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Sustainability and Global Citizenship, with Nicole Swedlow

Expat Family Connection

Release Date: 09/14/2020

You Are Changing the World, with David LaMotte show art You Are Changing the World, with David LaMotte

Expat Family Connection

Sometimes we lose track of how we impact those around us. Recognizing our power to effect change can be very uplifting. David says,  “Thinking you can fix the world is totally naive. But it's not naive to think you can change it. We change it all the time, whether we like it or not.” Then it’s up to us to know when and how to engage with others who hold vastly different viewpoints. In this episode we talk about  Why so much patience is required when “returning” from abroad; How to know when others have the bandwidth to hear what we have to say; What a peaceful society...

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Expat Family Connection

Do you like the idea of built-in community and connection combined with plenty of privacy? Do you wish your children had freedom to play outside and with neighborhood friends at any time? Do you want to retire in a country with low cost of living, gorgeous weather and deliciously fresh, healthy food? Then it's worth your time to learn more about Greek Village Cohousing. “It's really for anyone who is drawn to community. That's what it comes down to. If you have a desire to be in greater connection with other people and connection with the land, then cohousing is for you.” Learn What...

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Expat Family Connection

As TCKs (and adults) work through the complex issues of identity, place and belonging, it can be really hard to express what’s going on inside. We may need an expanded vocabulary. We may need permission to be outside of prescribed standards. “When we use creativity and tell our stories in creative ways, it opens up a different way of processing. It helps us to get past the expectations we have for ourselves.” In this episode we talk about How telling their own stories helps TCKs connect with others; Why practicing telling their own stories is important even for families who are great...

Tips for Goodbyes show art Tips for Goodbyes

Expat Family Connection

Saying goodbye is unfortunately a staple of expat life. For me it’s the worst part of living abroad. I was recently asked, “Do you have any tips for a teen who resists saying goodbye?” Here’s my expanded answer. The tips I share here are relevant for adults as well as children, whether you’re the one leaving or staying. I talk about Being in denial; The normal process of disengaging; Honoring different styles; Prompts to help those who aren’t sure how or what to say;  and more. RESOURCES mentioned in the episode:  Check out the I’ve put together for you. Simple tips...

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Expat Family Connection

Theatre gives kids a chance to relax and express themselves -- and explore new ways of being -- outside the boundaries of classroom rules or societal expectations.  “When they're in a very safe environment, like a theater class, they feel very relaxed because it's not like the general classroom environment. They also don't know what to expect, so it is a bit of a surprise. It's a safe place. It's a social place.” Theatre helps develop language and communication skills, resilience in stressful situations, and acceptance of people from different backgrounds. We also talk about Being...

Craft Your Story with Purpose, with Christine Taylor show art Craft Your Story with Purpose, with Christine Taylor

Expat Family Connection

Christine’s story of unresolved grief started in her teen years, but she didn’t start unpacking it until over 25 years later. Her story has come full circle, as she now helps women in transition tell their stories. She shares the power of knowing and telling her own story, and how stories help us connect with people. “I had really boxed it up and put it away and not looked at it for many, many, many years. Until I started to realize what an impact it had on me, and my ability to just be myself with people, and to talk to people and let them see me -- and allow me to see them.” We also...

Reclaim Agency through Storytelling, with Kate Jetmore show art Reclaim Agency through Storytelling, with Kate Jetmore

Expat Family Connection

When we feel disoriented, such as when living in another culture, hearing stories from real people who’ve been through similar experiences has a stabilizing effect. Creating space for people to tell their stories is a powerful way we can give them agency.  “Lending an ear is one of the most powerful gifts we can give to another person. And what we're giving to them is … power. So often it's another person who’s defining us. But when we can choose the words and share with the world who we are, what we've been through, at our own pace and in our own tone, we reclaim a sense of...

Creating Life Mosaics show art Creating Life Mosaics

Expat Family Connection

Most of us could use a little help in telling our life stories, especially as our lives get further outside standard categories. This episode kicks off a series on storytelling, with a hands-on, easy activity I’ve developed, inspired by the artform of mosaics. It’s a way to look at all the good and bad, all the ugly and beautiful, a way to take all your “broken” pieces and mis-matched bits, and fit them together in a meaningful design. RESOURCES mentioned in the episode:    for connection and social support RATHER READ? I’ve got you covered with a . ENJOYED THIS EPISODE? ...

