sample

37.   Koire / community vs individual

38.   Rachel Maddow / 9-11 comic book

39.   Hillary Al Qaeda

40.   Dick Gregory / Hillary + Mena

41.   “they are the ones you should be arresting” Barney Miller Trilateral Commission

42.   Rachel Maddow / Infowars Conspiracy Theory

43.   Koire / Sophisticated warfare

44.   Veon 2 U.N. great Britain

45.   Dacy / UN summary cockroaches

46.   Barney Miller Destroys David Rockefeller

47.   Barney Miller “world government” quote

48.   Napolitano 2 presidents

49.   Ben Swann Militarization of Police

50.   Adam Curtis / Bing Crosby Freedom

51.   Dacy 2 / 2nd amendment for freedom

52.   Veon central banks / UN

53.   Dacy / UN 1961 disarmament

54.   Koire / you are the resistance

a.    D Gregory / know who you are

56.  Richards Introductory Monologue

57.  Rosa Koire Agenda discussing 21, interviewed in Denmark by Age of Truth TV

58.  Caravan to midnight #260: John B. Wells interviews Patrick Wood on Technocracy

59.  Joan Veon: Is one world govt coming?

60.  Stanley Monteith with Michael Shaw/ Speaking of Agenda 21

61.  1972 United Nations Environmental Commission video

62.  PBS American Experience: Rockefellers documentary (pts 1&2)

63.  Nelson Rockefeller / History Channel

64.  Walter Cronkite accepts World Federalist Global Governance Award (in its entirety so you have full context)

65.  Marshall McLuhan The medium is message lecture

66.  Bob Dacy documents the timeline of UN disarmament agenda for America

67.  Hidden influence documentary by Richard Heathen

68.  Dick Gregory 911: The America Too Few Know About

69.  The Trap- F*ck you buddy (A*am C*rtis)

Would You Like to Know More?

See also:

Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking