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Maritime Innovation Podcast: Smart Ports

Royal HaskoningDHV Podcast

Release Date: 03/06/2023

Levende Lerende Netwerken: Resonantie maken (deel 3) show art Levende Lerende Netwerken: Resonantie maken (deel 3)

Royal HaskoningDHV Podcast

Samenwerken doe je met al je zintuigen. Luisteren, zien, voelen, afstemmen, deel van een geheel worden, je eigen bijdrage met die van anderen verbinden. Dat zorgt voor aanstekelijke resonantie; dat creëert beweging.

Levende Lerende Netwerken: Leidende principes (deel 2) show art Levende Lerende Netwerken: Leidende principes (deel 2)

Royal HaskoningDHV Podcast

Leiderschap ontstaat uit samenspel in een bewegende groep. Het functioneren van een levend lerend netwerk kan je vergelijken met het functioneren van een (beuken)bos: hoe diverser, complexer het bos, hoe stabieler het is, hoe gemakkelijker het kan bestaan. Over de betekenis van onzichtbare verbindingen.

Levende Lerende Netwerken: Energie vanuit Verbintenis | deel 1 show art Levende Lerende Netwerken: Energie vanuit Verbintenis | deel 1

Royal HaskoningDHV Podcast

Intermenselijk contact is de energiemotor van een levend lerend netwerk. Over wederzijdse afhankelijkheid: hoe trouw aan jezelf, aan de ander én aan het geheel van nature samengaan.

Maritime Innovation Podcast: Smart Ports show art Maritime Innovation Podcast: Smart Ports

Royal HaskoningDHV Podcast

Get up to speed with some of the ground-breaking projects taking UK ports by storm.

Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 9: When science meets instinct: improving port safety and operational efficiency through innovation show art Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 9: When science meets instinct: improving port safety and operational efficiency through innovation

Royal HaskoningDHV Podcast

From a seed of innovation planted over a decade ago by a young engineer, a solution has flourished that provides port Harbour Masters with actionable insights to keep their staff, visitors and vessels safe during mooring operations

Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 8: Hope in the dunes: a shared vision for climate resilience and the built environment show art Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 8: Hope in the dunes: a shared vision for climate resilience and the built environment

Royal HaskoningDHV Podcast

When the vital coastal defence near the village of Katwijk in the Netherlands needed strengthening, the local municipality saw an opportunity to unite the plans with their desire to reduce parked cars on the village’s streets. The result is a world-first project that showcases how integrated collaboration can seamlessly combine what may at first seem like very different goals – climate resilience and placemaking.  Like this episode? Follow us and stay tuned for future stories of how we are 

Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 7: Marker Wadden: The Making of a bird paradise show art Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 7: Marker Wadden: The Making of a bird paradise

Royal HaskoningDHV Podcast

Silt, mud and sand can dampen ecosystems in freshwater lakes. Is it possible to improve the water quality and build new havens for wildlife and visitors alike at the same time?   In the Markermeer in the Netherlands, a one-of-a-kind project provided an answer – as engineers, NGOs, and volunteers raised islands from once murky waters, helping transform vast lake in more ways than one…   Dive deeper into their story today. Like this episode? Follow us and stay tuned for future stories of how we are Are you looking for a new perspective? Get in contact with . 

Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 6: How do you embed an integrated approach to climate resilience across India?  show art Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 6: How do you embed an integrated approach to climate resilience across India?

Royal HaskoningDHV Podcast

How do you embed an integrated approach to climate resilience across India – a country of over one billion people – when there’s no centralised planning or previous best practise to follow? The answer lies in bold collaboration and having the courage to do things differently… Like this episode? Follow us and stay tuned for future stories of how we are Are you looking for a new perspective? Get in contact with . 

Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 5: Good Vibrations - Enabling high quality eye surgery on top of a parking garage show art Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 5: Good Vibrations - Enabling high quality eye surgery on top of a parking garage

Royal HaskoningDHV Podcast

Is it possible to perform eye surgery on top of a parking garage? This was the question that the Reinier de Graaf Hospital faced when they looked to expand their facilities above their parking garage. The collaboration forged to make it happen brought together surgeons, engineers, and scientists – in a journey to realise a healthcare vision for the Delft region. Listen to a story of vibrations, ingenuity and innovation… Like this episode? Follow us and stay tuned for future stories of how we are Are you looking for a new perspective? Get in contact with . 

Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 4: You can’t stop nature in its tracks – climate resilience in Japan show art Shifting Perspectives Series | Episode 4: You can’t stop nature in its tracks – climate resilience in Japan

Royal HaskoningDHV Podcast

When the strongest typhoon to hit Japan in 25 years struck Kansai International Airport, it became the catalyst for a collaboration that crossed borders; and showcased the need for diverse and integrated approaches to climate mitigation and resilience.  Like this episode? Follow us and stay tuned for future stories of how we are Are you looking for a new perspective? Get in contact with .

More Episodes

Get up to speed with some of the ground-breaking projects taking UK ports by storm.