You're Invited to TCKCon show art You're Invited to TCKCon

Expat Family Connection

This is a short message bringing you some updates, an invitation, and a story. All teen Third Culture Kids and their parents are invited to join a free conference. Socialize with other TCKs, learn from professional speakers, and have the chance to share your own experiences in this community building event. Also in this episode: what else I've been up to ways to connect a personal story that illustrates why I do this work. RESOURCES mentioned in the episode:  TCKCon, a free conference for teen Third Culture Kids and their parents, via Zoom on April 24 from 10:30am-12:30pm EDT - If you...

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Expat Family Connection

Did you know? Your job satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) can reveal deep patterns that might be holding you back. Figuring that out is a little like realizing you keep ending up with the same bad boyfriend time after time. Renata tells us why working on your resume is the absolute last part of the puzzle when looking for a job, shifting direction or starting your own thing.  RESOURCES mentioned in the episode:  - Join Renata February 8-12, 2021 12-week group program starts March 1 - with a special bonus for those who sign up by February 15.  to start a conversation and find...

More Episodes

How can you help your children solve the world’s complex problems? One way to start is to bring sustainability education to educators throughout the world. This is the mission of Compass Education.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein

In this episode we answer questions like, what IS sustainability? What is systems thinking? Does it matter what we as individuals do, or is it really up to big corporations and governments to make lasting change for good?

Nicole says,

“When we really begin to think about sustainability in this big way, when people finally get it, it's kind of like a weight comes off their shoulders. Because it gives us permission to look at everything we value and care about, and not in siloed ways. I think that's the powerful outcome that a really broad approach to sustainability can have for transformational change in our lives, our communities, our schools, our world.”

We talk about 

  • The power and agency we ALL have
  • Common mistakes when trying to make change
  • Why reflection is so important

and more.

RESOURCES mentioned in the episode: 

Compass Education’s course "Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable World: A Systems Thinking Approach to Global Citizenship" begins September 21. Note: Nicole has offered to any non-educators who wish to take the course that she will step in as your 1-1 mentor to reframe the material to your own context.

Article: You Stream, I Stream - How a data diet can make for a greener world

The Nature Conservancy - one organization helping consumers evaluate business sustainability practices

Ellen MacArthur Foundation - a good resource on circular economy

TedTalk by Per Espen Stoknes: How to Transform Apocalypse Fatigue into Action on Global Warming 


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Nicole Swedlow, Executive Director Compass Education, Compass Trainer

Nicole has spent most of her professional career working at the nexus of community, education and sustainability in her role as Founder/Director of the nonprofit organization Entreamigos, located in San Francisco, Mexico. This international non profit has been widely recognized for its innovative approach to addressing globalization/tourism and community development in a systemic and equitable way that empowers community members as agents for positive change. In 2016-2019, Nicole joined the team at the American School of Puerto Vallarta to support their interest in developing their sustainability and service outreach initiatives. The American School of Puerto Vallarta was awarded the Tie-Care, Tri-Association Award for Global Leadership in recognition of this work. Currently working as an independent consultant, she is passionate about helping schools and businesses integrate sustainable principles with a strategic, inclusive and conscious approach. 

Nicole’s work in nonprofit leadership and sustainability has been recognized by the United Nations, as a finalist for the Global Equator Initiative, as a breakout speaker for the World Economic Forum, and by the Dalai Lama, as a 2014 Unsung Hero of Compassion.

CONNECT with Nicole Swedlow and Compass Education:

Nicole says, “We’re actively looking for volunteers or interns interested in contributing to our organization in graphic design and wordpress design as we begin to transition all of our work to an online platform.”

Email Nicole

Compass Education website

Hashtag #compassonline

Compass Education course "Thinking and Learning for a Sustainable World: A Systems Thinking Approach to Global Citizenship” runs September 21 - November 7, 2020.


Kim Adams is an American raising three daughters along with her math-teaching husband of 20 years. She loves photography, reading, thunderstorms, walking on the beach, camping where there are no bugs, and has a weakness for mint chocolate chip ice cream. 

To set up a conversation with Kim to learn how she can support you, go to ResilientExpats.com/Adapt and hit “Apply Now.”



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